Chapter 674
I don't know what kind of heart and leopard gall this poisonous woman has?How dare you fight with the six of them.

"Today, I will flatten your Tianshu City."

"Sihua, you're a woman who doesn't know what's good and what's wrong."

Not to mention that Si Hua was not an opponent of the five, even the two who killed her husband were no match for her.

There is also a gap in the strength and number of subordinates outside, but this gap will become smaller soon.

"Puff puff!"

People below the Xuanxu Realm are all powerless and let them slaughter them.

"City Master, we are poisoned."

"They were poisoned by us!"


"It's impossible. All we eat, live, and live in is our own territory. How can this bitch in Tianshu City have the chance to poison us? Besides, six groups of us were poisoned. How come none of them Discovered?" They said in disbelief.

That's just the method he knows ordinary people use to poison. The first thief's method is unpredictable, so they naturally can't find it.

"I seem to be poisoned too!" Tianheng City Lord said.

"Spiritual power is a bit obscure, hurry up and kill this bitch first."


After being poisoned, everyone in Tianshu City obviously relaxed a lot, and fires lit up everywhere.

No one thought that the battle of the Seven Great Cities would start so unexpectedly.

Chu Jiuge found a high place to ambush, and took out the Emperor Demon Bow.

A goal, she needs to solve a goal, that will be the key to the final battle.

"Pfft!" Faced with these people's desperate counterattacks, the Tianshu City Lord was also in his hands, and of course the other five would not have a good time.

Chu Jiuge was patiently waiting for an opportunity, and when Tianshu City couldn't hold on, she waited.

"Hoo!" The blood arrow pierced through the throat of City Lord Tianheng like a bamboo.

"There is... there is..."

"Boom!" It's not uncommon to die from being shot through the throat by an arrow.

But suddenly the person who was shot turned into a mummy, that was an extremely horrifying thing.

"Ah! What is this thing?"

"There is a terrible archer in the dark, what should I do?"

"I've been poisoned deeply, can I run away?"

They were dominated by the fear that turned into mummified corpses, and City Master Tianxuan knew that they could not continue to consume them.

He swallowed an antidote elixir, and his strength recovered a lot.

He supported his younger brother and said, "Let's go!"

"City Master Tianxuan, at least take us with you!"

"We obviously came together, you brothers can't be so disrespectful!"

"Hush!" Seeing that the two of them were about to leave, Chu Jiuge blocked their retreat with countless ice arrows.

However, City Lord Tianxuan is a ruthless character with violent spiritual power, blocking Chu Jiuge's arrow.

There were still people outside to respond, and they went out smoothly.

These two city lords are formidable lords, and they have already made up their minds.

The remaining two city lords, Kaiyang and Yaoguang, were a little desperate, and had to grit their teeth and fight to the death with the city lord Tianshu.

"City Master Tianshu, although we are usually not very friendly to Tianshu City, we haven't done anything harmful to the sky. Can't we have a good talk?" they asked.

"Let the tiger go back to the mountain, and it is definitely our Tianshu City who will not end well in the end! So you can't leave alive."


The entire Tianshu City City Lord's Mansion was tainted with a strong smell of blood, and it stopped at noon, and Tianshu City won.

The two city lords, Yaoguang and Yuheng, fell to the ground weakly, already exhaling more qi and taking in less qi.

"Mother!" Xie Changqing supported Sihua, the lord of Tianshu City who was crumbling.

Si Hua whispered, "It's a pity that those two guys ran away."

"City Master Tianshu, the person who wanted to kill your son has already been stabbed to death by you, and all the people who killed your husband have run away. We are really innocent! There are old and young, and you don't want to make things wrong. Too bad, you will be punished!" They said with pale faces.

Chu Jiuge came over and said, "How does the Lord Tianshu think about it?"

The girl was dressed in a flame-like red dress, and her clothes were neat and incompatible with this chaotic battlefield.

She "if she doesn't kill them, she will let the tiger go back to the mountain, and they will definitely retaliate."

"We can swear, I can..."

"I don't believe these guys, you can rest assured after you die!" City Lord Tianshu said fiercely.

"But they are dead, and some relatives and subordinates in their two cities may not be able to appease them!" Chu Jiuge said.

"Does Miss Chu think it's better to keep it?"

"Stay! But there must be some means."

Chu Jiuge took out a few poisonous needles, she looked at the two people and said, "I injected the poison, I shot the arrow, do you want to become mummies?"

"I don't want to! I don't want to!" They said tremblingly.

"Then kneel down and don't move!"

"Puff puff puff!" A few poisonous needles were inserted into several of their acupoints.

Chu Jiuge said incredulously: "Eat this poison too."

"Poison..." Their hearts trembled violently.

Chu Jiuge has already drawn his bow, "It seems that you want to become mummies."

"No! Let's eat!" The lethality of that mummy was indeed a bit large, so these guys were all scared.

"If you are disobedient, the poison will turn you into mummies, and the process will be extremely painful. If you don't believe me, let me try it first?" Chu Jiuge said with a playful smile.

"Snap!" With a light snap of their fingers, they seemed to fall into hell.

Watching his body become shriveled, his whole body seemed to be bitten by countless man-eating insects.

They still can't die so happily like Tianheng City Lord, they have to be tortured non-stop, and soon they passed out completely.

Chu Jiuge said: "You can deal with the mopping up! Xie Changqing."

"I understand!" Xie Changqing said.

Those two city lords gave in, and their task was to pretend that nothing happened in Tianshu City last night?

Then help Tianshu City take down Tianheng City and Tianquan City, which have lost their city lords.

The seven major cities have been fighting continuously, but it is so easy to occupy the city, two at a time, and Tianshu City is the master, this is indeed beyond people's expectations.

"Brother, those two idiots have probably been controlled by that woman, maybe they are fake! They have already occupied five cities, should we continue to let them run rampant?" City Lord Tianji was furious now.

"We must not let a woman climb on our heads!"

City Lord Tianxuan said: "Naturally! I'm already preparing. After all the preparations are sufficient, I'm going to attack Tianshu City, and it's no problem to win Tianshu City. Finally, I have waited for the opportunity to unify the seven major cities. I really don't know whether to hate Si Hua for setting such a trap, or to thank her."

(End of this chapter)

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