Chapter 806 Crazy for Love
The severely injured Rong Yuan did not back down because of how powerful this ice and snow goddess is, but said with some annoyance: "Damn it! It won't be good for Jiu'er to see me so embarrassed and injured."

"Innocent man, do you think that little girl is still there? She has already been replaced by another person, an evil god, and you actually prevented me from destroying an evil god, the Dark Ice Goddess, and I She is the Goddess of Light and Ice with justice in mind for all people in the world, you shouldn't hinder me." She said proudly.

"I don't care what kind of good or evil you gods are. I just know that she is my future wife. Now no one can disturb her or hurt her." Rong Yuan, who was already injured, once again blocked Chu Jiu The goddess of light and ice who sings hands.

The power of ice and snow has been absorbed, and the consciousness of the dark ice and snow goddess has not disappeared completely.

She said: "If you don't help, your good-looking man will be killed by my sister!"

"Although I am already your defeat, and you have harmed me to such a degree, but seeing that man desperately protecting you, as a god, I started to envy you. Being in love with each other is definitely the best thing in the world It’s not like I’ve always been in unrequited love. I’ve been in unrequited love for thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, and I know that the Fallen Demon still can’t get the curtain of the lord.” The Goddess of Darkness and Light sighed in a low voice.

When a person is about to die, his words are good, and when a god is about to perish, what he says is all the truth.

"Who is that woman? She looks exactly like you." Chu Jiuge said.

"You humans have really forgotten the gods. It's ridiculous. Back then, they desperately protected all human beings living under the sky!" The dark, bright, ice and snow goddess laughed mockingly.

"That's my older sister. The Ice and Snow Goddess is originally two, twins! My older sister hates men very much and keeps her distance from them, but I'm deeply in love with a man. My older sister is proud and holy, and takes protecting the world as her own responsibility. She is called the Goddess of Light and Ice and Snow. But I want to follow the man I love, even if the fallen demon destroys the world, I am called the Goddess of Dark Ice and Snow."

"We twins are not destined to support each other, but destined to be enemies! My power of ice and snow can't satisfy the appetite of the God of Immortal Life, or my sister's power of ice and snow can also be absorbed! Even if I disappear, I still want my sister to accompany me, after all, we were born together and should have disappeared in this world together." The Dark Ice and Snow Goddess gave Chu Jiuge this suggestion.

This dark goddess of ice and snow is indeed a ruthless character, and even after she dies, she wants to bewitch Chu Jiuge and drag her sister to be buried with her.

Chu Jiuge didn't answer her, she opened her eyes, and in an instant countless ice arrows struck towards the goddess of light and ice and snow.

"You actually protect a human man." The Bright Ice and Snow Goddess said.

Chu Jiuge rushed to Rong Yuan's side with the spiritual power of the wind element and said, "Should we rest and recuperate, or should we do it together?"

"Of course, fight side by side with Jiu'er! You also chose this way at the beginning, didn't you? My injury is not a problem, after all, Jiu'er is a genius doctor!" Rong Yuan laughed.

Chu Jiuge glanced at the goddess of light and snow, "Of course I protect him! He is my man. I know you are the goddess of light and snow, and your enemy is the goddess of darkness in this ice and snow temple. She is about to die , if you are willing to stop here and let Lei Pingting go, I don't want to fight you forever."

After all, this goddess of light and ice should be the same figure as the wood god, and she still has some respect for the wood god.

"Hey! She won't believe you." A mocking voice came from that little divine sense.

"You are full of lies. You are evil, cruel, cunning, and like to deceive people. You don't possess any of the qualities of a god. You are simply humiliated by our gods! Today I will never let you go." Bright Ice and Snow Goddess said angrily.

"It seems that you were a bit bad when you were a god! My twin sister commented on you like this." Chu Jiuge whispered.

This one has lost his mind, so there is only one battle!
"Xuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" Countless ice arrows struck, the wind blade strangled, and then thunder and lightning fell!

She thought her opponent was her younger sister, and she knew her sister's tricks well.

However, Chu Jiuge's methods exceeded her expectations, and she was beyond her ability to beat her.

"Space confinement!"

When the power of space was used, Rong Yuan tasted it instantly, and slashed it with his palm.

"Bang bang bang!" The Bright Ice and Snow Goddess suffered a great loss at this time.

" are really not her!" This kind of power cannot be possessed by an ice and snow god.

"I told you earlier, you don't believe me! I can't help it!" Chu Jiuge waved his hand.

She who was originally angry was now furious, "What did you do to her? What happened to her?"

She never imagined that a mere human, her sister would not be able to handle it, and instead, a human would rob her of her power of ice and snow. Such a thing is simply impossible.
The terrifying main force of ice and snow struck, Chu Jiuge's ink hair fluttered, and a light green light burst out, blocking the wind and snow.

"It was she who wanted to kill you, but you were so angry when you found out that I had dealt with her. Your personality as a goddess is too extreme!"

"My twin sister, no matter how disgusting I am, she can only be killed by me! Instead of being killed by you alone! Human, I want to destroy you!"

The terrible power of ice and snow struck mountains and seas, Chu Jiuge and Rong Yuan calmly faced each other.

The power of wood, wind, ice, thunder, and space was skillfully used by Chu Jiuge, and finally used the strongest trump card.

That pair of powerful eyes met the eyes of the Goddess of Light and Snow, and the powerful soul power and the mysterious power of ice and snow entered her sea of ​​consciousness.

"Get out! You don't have such a great holy rank. In order to have a body, you wantonly consume a woman's life and soul."

"Stop!" she roared, it was an irreversible force, it was immortal... the power of immortality...

A white streak of consciousness rushed out from Lei Pingting's body, and Lei Pingting fell to the ground without a trace of blood on her face.

Without the support of Lei Pingting's body and soul, the strength of the Snow Goddess was greatly reduced.

Although it can still use the power of ice and snow, Chu Jiuge, who has swallowed the power of ice and snow of another dark ice and snow goddess, seems to be stronger than her.

"Bang bang bang!" All her attacks collapsed, and she was imprisoned by Chu Jiuge's immortal power.

(End of this chapter)

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