Chapter 808 I Will Not Regret
Chu Jiuge replied: "You are right, I know it all."

She has seen the empty soul take the souls of countless people as soon as he made a move on the battlefield.

She also knows that if Konghun draws a picture casually, it can form an avalanche and destroy one side in an instant.

She also knew that Konghun even sacrificed the entire endless continent to save her.

He is indeed not a kind person, but he is an empty soul, who has been with her to protect her since the emergence of Ziling Kingdom, and even saved her life.

So what if it is true and evil?That is an extremely important person to him, and Killing God will make him wake up again.

"I know it all, but so what? I'm going to help him."

"You are a human being who is possessed by a demon. If you are possessed, you will regret it. You will definitely regret it..."

The word 'regret' left by the goddess of light and ice echoed in the broken hall, Rong Yuan stepped forward and hugged Chu Jiuge and said, "Jiu'er..."

He has dealt with Konghun before, and he ignores all living beings. He is an extremely dangerous guy, but he is harmless to Jiu'er, and Jiu'er also cares about him very much.

This kind of care has nothing to do with love between men and women.

Although he would still be jealous, he could only admit that Jiu'er's life was saved by him.

So whoever he is?Whatever he will do in the future, as long as it doesn't hurt Jiu'er, he will support Jiu'er in doing what she wants to do.

The picture scroll wrapped in the blue light in the air has not yet been closed, and this picture has swallowed the consciousness of two gods.

Even though the consciousness was weak, it made the blue light look a little more dangerous.

"Empty soul! Empty soul! Can you wake up? Can you come out?"

He didn't come out of the painting, and stood in front of her. The painting slowly closed, rolled up, and fell to Chu Jiuge's hand.

Chu Jiuge clasped his hands together, and said: "Sure enough, the consciousness of the two gods is not enough for you to fit between your teeth! It doesn't matter, anyway, I am also looking for the gods, and I want to get their elemental power to practice immortal life pupils , then I will find you the power of the god that restores your power by the way!"

Even if the two goddesses of ice and snow are weak, they are still two gods!
So how much did Konghun pay in order to save her?
"I will definitely wake you up. You have been sleeping for so long and missed a lot of opportunities to draw the sky. The sky in Shifang Shenyu is also beautiful, and you will definitely like it." Chu Jiuge murmured in a low voice. with,

The closed scrolls shone with blue light, as if they were also looking forward to drawing the sky of the Ten Directions God Realm.

Rong Yuan hugged Chu Jiuge tightly and said: "Well! Now that I know the way, I will definitely find a way to find the power of the gods to help him recover quickly. I don't want to owe this guy."

"Well! Let's work hard together." Chu Jiuge held Rong Yuan's hand.

With him by his company, even if the road ahead is not bright and extremely difficult, she will definitely be able to go on without fear.

Lei Pingting came out of the coma, she slowly opened her eyes, her expression was a little dazed, she was still alive.

Body, blood and soul have not yet turned into ice and snow.

She looked at Chu Jiuge and Rong Yuan who were intertwined and embracing each other like Bi people, and she was even more surprised. Miss Chu is also okay?

" What happened?" Her last memory stayed at the moment when she was occupied by the goddess of light and ice.

"The two goddesses finally fought and lost, and they disappeared. You don't have to worry about it." Chu Jiuge said.

In this temple, there is no trace of the power of the two ice and snow goddesses, but if the two goddesses are both defeated, they should not have the possibility of surviving.

Lei Pingting had doubts in her heart, and at this moment, there was a loud noise around her.

This Ice and Snow Temple is about to collapse, and so is the other Ice and Snow Temple in this secret realm.

Chu Jiuge said coldly: "You must leave here quickly! Let's go!"

With the current situation, Lei Pingting couldn't help but think too much, so she ran out and said it earlier.

The senior sisters and senior brothers of Cangyan Valley who were cultivating outside felt that the spiritual power that had benefited them a lot disappeared in an instant, and there was a burst of landslides and ground cracks, and danger appeared everywhere.

"Something went wrong! Get out of here quickly."

"Junior Sister and Junior Brother haven't come out yet."


When they were hesitating whether to go or wait, two familiar figures passed by.

"It's Junior Brother and Junior Sister, they've come out."

"There is another person, that person seems to be Miss Lei, why did she come here?"

Chu Jiuge said: "This secret realm is about to shatter, it is very dangerous now, rush out as fast as possible. Hurry up!"

"Yes!" They also realized the seriousness of the matter, and returned on the same road at full speed.

The people from Cang Lei Valley retreated even if they didn't stare at their elder sister, and met them near the exit.

"Master, it's great that you don't have the truth."

"Go! Get out of here."

They took out the ice and snow token, but this ice and snow token no longer has any power of ice and snow.

This is something given to them by the Ice and Snow Goddess. Now that the Ice and Snow Goddess has completely disappeared, this power has naturally disappeared as well.

"What should we do? This ice and snow token is useless, will it be burned to ashes if we rush out?" Everyone was worried.

"Boom!" There was a burst of loud noises, and they saw the ice and snow fields in the distance shattered and swallowed by endless darkness, which was already spreading rapidly to this side.

There are only two ways in front of them. The first is to rush out and be burned by the flames, and the second is to follow this secret realm and be swallowed.

Lei Pingting clenched her fists tightly and said, "Rush out, I will do my best to protect you when the time comes, as many as you can escape, it's better than dying here forever."

"Junior Brother Rong Yuan, Junior Sister!" The people in Cangyan Valley looked at Chu Jiuge and Rong Yuan, they were the backbone of their group.

Chu Jiuge took out a large handful of ice and snow tokens and said: "I got some ice and snow tokens from the Ice and Snow Temple before, and the power on them is enough to protect us from going out. No one will take one!"

"Great!" The people of Cangyan Valley were ecstatic, the ice and snow tokens in their hands were absolutely no worse than the ones they used before.

A light flashed in the eyes of the people in Qingleigu, and there was still a glimmer of hope.

"Master!" they shouted in low voices.

It's just that they didn't seem to have a good relationship with Cang Yangu before. After all, their senior sister challenged Chu Jiuge before, and they fought hard. I wonder if they will be willing to lend a helping hand?

Lei Pingting was slightly taken aback, and said, "Miss Chu!"

"There's still a lot left here, you can share it! I know you have difficulties, you are a good person, and the disciples of Qinglei Valley are not bad. If you can help within your ability, please accept it! "A few ice and snow tokens flew out.

"Thank you!" Lei Pingting said gratefully.

"Boom!" came out in bursts, and the entire space was distorted.

Chu Jiuge hurriedly said: "Go! Hurry up, if you slow down, I'm afraid it will be too late!"

(End of this chapter)

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