Chapter 675 Escape to Sea
At this time in the city lord's mansion, Chu Jiuge said: "City lord Tianshu, a storm is coming. This will be a fierce battle, a fierce battle that will change the pattern of the Northern Territory. If you lose, you will die. There is nothing? If you win , can avenge and avenge, and own the entire Northern Territory."

City Lord Tianxuan said: "I have been waiting for this day for a long time, I know Miss Chu is very capable, if I lose, can I save my son's life?"

"Mother, I want to advance and retreat with you!" Xie Changqing said.

"Nine Heavens Auction House can help you all. In that case, the gap between you and Tianxuan and Tianji can be bridged. But Nine Heavens Auction House is for business. What benefits can you give me?" Chu Jiuge said.

"Whatever can be given, can be given! As long as they die, they will lose everything." Si Hua hated those two people to the core.

Chu Jiuge said to Si Wei: "Actually, there are only two points. The development of the Jiutian Auction House in the Northern Territory will be convenient for you."

"Second, all the people from the Wuyatian Temple set foot on the Northern Territory and slaughtered them for us."

"I've talked to Xie Changqing about other things to be done." Chu Jiuge looked at Xie Changqing and said.

"Changqing is ashamed, I didn't find what Miss Mu wanted." Xie Changqing said.

"Both of them are not ordinary things, and they cannot be found in a day. As long as you control one area, you will get more information. Naturally, it will be easier to find." Although Chu Jiuge was eager to advance to the seventh level, but some Things are not something that can be achieved in a hurry.

Tianshu City Lord said: "Okay! This City Lord promises you."

City battle, start!
Expand outside the city of Tianshu!

A young man carrying a big ax rushed into the enemy camp with the momentum of sweeping away thousands of troops.

He didn't solve any of them, so he muttered in a low voice, "Down with Rong Yuan!"

"Two Rongyuan..."


Qi Tian couldn't beat Rong Yuan by himself, but if he didn't regard these enemies as Rong Yuan, he fought fiercely, and the fight was particularly vigorous.

The owner of Tianxuan City thought that it would not be difficult to take down Tianshu City, but he did not expect that they would have helpers.

"Who are you? Why do you want to help them?" City Master Tianxuan said angrily.

"Oh! City Lord Tianxuan doesn't know! Then I will pull a flag, and you all will recognize it." Chu Jiuge said flatly.

"Nine Heavens Auction House, it turned out to be Nine Heavens Auction House. You merchants also got involved in these things?" City Master Tianxuan was extremely angry.

When did Tianshu City collude with Jiutian Auction House?They have no news at all.

"That's right! We are businessmen, and you people can make businessmen lose money, so naturally they have to think of some means! The best way is to make the North Territory peaceful, so that they can develop and grow, and they can only lose money." There is money to be made, isn’t it?” Chu Jiuge said lightly,

"The people in the Northern Territory will turn parts into wholes, but it is definitely not a Tianshu City as the leader, and a woman controls the Northern Territory." Tianxuan City Lord said.

"What's wrong with the woman? I'm not as good as you old fox, I want to die!" The natural city lord broke out completely and killed them.

"Kill! Kill!"

"Kill kill kill!"

The battle for territory will naturally involve bloodshed.

This kind of thing happened quite a few times in the Northern Territory a year, but this time it was unprecedentedly intense.

It's a life-and-death fight. Once there is a result, it should be peaceful for a long time.

With the help of the Nine Heavens Auction House in Tianshu City, the enemy can experience the hatred of rich people!
The Nine Heavens Auction House has money, and the pills can be eaten by the handful, and all kinds of high-level spiritual soldiers can be used casually, and if one is broken, two can be taken out immediately!
No more bullying like this!
With the strong financial support of the Jiutian Auction House, everyone in Tianshu City also played very well.

This city battle lasted until late at night, and the two cities of Tianxuan and Tianji were already working extremely hard, causing countless casualties.

City Lord Tianji said anxiously: "Brother, what should I do?"

"Run! Let's retreat first, a gentleman will take revenge, ten years is not too late!" City Master Tianxuan said viciously.

Chu Jiuge suggested: "Block all roads other than going out to sea, and force them to flee to the sea."

"Miss Chu, we caught them so quickly after we went to sea, wouldn't we let them escape! If such people let them make a comeback, it would be very dangerous! I am not willing to let them go like this." Tianshu City Lord said.

"When we get to the sea, we'll have something to play with! Don't worry, those two people will be sent to you, and I promise they haven't died yet." Chu Jiuge laughed.

It is difficult for others to catch people at sea, but Chu Jiuge can catch people at sea.

Who made all the pirates in the northern waters belong to her!
"My lord, our way back to the city is blocked." Someone said.

"At this time, why go back to the city? They must have set up an ambush on our way back. Let's go to the sea, as long as we go to the sea to take shelter first. When we make a comeback, we will definitely make that woman look good." City Master Tianxuan was angry. the way.


Chu Jiuge received the news, and really learned that those guys had already run towards the beach.

"Let them run!" Chu Jiuge said lightly,

After successfully escaping to the sea, the two city lords, Tianxuan and Tianji, breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, a sound of breaking through the air came.

City Master Tianxuan's face changed drastically, and it was too late to dodge at this time.

He had no choice but to grab his younger brother beside him and block the arrow.

"Brother." City Master Tianji looked at him in disbelief.

"I'm dead, it's impossible to take revenge with your brain, so I have to live. Only I can take revenge for us if I'm alive, I'm sorry! Brother!" Tianxuanchen Zhu said.

"I don't want to die, I don't want to..."

He didn't want to die but didn't believe it, the blood in his body was sucked up instantly, turning him into a mummy.


"Boom!" The younger brother in his arms suddenly turned into a mummy, which shocked City Master Tianxuan.

He was even more thankful that he had pulled someone as a shield, otherwise he would have turned into such a miserable appearance.

He looked towards the shore and found a girl in red holding a dark purple longbow on a mountain near the sea.

The mountain wind blew her black hair, and those cold eyes gave people a mysterious and dangerous feeling.

"It's you! It's you, remember, I will definitely come for revenge, and I will definitely let you die." City Master Tianxuan said extremely angrily.

Chu Jiuge said: "Revenge, you have no chance."

City Master Tianxuan found a hiding place on the boat so that he would not be attacked by that woman's arrow.

"Young City Master, why don't we hurry up and pursue it? Otherwise, if City Master Tianxuan escapes, it will be difficult to find people in this sea." Someone said anxiously.

"At sea, they can't escape." Xie Changqing said calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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