Chapter 681
Wu Yatian, she hasn't arrived at the seventh level yet, is she going to Wu Yatian to deliver food to Sheng Baichen?
Yinuo mentioned a challenging goal to Chu Jiuge, and that goal was the Demon Cult.

The largest demon sect in the Western Regions, the existence that dares to challenge Fanyintian.

Even though he was almost extinct every time he was suppressed by Fanyintian, but he revived again, he was simply an unbeatable Xiaoqiang.

Anyway, the Evil Cult dared to think about her seventh uncle, and it was definitely to settle accounts with them, so let's go together!

The news that came out the next day caused an uproar. The first thief's next target was the order of the leader of the evil cult, so he asked the thief king if he dared?
"The number one thief is taking a big risk this time in order to fight against the King of Thieves!"

"That's right! That's the Demon Sect! Where are all kinds of people who are proficient in sorcery, go to them to steal things, or steal the leader's token, the number one thief is really crazy! In order to complete the task of Sanskrit Heaven, Fanyin What benefit did God give her?"

"The first supernatural power is probably going to capsize in the gutter."

Chu Jiuge not only wanted to steal it, but also let the people of the evil cult know about it.

After the people from the evil cult learned about this, they were very angry.

"The number one thief is so rampant, he even dared to steal the leader's token."

"This is completely ignoring our evil cult."

"If the number one thief dares to come, let him experience one hundred tortures from our evil cult."

The leader ordered: "Let me investigate, arrest him before he acts, drain his blood, and sacrifice to our gods!"

"A thief who just came to the Western Regions really thought that he could be arrogant in the Western Regions if he had something to do with Fanyintian. This Western Regions will be our territory one day."

The activities of the Demon Sect became more frequent, and the corners of Chu Jiuge's mouth curled up slightly, "The fish just took the bait."

An underground force that is hostile to Fanyintian, their base camp is naturally well hidden.

Can't find out where Fanyintian is?The Nine-day Auction House is even more difficult to find out.

However, if their people took the initiative to come out, it would be easy, and they should be able to find traces of the evil cult.

The evil cult hides in the desert, and two-thirds of the western region is desert.

They were in such a hiding place, no wonder others were so hard to find.

Chu Jiuge followed the cult members to find their base camp, and it was not too difficult to break into the heavily guarded cult as a thief.

The base camp of the Evil Cult is an extremely complex building complex in the desert, built above and below the ground like a maze.

Chu Jiuge lurks in it, looking for the place where the leader is.

Chu Jiuge's eyes sank slightly, wondering if the Thief King had acted?
Chu Jiuge lurked for three days, figured out the situation, and approached the location of the leader's palace.

So he approached quietly, and the pupil of immortal life could see every move of the hall master's palace. The master was a middle-aged man with a beard.

Although he is not young, he is still coquettish. There are all kinds of enchanting beauties by his side.

"The person hasn't been found yet?" There were some people kneeling in front of him.

They reported the investigation, "Master, not yet! This number one thief has always come and gone without a trace. After stealing things, he seemed to disappear out of thin air, leaving no clues behind."

"A bunch of trash, even a thief can't find it! Keep looking!"


Chu Jiuge lurks quietly, waiting for the opportunity.

After the leader got tired of playing with the beauty, Chu Jiuge saw the state of his body clearly before doing anything.

In this kind of place, be careful when sailing for ten thousand years, after all, she doesn't want to do it again after the last loss.

Asleep, deep sleep, very good!

She also found that this guy's kidneys are not good, and he doesn't know how to restrain himself, really!
Sneaked in quietly, the token was quickly found, and Chu Jiuge walked out.

In the blink of an eye, Ah Ye appeared and blocked a sneak attack.

Ah Ye has been following her steps in, like a shadow, no one can find him.

Such qualifications are enough to become a super god-defying thief.

It's a pity that Ah Yezhi is not here. His goal is to be an excellent shadow, a shadow that makes the Eighth Clan proud.

The person in front of him looks ordinary, but Chu Jiuge has already guessed his identity. This guy is probably the Thief King!

Being able to approach her so silently, although she had discovered him, if Ah Ye hadn't reacted fast enough, he would probably have succeeded.

"It's finally time for you!" Chu Jiuge laughed.

"Grab him!" Chu Jiuge and A Ye started at the same time.

This guy also started to fight back, he flew out quickly, Chu Jiuge and the others naturally wouldn't let him go.

The Immortal Magic Box of the Eighth Clan is in his hands!

"Bang bang bang!" Originally, their actions would not alarm anyone, and they could easily succeed.

As a result, the two of them fought, which alarmed the entire Demon Cult.


"It's an outsider!"


The leader was also awakened, and soon a group of people ran over.

"Two sneaky people! They can't be the king of thieves and the number one thief!"


The leader of the evil cult said angrily: "Damn it! I lost my token. Close all the gates quickly, so that they can't escape."

"Hurry up and take them down! It's really courageous, even the evil cult dares to break in! Dare to steal the leader's token!"

Something is wrong!This evil cult is all their people.

Apparently the Thief King also found out, he said: "Well, little sister, if we are caught, we will both die! Or should we escape first and then talk about other things?"

It was an extremely old voice with a fake face, Chu Jiuge didn't think he would use his own voice.

"Okay!" The other party has a large number of people, and it will be troublesome if they are caught, so they should escape first.

They stopped, and Chu Jiuge found the exit with the pupil of immortal life.

It's just that the doors are closed, and the pursuers are behind.

The current situation is that the road ahead is blocked, and there are pursuers behind.

The people of the evil cult believe that the number one thief and the king of robbers are absolutely doomed this time.

The bearded leader of the Evil Cult of Kidney Deficiency chased after him, and said in a cold voice, "Run! You guys are running! I've closed all the doors to go out. Let's see where you two thieves are going?"

Chu Jiuge smiled at him and said, "What do you think a door means to a thief?"

It makes no sense at all!Even though the door was a little thicker and more complicated, Chu Jiuge still opened it in seconds.

A small gap was opened, and Chu Jiuge slipped out.

The Thief King quickly followed, and the door was closed again, blocking the people from the Demon Cult.

"Damn it! Open the door quickly." The leader of the evil cult said angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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