Chapter 682 Winning the Pirate King
They caught up again, Chu Jiuge was about to open the door, and the king of robbers said: "Little sister, it's time for me to show my skills this time."

"Please! If your speed slows down and we have trouble being caught up, I will chop you up first!" Chu Jiuge said coldly.

"Little sister is really murderous. Is someone marrying you? If you don't have to shave your hair and become a nun, it would be a good choice." The old voice was teasing.

Chu Jiuge said coldly: "You are courting death."

As soon as she slapped it out, this guy has already jumped out like a loach.

The pursuers were approaching, and Chu Jiuge hurried to catch up.

One door after another, Chu Jiuge and Pirate King each opened one.

While opening the door, they were also comparing the door opening skills and speed, completely ignoring those chasing soldiers, and started to learn from each other.

Those people from the Demon Sect also noticed their strange situation, and they were so angry that they were about to smoke.

"They're assholes!"

"You don't pay us too much attention, open all the doors! It's useless, it's still in the way of our affairs."

Those two bastards opened the door faster than their own people could open the switch.

After a while, they finally broke out of the Demon Cult.

The Thief King fought against Chu Jiuge's idea again, Chu Jiuge guarded against him, this is a very good colleague!
There was no need for Baye to do anything, Chu Jiuge patted his wrist, and said: "Aye, knock him out and take him away."

Ba Ye appeared like a shadow, and Chu Jiuge flanked the thief king back and forth.

"Bang bang bang!" The two sides fought fiercely.

"Little sister, isn't it fair for two people to bully one?" Pirate King said.

"Is there? Where are there two people?" Chu Jiuge looked at him innocently and said.

The people from the evil cult chased after them lingeringly, and when they rushed forward, the Thief King cunningly took advantage of a good opportunity to rush out.

"Stop!" Chu Jiuge shouted.

Countless sharp arrows flew towards the thief king, who was extremely agile and avoided Chu Jiuge's arrow.

Chu Jiuge couldn't use the blood arrow on him, and he had to live to find out the whereabouts of the immortal box.

"Chasing!" This guy managed to bubble up, and he couldn't let him slip away.

"Hurry up! Don't let them run away," the leader said.

The final result was that Chu Jiuge lost the Thief King, "That guy is still a face-changing master, and he is much more familiar with the Western Regions than I am, so he let him slip away."

Chu Jiuge naturally managed to get rid of these guys from the Demon Sect.

Chu Jiuge has finally dealt with the Thief King, this guy is really not easy to deal with, he is an opponent.

On the second day after Chu Jiuge escaped, the news of the imprisonment came out.

Shuang stole to the evil cult to steal the token of the leader of the evil cult, and finally the token was successfully stolen by the first thief.

"It seems to be better than Pirates, the number one thief is stronger than the King of Thieves!"

"That's not necessarily true! If the King of Pirates just made a small mistake this time, he can't judge a person's ability once!"

"That's right! It would be nice if they continued to compete one game, or two out of three."

Chu Jiuge did not expect that the Thief King would act first.

It seems that most people know about his loss, and he is super unconvinced.

He took the initiative to play the gauntlet and compete again.

This time the competition is not about fixed items, but whoever steals the most precious items from the Demon Cult will win.

This is not only a competition of stealing skills, but also a contest of eyesight.

"But who knows how the things they stole betrayed their superiors? Could it be that they still recruited people to appraise them openly, offended the evil cult, and exposed themselves, isn't it courting death?"

The King of Pirates proposed that all stolen things will be auctioned at the Jiutian Auction.

The one with the highest price is the winner!
There are still seven days before the next auction at the Nine-day Auction House, and they must steal the treasure within seven days.

If the time is up and the treasure is not in hand, then lose.

Chu Jiuge responded that she will take up this challenge.

Both of them are people who walk in the dark night, so naturally they will not reveal their whereabouts.

They just used the spread of rumors to have a dialogue and understand each other's plans.

After Chu Jiuge and the Thief King had decided to compete, the leader of the Demon Sect was about to be furious.

"It's our Demon Sect again, and you dare to come to our Demon Sect to steal things. Why did our Demon Sect provoke those two bastards? They are looking for death! If you have the ability to go to Fanyin Heaven to steal! Fanyin Heaven has more treasures than us." The leader roared angrily.

"Master, this is also a good thing! Last time we didn't expect them to dare to come, and we didn't take precautions! This time we made a perfect plan, watched all the treasures carefully, and prepared various organs and poisons. Two little thieves." said the left protector of the evil demon sect.

"What the left protector said is very true!" said the right protector.

"You two, hurry up and make arrangements. Let go of other things first. The most important thing is to kill the two of them immediately and sacrifice the genius! I must let them die badly. This is the fate of offending my evil cult." Said with a grim face.

"Yes, Master! This subordinate understands, so don't worry!" They said respectfully.

Everyone also found that these two seemed to really have trouble with the Demon Cult.

Chu Jiuge said: "Let's go immediately, the sooner you go, you have room to choose, and I will pick the best person."

"Of course, winning or losing this time is not the key, the key is to catch the Thief King."

Without Ah Ye, the chance of her winning the King of Thieves is only [-]%.

She has already won him once, and once she loses, she loses once. Her heart is very wide.

The people of the Evil Cult tried their best to deal with the number one thief and the king of robbers, but they didn't know that Chu Jiuge had already broken into their territory.

Chu Jiuge lurks well, observing their movements with the pupil of immortal life.

The corners of his mouth curled up slightly, these organs also wanted to guard against him, far worse than the organs of the Sea Emperor City.

As for the poison, she didn't like it at all.

For Chu Jiuge, the people of the Demon Sect are doing nothing.

Chu Jiuge waited for five days before they were done.

"Whether it's the Thief King or the number one thief, he will come and go."

"Of course!"

It's the seventh day, and the first thief hasn't sent the treasure yet, but the thief king has actually sent the auction item to the Jiutian Auction House on the first day, Chu Jiuge doesn't know about it.

"Why hasn't Mr. Number One Thief come yet? Could something be wrong?"

"Hurry up and send the news to the first young master."

They didn't know that the number one thief was their Miss Jiu, but they knew that the number one thief had a close relationship with their Jiutian Auction House, so nothing happened to him.

After waiting for seven days, Chu Jiuge got angry when no one came!

"Damn it! I was tricked. That guy must have sneaked into the crowd of the construction agency and stole the things long ago. After all, that guy is very good at disguise." Chu Jiuge's face darkened.

(End of this chapter)

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