Chapter 805 Two Goddesses
After Chu Jiuge entered this ice and snow secret realm, it is clear that the power of ice and snow is the best to use to deal with the tests on the road, and he can pass the easy tests very easily.

But Chu Jiuge didn't do that. Such a trump card is most effective when it is used at a critical moment, and now is the most critical time.

She has long noticed that the Ice and Snow Goddess here is not simple!
"Even if you can do this, so what? I am a god, let me show you the power of a god!"

The terrifying power of ice and snow engulfed Chu Jiuge like a giant avalanche. Chu Jiuge said, "Isn't it the power of God? You are too conceited, and it's not just you who can use the power of God."

"Spiritual power of wood, stop!" In an instant, a light green barrier blocked Chu Jiuge's face, and Chu Jiuge almost released all the spiritual power of wood.

"The power of the wood god, this is the power of the wood god! How is it possible? Who are you, a human being? How can you have the power of the wood god?" The ice goddess' voice was sharp.

"Who am I? You, a god who doesn't know how many years have been dead, don't need to know. And your power, I want it." The pupil of immortal life is frantically absorbing ice and snow spiritual power.

The Ice and Snow Goddess's attack was useless, and Chu Jiuge was well protected by the ultimate block of wood's spiritual power.

"You want to absorb my ice and snow spiritual power, right? There is a limit to the amount of ice and snow power you can absorb as a human being. If I pour you more than you can bear in one breath, then you will kill yourself."

The power of ice and snow erupted by the ice and snow goddess actively poured into Chu Jiuge's body. At this time, Chu Jiuge's body was like a balloon about to burst.

The Ice and Snow Goddess said coldly: "Human beings who are overconfident, really think that if they master some special powers, they will be the opponents of gods? It's ridiculous."

The Ice and Snow Goddess is also cruel enough to think of this way to deal with her.

Chu Jiuge feels uncomfortable now, if he can't hold on, he will lose to the goddess of ice and snow.

At this time, the power of immortality broke out, resolving Chu Jiuge's current crisis.

No matter how much the power of ice and snow was, Chu Jiuge easily absorbed it. Chu Jiuge's eyes locked on the consciousness of the goddess of ice and snow.

The power of ice and snow under her control is getting stronger and stronger, and the goddess of ice and snow feels that she is getting weaker and weaker.

"How is this possible? How is it possible? human being..."

An extremely mysterious force suppressed her, making the girl in front of her extremely invincible.

She finally figured out what that force was?

"The power of immortality is actually the power of immortality!" Her voice was trembling.

"You have actually controlled the power of immortality. This is the most mysterious power that exists in the world. When the gods who controlled various powers appeared, no one could control this power, not even that lord."

"Later, there was a human being who had a pair of special pupils. Those eyes finally cultivated the power of immortality, that is, the pupils of immortality! I should have thought of your eyes a long time ago, but they belonged to the immortal nine clans. people."

The goddess of ice and snow hated Chu Jiuge so much that her teeth were itching. The waste that Cang Yanzong sent before would not take long for her body, and she would not be able to restore much of her spiritual consciousness.

Nowadays, I finally met a person with extremely high aptitude who thought he could use it for a while, but he didn't expect to kick a piece of iron. This is the guy with the Immortal Eyes of Life.

"I'm not reconciled, I'm not reconciled to just disappear like this. I've been lingering on, just to wait for the lord to come back, just to wait for him to come back!" The Ice and Snow Goddess roared madly, but at this moment she couldn't help herself.

With the idea of ​​possessing the soul and body of the owner of the Eye of Immortal Life, it is doomed that even this bit of spiritual consciousness that she desperately preserved will disappear.

The powerful power of ice and snow that she once controlled will also change hands!

The divine light disappeared, but Chu Jiuge was still standing there safe and sound.

Looking at Rong Yuan's worried eyes, Chu Jiuge said: "Rong Yaoxie, I'm fine! It's the Ice and Snow Goddess who has something to do. Don't forget, I am the young master of the ninth clan of the Immortal Nine Clans, the master of the God of Immortal Life. My pair of eyes are very strong, not only can help you detoxify, but also clean up these gods with evil intentions who have not disappeared completely."

"Jiu'er, it's great that you have no facts!" Rong Yuan hugged Chu Jiuge and said tremblingly.

He was actually a little scared before, afraid that Jiu'er would open his eyes again and be replaced by another person. Fortunately, that ice and snow goddess did not succeed.

"The power of ice and snow goddess is huge. It will take me a while to fully absorb it. Rong Yuan, protect me." Chu Jiuge said.

"it is good!"

Chu Jiuge was trying hard to absorb the power of ice and snow, but an unexpected visitor ushered in outside this ice and snow temple.

"Miss Lei." Rong Yuan whispered.

"No, you are not Miss Lei."

The aura of the person in front of him was exactly the same as that of the Ice and Snow Goddess I met before. Wasn't that Ice and Snow Goddess taken care of by Jiu'er?Why is there another one?
It's a clone!
Lei Pingting said: "Disgusting man, get out of here."

The terrifying power of ice and snow struck, Rong Yuan was not a vegetarian, and the vast sea of ​​spiritual power attacked Lei Pingting.

"Boom!" Rong Yuan and Lei Pingting stood together.

During the battle, Rong Yuan had been stared at by that disgusted gaze. In this man's eyes, it seemed that all the men in the world were trash.

The figures of the two intertwined in the temple, and quickly only one phantom remained.

Rong Yuan's strength also made the other party very surprised.

"I have to admit that your strength is considered good among human beings! But don't forget, this place is full of ice and snow, and this is the territory of this goddess. You will definitely die."

Lei Pingting's power surged again, and countless ice arrows appeared at any time, attacking Rong Yuan as quickly as lightning.

When she raised her palm, it was like a snow mountain was pressing down on the top.

One wave and it's a crazy snowstorm!
There were bursts of cracking sounds. If it was at its peak, Rong Yuan would naturally be able to defeat the opponent.

However, now there is only less than one-tenth of the strength, which is very difficult for Shanghai Stock Exchange and guys.

He wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth, no matter what, he must guard Jiu'er, not letting a woman get close to Jiu'er.

The majestic spiritual power erupted, and Rong Yuan unleashed countless powerful spiritual skills, entangled Lei Pingting with a strong fighting spirit.

Lei Pingting quickly approached Rong Yuan, and slammed a palm towards Rong Yuan, but Rong Yuan's defense still couldn't stop her.

"Boom!" His body was blasted out and hit the wall of the temple.

The walls of the temple were made of ice and snow, and the powerful impact cracked them.

"Pfft!" Rong Yuan's injury worsened.

(End of this chapter)

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