Chapter 676
At this time, Chu Jiuge, who had killed the Lord Tianxuan, came back.

She said: "Keep everyone waiting for a long time, we can start now! Let's go!"

It is said to be chasing people, but in fact it is still driving the boat at a leisurely pace.

"City Master, are you really relieved to let the Young City Master go after and kill Tianxuan City Master?" In Tianshu City, Sihua was dealing with other matters.

Si Hua said: "Changqing told me that he is [-]% sure about this matter, so why should I feel relieved?"

"Is this possible? At sea, we can press City Lord Tianxuan with [-]% confidence, unless the King of Pirates helps us."

A light flashed in Sihua's eyes, "The King of Pirates, he is not impossible?"

The ships of Tianxuan City were sailing on the sea, and before they knew it, they found themselves surrounded by countless pirate ships.

"City Master, it's bad! Pirates, all of them are pirates!"

"We're surrounded."

City Master Tianxuan said angrily: "It's really unlucky to meet pirates, let them get out of the way."

"You pirates, get out of the way quickly. You dare to stop our city lord, you are getting impatient." Tianxuan City lord's entourage said.

"Dare to talk to me like this, you are the one who is impatient." Qi Tian walked out and said coldly, all the pirates were full of murderous aura.

"It's you, those boys from the Nine Heavens Auction, it turns out that these pirates are fake." City Master Tianxuan said.

"It's nonsense! How dare you say that we are fake! We are the pirate group directly under the King of Pirates. Let me show you our combat effectiveness at sea, and see if you still dare to doubt that we are fake?"

The pirates were suspicious and angry.

"I'm the young master of the Nine Heavens Auction House. It's not a fake job to be the King of Pirates at the same time! Brothers, you can do it now, and deal with them severely." Qi Tian ordered.


Once in the sea, it is really easy to catch a turtle in the urn.

Naturally, the forces on land in Tianxuan City were inferior to the pirates in their ability to fight at sea, and the fact that there were so many pirates made them miserable.

More and more people around me fell down, and more and more sank into the bottom of the sea.

City Lord Tianxuan's heart is desolate, the sky is going to kill me!

When they had no power to recover, other ships also came
Xie Changqing said: "City Master Tianxuan, you are defeated!"

The master of Tianxuan City had his cultivation level abolished, so Xie Changqing took him away and handed him over to his mother for disposal.

One after another, news came that they and the Nether Palace had stopped some of Wuyatian's holy guards, but in the end, someone still found an opportunity to come to the Northern Territory.

In any case, the Wuyatian Temple's control over Wuyatian is indeed stronger than that of the Nine Heavens Auction House and Netherworld Hall.

Therefore, no matter how they block their people, it is impossible to completely block them and make them watertight.

"I see, get ready for the next battle." Chu Jiuge nodded.

Today, the status of Tianshu City is beyond reproach, and no one ever says that a woman can't be the city lord.

If there is such a strength as Tianshucheng, what difference does it make if a woman or a man is the city lord?
This sturdy city lord who unified the seven main cities was the top powerhouse they feared.

The only two city lords who were still alive, tremblingly, swore that they would be obedient and obedient without any second thoughts.

Chu Jiuge said: "My enemies are coming, and I will rely on the help of the city lord. They are the holy guards of the Wuyatian Temple."

"Okay! I'll prepare right away." Si Hua is an extremely tough woman, and people who hear Wu Yatian will still not be afraid, and they will kill when they have to! "

This is not to say that as soon as Tianshengwei arrived in the Northern Territory, he was surrounded by strong men from all sides in the Northern Territory.

They were furious and said, "Do you know who we are? You group of barbarians dare to attack us."

"Of course I know who you are? After all, I have been waiting for you for a long time! Is your holy son okay? I know he is still alive." A fiery red figure walked out of the crowd.

"Chu Jiuge!" They stared fiercely at the person in front of them. This was their goal, Chu Jiuge.

"I really underestimated you. You actually bought so many masters from the Northern Territory in such a short period of time! But how can a group of mobs compare with us? They can't protect you." They mocked. .

"You guys are jealous! I have money and pills, so I can ask them to help. If you want to touch me in the Northern Territory, you are dreaming." Chu Jiuge said coldly.

Countless figures rushed towards Chu Jiuge, "It's just killing you, it's easy for us."

"Is it easy? Then why doesn't your holy son dare to come?" Chu Jiuge smiled playfully.

"Looking for death!" Wuya Shengwei knew that this little girl was difficult to deal with, so he erupted with extremely tyrannical spiritual power.

The white light seal turned into a huge palm, and slapped towards Chu Jiuge.

If the Wuya Temple wants to kill her, it will naturally spare no effort to attack him.

At this moment, several masters of the Mysterious Void Realm cut off the white palm print together.

Those guys took a few steps back, their faces were gloomy, damn it!
How many masters did Chu Jiuge recruit to protect her?
"You northern barbarians, what benefit did Chu Jiuge give you? Our Wuyatian Temple gives you twice, and you get out of here." They are outsiders, and it is a bit troublesome to deal with these natives.

City Lord Tianshu ignored his words, and continued to strike vigorously.

Shengwei was annoyed and said, "Three times!"

The strong in the Northern Territory continued to attack.

"Boom!" There were bursts of loud noises.

Chu Jiuge shuttled among them like a ghost, and someone violently attacked Chu Jiuge.

Chu Jiuge used the power of ice and snow, and countless ice arrows struck.


The location Chu Jiuge chose was a forest in the Northern Territory, so the power of wood can also come in handy.

The trees in the entire forest rioted and attacked these holy guards.

"What's the matter with these flowers and trees?"

"Damn! Is this a hallucination?"


These strong men in the Northern Territory were very surprised, but these guys did not attack them, which made them feel relieved.

Miss Chu herself is not an ordinary person, and they are not surprised at all to have such ability.

With the cover of these plants, Chu Jiuge hid, and it was not so easy for Wuya Tianshengwei and others to find her.

"Xuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" Countless ice arrows appeared in the air, killing those holy guards like lightning.

"Srustling..." Countless vines also launched an attack.

The Immortal Life Force sees the big picture and understands every move of the enemy.

She used the power of the three elements just right to attack them and sneak attack them.

Chu Jiuge can now control three kinds of power at the same time. She holds the Emperor Demon Bow in her hand, and the tip of the blood arrow is aimed at a person.

(End of this chapter)

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