Chapter 807
"What are you going to do?" she said angrily.

Chu Jiuge said lightly: "I need your power of ice and snow, so that I can have enough power of ice and snow to cultivate into my immortal life pupil."

"It turned out to be those eyes, it turned out to be like this, no wonder she couldn't do anything to you! She thought she had gained a good body, but she didn't expect to lead wolves into the house, idiot!" She said sarcastically.

"She also told me, let me swallow your strength too, and let you go and bury her with her." Chu Jiuge said.

"I can't refuse, can I? Let's do it! Maybe someone who has successfully cultivated the God of Immortal Life and controls the powerful immortal power will stop him from doing terrible things when he comes." The bright ice and snow Although the goddess is arrogant and cold-blooded, she has such a strong sense of responsibility for this world. These words are somewhat similar to what the wood god once said.

Chu Jiuge started, and the powerful power of ice and snow was continuously absorbed by her immortal life pupil.

After the absorption is finished, the consciousness of this bright ice and snow goddess will disappear.

The goddess of light and snow said: "Back then we were also good sisters who talked about everything. We were born at the same time and had exactly the same appearance and strength. However, because she fell in love with a man who was not like herself, she even fell into a demon and became an enemy of us. In the last big battle, we will fight with one another on this, and the same forces are destined to be destroyed together."

"She was not reconciled, even if she destroyed only a little spiritual consciousness, she opened up such a secret place of ice and snow, and sealed a little bit of her spiritual consciousness here. I had to stop her, so I used the same method."

"Thousands of years ago, Lianggu discovered this place. They kept sending disciples to practice. We selected female disciples with qualified souls and qualifications to occupy their bodies and souls, and gradually strengthen our spiritual consciousness. Of course, the human body can't bear it at all and can't live long."

"Thousands of years are not long for a god, but continuing this kind of thing every three years makes me, a god, feel annoyed. But I can't disappear. There are no gods in this world. If I disappear, who will stop it? she?"

So they consumed each other, and they killed many disciples in Lianggu.

"She hasn't completely disappeared yet, before you disappear, let's get together and calm down!" No matter how paranoid and quarrelsome the two are, they used to be sisters who loved each other!

When Jiuge released another ice and snow goddess from the sea of ​​souls, she turned into a transparent phantom.

She sneered: "The self-proclaimed goddess of light and snow! Didn't she lose to a human in the end?"

"You, a goddess of darkness and ice and snow, are nothing more than that, and you were killed by your prey!" The goddess of light and darkness resented her.

"Talk slowly!" Chu Jiuge already knew that their power was running low and would soon dissipate, and they couldn't cause much trouble.

"Rong Yaoxie, you stare at the two of them, don't let them be monsters, I'll go see how Miss Lei is doing? Is there any help?" Chu Jiuge swept over.

Lei Pingting's body was freezing cold, and there was no cure for it in normal times, but...

Pulling out the icy cold air left in her body by the Bright Ice and Snow Goddess, Chu Jiuge also understood why Lei Pingting stopped her from coming?
She was afraid that her body would be taken over by the Dark Ice and Snow Goddess, and she would end up like her.

After the power of ice and snow disappeared completely, the spiritual power of wood nourished her body, the spiritual power of wind was washing away all the frost, and the power of immortality was repairing it.

Lei Pingting's body was slowly recovering, and the two goddesses thought it was impossible for Lei Pingting to be cured.

After all, the strong attack of the goddess of light and ice and snow on Chu Jiuge had already hurt her soul and body, but Chu Jiuge did it.

The goddess of light and snow said: "Is this the power of the God of Immortal Life? Human beings are insignificant, but it is not a miracle that they can become gods."

The two goddesses of ice and snow are about to disappear in this world. The goddess of darkness and light is extremely unwilling, and her wish has not been fulfilled.

At this time, Chu Jiuge found that the scroll in his space had changed.

When they were about to disappear, a light blue light burst out from Chu Jiuge's body, and the light blue light made the two goddesses stunned.

"This power... this power is..."

The Dark Ice and Snow Goddess was ecstatic, but the Light Ice and Snow Goddess looked terrified.

The picture scroll floating in the air opened, revealing a perfect fairy-like man in the painting, and the blue light enveloped the consciousness of the two of them.

The Goddess of Darkness and Light had a bewildered expression at this moment. She looked at Chu Jiuge with tears and said, "Human beings, thank you very much! Thank you."

Even if this human being robbed her of all her power, the last bit of her spiritual consciousness disappeared.

Now she is sincerely grateful to her, the long-cherished wish that has been tormented for thousands of years and cannot be fulfilled, is this human being who helped her fulfill it.

My lord, I finally see you.

"Don't! No matter what, I can't be devoured by you, strengthen your power! Don't!"

The Dark Ice and Snow Goddess took the initiative to sacrifice her consciousness and disappeared in front of them.

However, the goddess of light and ice and snow is particularly resistant. She was not afraid of life and death before, but now she is desperately struggling to die.

"Human, save me! Human, don't you have the very magical pupil of immortal life? Stop him, stop him quickly, and when he becomes stronger and comes out of the seal of the painting, you will definitely lose."

Chu Jiuge was taken aback for a moment. Since Konghun saved her, he returned to the painting and could no longer become a human being. This painting is also like an ordinary painting.

She didn't have a clue about how to resume his experience, but she didn't expect that after meeting two gods this time, Konghun finally reacted.

Chu Jiuge said: "You mean, if the empty soul swallows the consciousness of the god, can it recover its strength?"

"Konghun! Is Konghun actually his name? He actually told you his name." The Bright Ice and Snow Goddess said in amazement.

No god knows this name, even his sister who has been obsessed with him for so many years.

He didn't know his name until he completely disappeared in this world.

"If he can really recover like this, then I won't listen to you at all, and I will even find more powers of gods to help him recover." Finally, he found a way to recover the power of the empty soul, Chu Jiuge I am happy in my heart.

"Are you crazy? He is an extremely evil soul. He takes the souls of people and the human souls of the whole world without blinking an eye. Are you not afraid of accidents when you save such a god?" The goddess of light and snow couldn't believe it. the way.

(End of this chapter)

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