Chapter 661
Because Sheng Baichen has been targeted by Chu Jiuge.

The feeling of being locked in and unable to escape made Sheng Baichen feel cold in his heart.

He said: "Chu Jiuge, if you dare to take my life, my father will not let you go."

"It's as if I'm killing you for the first time. I'm not afraid of being retaliated by the Wuya Temple of Heaven. After all, I have already experienced it!" Chu Jiuge chuckled.

Sheng Baichen's face could be as ugly as it wanted, and Chu Jiuge was so unscrupulous, he knew that this bold woman would do what she said.

"Hoo!" Her arrow flew out.

Sheng Baichen dodged quickly. Although Chu Jiuge's arrow was very dangerous and powerful, he could not accept his fate.

"Pfft!" The arrow pierced through his left shoulder, and blood spilled onto the snow.

His complexion changed drastically, and he was about to use the last bottle of holy medicine to heal his wounds, when another arrow struck him.

"Pfft!" The arrow Chu Jiuge accurately hit Sheng Baichen's heart.

Sheng Baichen's pupils shrank sharply, and the bottle of holy medicine also rolled out.

"You... how dare you?" Sheng Baichen felt his blood being swallowed by a force.

Chu Jiuge walked over and picked up the holy medicine. He was very interested in the medicine that could make the devouring power of the blood arrow disappear. Maybe it can be improved to be effective against the evil spirit's poison.

"Sheng Baichen, I know you won't die, but let me advise you. You'd better hide in Wu Ya Tian in the future, otherwise you won't have to die again soon." Chu Jiuge said.

"Go to hell! Even if I die once, I will drag you to be buried with me." At this moment, Sheng Baichen felt that he was about to die.

He was extremely unwilling, and that withered face became ferocious and terrifying.

The second time, this is the second time Chu Jiuge killed him.

Chu Jiuge saw the abnormal power fluctuations in his body, and Chu Jiuge's face showed a serious expression, and he quickly moved away from Sheng Baichen.

"Boom!" A terrifying force erupted centered on Sheng Baichen.

This force was too strong, causing an extremely terrifying avalanche to erupt in this extremely icy place.

Xiaoxue said: "Hurry up! Go over there! Be safe!"

"Quick! You're going to be buried alive."

"Hurry up..."

When the terrifying white snow covered it, the red figure spotted a safe place and shuttled past.

Even though her speed was fast and her judgment was very accurate, she couldn't resist such a terrifying avalanche.

A huge force pressed down, and countless snows hit Chu Jiuge's body, and Chu Jiuge, who was exhausted, fell into the darkness completely.

An extremely powerful avalanche erupted from the extreme ice field, and when Qi Tian and Rong Yuan approached the extreme north ice field, they were shocked when they heard such a big movement on the other side.

"The King of Pirates, Lord Rong Yuan, it seems like an avalanche!"

"Oh my god! I've never seen such a big avalanche, it's rare in ten thousand years!"

Qi Tian and Rong Yuan's expressions changed drastically, "What?"

"Go to someone, go to someone immediately."

Rong Yuan's soul power dispersed, and he found that he could sense Jiu'er's breath before the moment of Xue Beng, but now he can't at all.


The strength in Rong Yuan's body became violent, and his dark eyes became extremely dangerous.

He didn't believe it, he didn't believe that something would happen to Jiu'er.

"How could there be an avalanche?" Qi Tian asked violently.

Such an avalanche would devour many lives, what would Huadan Realm Guiyuan Realm be helpless under such a huge natural disaster?

To be able to escape, the strength is estimated to reach the Xuanxu Realm or even the Supreme Heavenly Rank.

"That's the power of Sheng Wuya." Rong Yuan looked ahead with deep eyes.

For Sheng Baichen to use Sheng Wuya's power, it means that Jiu'er won a complete victory in this counterattack.

But what a powerful existence Sheng Wuya was, his power was so dangerous that he couldn't even find Jiu'er.

"I will go to Jiu'er, and I will definitely find her." Rong Yuan said firmly, his figure disappeared in front of Tian Tian.

"Wait for me!" Qi Tian also chased after him.

The last time he died too quickly, Sheng Baichen never thought that he would be killed, so he didn't have time to make a final counterattack.

This time, he wanted to drag Chu Jiuge to hell at all costs.

Fortunately, this is the territory of the little snowman. Even if there is an avalanche, the little snowman is still sure to save Chu Jiuge's life.

Chu Jiuge didn't know how long he had been in a coma?When she woke up, she found herself frozen.

"Little Snowman!" Chu Jiuge shouted.

"Yeah! You're not dead yet, you've finally woken up." Xiaoxue said humanely.

"Thank you for saving me." Chu Jiuge said.

If the little snowman hadn't shot during the avalanche, she would have been buried alive.

Now he is also buried alive, so he is still alive.

"I just don't want you to die too early. I have nowhere to go and go to the Ice Spirit Hall."

Chu Jiuge didn't know how long he had been buried and how thick the snow was.

As soon as he looked through the light, Ye Ling felt powerless, it was super deep, how could he climb out?
"My lord, you have to go out, and Konghun will help you." The picture scroll came out of the space, bursting out with a terrifying force, making all the snow around Chu Jiuge disappear completely.

Here became a big pit, Konghun picked up the frozen Chu Jiuge, went up in the blink of an eye, and the ice and snow on Chu Jiuge's body completely melted.

Landing safely, the empty soul's arms carried a coldness that did not belong to human beings, and those pair of sky-like eyes did not let Chu Jiuge down without a pair of waves.

"My lord, is there anything else I can do for Konghun?" Konghun asked.

"No more! The hunt is over, and those people in Wu Ya Tian Sacred Temple are all dead. This time their vitality has been greatly damaged, and they will not send people over in a short time." Chu Jiuge said.

"That Konghun has an important matter to ask the master." Konghun said.


Konghun looked up at the sky and said, "I want to paint the sky of this extremely icy place."

After a vigorous avalanche, the sky in the land of extreme ice is pure and beautiful, no wonder Konghun would like it.

"It took me a lot of strength to save you. I have to stay here to recover for a few days, otherwise what if it is too hot to melt in other places?" Going to other places, the little snowman recovers very slowly, and this place is full of ice and snow elements , recovered extremely quickly.

"Then I'll stay here to consolidate the power of ice and snow."

"My lord, come with me, I have already found a place." Konghun grabbed Chu Jiuge's hand and disappeared instantly.

The place they arrived at was the highest point of the Extreme Ice Plain.

"It's so cold!" It was originally the coldest and extremely icy place in the entire endless continent, but now it's still at such a high altitude, it's no wonder it's not cold!

A light blue light shines on Chu Jiuge, from which Chu Jiuge can feel the warmth of the sun.

(End of this chapter)

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