Chapter 680 Obey
With him here, once she confirmed the whereabouts of the Thief King, she was [-]% sure that she could take him down.

"It's a shadow." Ah Ye said.

"It's a partner, friend! What the hell is a shadow?" Chu Jiuge was slightly taken aback.

Yaye emphasized again: "It's the shadow."

That pair of pitch-black eyes seemed to be extremely insistent on this matter, didn't Tian Tian say that Ah Ye didn't like to talk?How many words have you said since we met?
In the blink of an eye, the person he caught turned into a black shadow, her hand was empty, and the person disappeared.

Chu Jiuge muttered, "The new friends are a bit strange, let's ask them one by one when the time comes!"

There was a small problem with the first vote, but Chu Jiuge also retreated unscathed. Those people lost a huge fortune, but they couldn't find anyone.

What Chu Jiuge waited for was Uncle Jiu's recovery. Uncle Jiu said: "People from the Eighth Clan have been trained as the shadow of the Ninth Clan since childhood. She is now the young master of the Ninth Clan, so as the young master of the Eighth Clan The mission of Lord Yaya is to be her shadow."

The shadow, like a shadow, protects the Lord like a shadow.

"The choice is two-way. If the kid doesn't like you, you can refuse. Since he said that to Jiu'er, it means he has recognized you. He will be the shadow that will accompany you and protect you until death."

"If the person approved by him is not satisfied with his ability, then the child will lose its value, and the final way is to disappear completely."

Chu Jiuge was taken aback for a moment, what Uncle Jiu's words let Chu Jiuge know what Aye's simple words were.

The Immortal Nine Clan is an extremely ancient family with many rules.

It was the first time she heard the rules of the Eighth Clan, and she was surprised.

Eight nights must be in the room.

Chu Jiuge tried to find him with the pupil of immortal life. Since he was discovered last time, Yaye was prepared.

As a shadow, being discovered by the master is actually a shadow of failure, so Yaye asked her if she was dissatisfied?
This time, he will never be discovered by her.

This is too outrageous!

Chu Jiuge was a little startled, and finally came up with a trick, Chu Jiuge began to take off his clothes.

Just took off one piece, and a sly look flashed in Chu Jiuge's eyes.

She rushed out like lightning, without grabbing Yaya's hand, this time pulled out his hair.

The Eighth Clan is also the shadow of women, although they are generally women.

However, Chu Jiuge's identity is the young patriarch of the Ninth Clan and the owner of the Immortal Life Eye. Only Ba Ye, the young master of the Eighth Clan, is qualified to be her shadow.

Although the education all the time is the education of the shadow, there are some things that cannot be done, such as the privacy of the master must be avoided.

Naturally, undressing must be avoided, unless the master specifically mentions that it should also be guarded at such times to protect her safety.

"Didn't it hurt you!" Chu Jiuge hurriedly let go.

Baye didn't answer, Chu Jiuge cornered him.

She said: "I have one very important thing to tell you, that is, I am super satisfied with you! Very satisfied, Ah Ye, you are really amazing."

Looking at the bright smile of the girl in front of him, it was a smile he had never seen in the darkness, and this was his master.

Next, no matter what Chu Jiuge said, he didn't answer, just listened, Chu Jiuge understood what Tiantian meant.

"It's tiring to catch you out personally every time, and you will show up when I call you in the future, okay?" Chu Jiuge said.

"I am your shadow!" Eight nights replied.

"My shadow, if I call you out, you can come out, right?"


Then he disappeared again, Chu Jiuge said: "A Ye, come out!"

A black figure appeared like a ghost, really obedient, the corners of Chu Jiuge's mouth curled up slightly, she seemed to have grasped the correct way to use the shadow.

She regards A Ye as a friend and a partner, but it seems that she regards him as a shadow, which is the highest recognition for him.

"A Ye, come out! I'm going to slaughter the second fat sheep, let me discuss the plan with you!"

"A Ye, it's easy to work when you're full, eat with me."

Whatever Chu Jiuge asks him to do, he will earnestly complete it, and will not raise any objections.

Although it is a bit boring not to have anyone to talk to, but she knows that there is someone who protects her all the time by her side, which is not a happy thing.

Chu Jiuge completed the next actions very smoothly.

The Nine Heavens Auction House also started to build momentum for her, and soon the people in the Western Regions knew the name of the number one thief.

"Which family is so tightly guarded? Ten steps and one post, the number one thief has succeeded. I heard that no one has discovered it."

"And that one is covered with a poisonous array!"

"Whether you are the king of thieves or the number one thief is the most powerful."

"It must be the Thief King! After all, the Thief King has been famous for a long time."

"I think he is the number one thief. After all, he is young, and the thief king is probably old, and his hands and feet are not flexible."

The number one thief has become a hot topic among the people of the Western Regions, and the news that was released next pushed this hot topic to a peak.

"Have you heard? The King of Thieves stole an extremely important treasure from God in Sanskrit Heaven. Even Sanskrit Heaven couldn't find any trace of the King of Thieves, so God entrusted the number one thief to capture the King of Thieves this time."

"God's move is second-to-none! Fight poison with poison, and who will win and lose at that time?"


Chu Jiuge said: "The rumors are so lively, I don't know where the thief king is hiding? How will he react?"

The release of this news is undoubtedly a declaration of war on behalf of the number one thief to the king of thieves.

If the Thief King wanted to win, he would definitely fight her.

"Where is the next target to steal? Just announce it, and at the same time provoke the thief king in public, and see who can steal it first." Chu Jiuge said.

Just do it!

The target that Chu Jiuge was following almost wanted to cry.

What the hell is wrong with them?He was actually targeted by the number one thief.

The other party is still restlessly challenging the King of Thieves, if the King of Thieves also makes a move, they are really not sure of keeping their wealth!

They tried their best to transfer their wealth, but Chu Jiuge still stole it even if they transferred it.

Chu Jiuge was slightly taken aback, "The Thief King hasn't acted yet. After this guy gets the Immortal Box, isn't he planning to call it a day and quit?"

Next, Chu Jiuge made several more votes, but the other party was still indifferent and did not take any action.

Chu Jiuge studied with one by one, and finally Chu Jiuge figured it out.

"These are not challenging enough. I can see that guy likes challenging tasks. However, it seems that this is the level in the Western Regions, unless you go to Wuyatian." Chu Jiuge muttered.

(End of this chapter)

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