Chapter 809 Come Out Alive
The endless darkness devoured the last miracles left by the two ice and snow goddesses of the ancient gods. Everyone left in a hurry, but they did not find that it was Chu Jiuge who was broken.

Chu Jiuge used the power of ice and snow to freeze the back, buying time for them to enter the flames.

"Boom!" At this time, the elders and valley owners of the two valleys who were waiting for them to come out also felt the earthquake and the mountains shook, and all of them turned pale.

"This has never happened before. Is this a big deal?"

"Not good, I have to leave quickly, the surrounding fire element fluctuations are getting stronger and stronger."


The owner of the Cangyan Valley took people away without saying a word. It was indeed a pity that something happened in that secret realm, but he felt a pity at all for the disciples who might have no bones left underneath.

"Gu Master! Let's go!" Thunder Valley Master has been standing in place, his daughter, his outstanding disciple of Qing Lei Valley is still inside.

"Boom!" The entire volcano was already cracking, and crimson magma kept coming out of it, which was very dangerous.

"Valley Master!"

The people in Qingcang Valley were in a hurry, and the owner of their valley stared at the crater without moving a step as if he had received a huge blow.

Just when the entire volcano was about to erupt, a few figures rushed out of the gray-black dust and black mist.

"Great, someone came out."

"That's the disciple of Cangyan Valley, the disciple of Cangyan Valley has come out, then our disciples of Qingleigu..."

Before he finished speaking, he jumped up excitedly, "Master Gu, have you seen it? It's Missy, Missy..."

"Our disciples from Qinglei Valley have all come out, that's great."

The disciples of Qinglei Valley and Cangyan Valley all came out. When Jiu Ge and Rong Yuan came out, hot magma rushed into the air.

Rong Yuan protected Chu Jiuge in his arms, and his spiritual power spread out to isolate all dangers, but the flames that destroyed and burned everything exploded wildly.

"Come on!"


Everyone is away from this volcano in the fastest area. The volcano that has not erupted for thousands of years seems to have completely released the power that continues.

The surrounding area was covered by magma, and all the flowers, plants and trees were completely reduced to ashes.

Everyone escaped safely. Looking at the terrible sea of ​​flames, it is definitely a very lucky thing to escape alive.

The owner of Qinglei Valley and all the elders were there, but all the people in Cangyan Valley had left, and no one stayed to wait for them.

As the senior sister of Cangyan Valley, Murong Yan, she showed embarrassment on her face.

She said: "Junior Sister, Junior Brother Rong Yuan, since we have come out safely, let's go back to Cangyan Valley!"

"Yeah!" Chu Jiuge nodded, the owner of the valley ran so fast, he didn't worry about their life or death at all!
Chu Jiuge was about to leave, Lei Pingting looked at her back and hesitated to speak, but finally didn't say anything?
There was nothing wrong with entering the secret realm once every three years before, but now there is such a big commotion.

The giant volcano erupted, and none of them was fine. The owner of Cangyan Valley was very surprised when they came out alive.

Seeing them returning, Cangyan Valley Master smiled and said: "Okay! It's good that you come back alive, I'm worried about you."

After that, he asked about what happened in the secret realm. The other senior sisters and senior brothers were only practicing outside and didn't know much about it, so he went to find out about the situation of the two who entered the temple to practice.

The explanation Chu Jiuge gave him was the same as what Lei Pingting had told him. The two goddesses were both wounded in the fight, and then their consciousness disappeared, and the secret realm collapsed.

Without the suppression of the rich ice element underground, this active volcano naturally erupted.

Neither Lei Pingting nor Cangyan Guzhu could have imagined that the two goddesses did not disappear after losing both sides, but were picked up by Chu Jiuge, a newcomer to the saint rank.

Cang Yangu said: "Then did you get any treasures and benefits in the Ice and Snow Goddess Temple?"

"I got a little power, does that count?" Chu Jiuge's burst of ice and snow spiritual power made Cangyan Valley Master feel cold all over his body, and his soul seemed to be frozen.

Cangyan Valley Master said in surprise: "It seems that you got a good chance, very good!"

Chu Jiuge gained a lot, so he retreated for a short time.

After leaving the customs, Chu Jiuge said: "It's time to contact Uncle Jiu and the others. It's troublesome for the two of us to search for the traces of ancient gods. This time it's just luck and happened to sense it."

"Hmm! Jiu'er wants to go to the Immortal Nine Clan?" Rong Yuan asked.

"No, I can't go for the time being. The Immortal Nine Clans must be stared at by the God Realm. I don't want the two of us to be exposed to the enemy now. If we don't go to the Immortal Nine Clans, we must find a way to tell them our location." Chu Jiuge replied. .

As for how to tell them, Chu Jiuge has already thought of a way.

As long as her identity as a miracle doctor and the identity of the number one thief are spread in Shifang God Realm, Yin promises that they will know.

She was thinking about how to publicize her status as a genius doctor, when a patient came to her door, and this patient was Lei Pingting, the eldest lady of Qinglei Valley.

Lei Pingting was escorted by the elders of Qinglei Valley, and the owner of Cangyan Valley smiled and said: "I didn't expect that Miss Lei would arrive, and I would be greeted at a distance."

The two valleys have always been at odds with each other, and they seldom visit their respective sites except for a competition every three years.

Now Miss Lei is visiting in person, which surprised the owner of Cangyan Valley.

"Our eldest miss has something to do with Miss Chu, I hope Miss Chu can come to see our eldest miss."

"Okay! Please come inside." Cangyan Valley Master was very polite.

Miss Lei came to look for her on her own initiative, and Chu Jiuge naturally wanted to see her.

She said: "Did Miss Lei come to see me for treatment?"

She saved her life that time in the Ice and Snow Temple, but the hidden danger left by the power of ice and snow in her body was not completely removed.

Lei Pingting said: "Only Miss Chu can cure my illness. I beg you to help me. No matter what the conditions are, I will agree to you, even if I am a slave by your side."

Lei Pingting was able to do this not only because Chu Jiuge was able to cure her illness, but also because of her previous guilt and the people who rescued her in the Ice and Snow Temple and the entire Qinglei Valley.

Chu Jiuge said: "It's okay to be a slave or a servant girl. I don't like being served by others. How about you owe me three favors?"

"Miss Chu agreed." Lei Pingting was overjoyed.

"Take a day off and start treatment tomorrow!"

Cangyan Guzhu didn't expect that Chu Jiuge would have such high medical skills that he could treat Lei Pingting's problems and let Lei Pingting come to his door.

The owner of Cangyan Valley asked the two of them to have a secret talk, and he said: "Our Cangyan Valley has been dominated by Qinglei Valley for so many years, and now that Miss Lei is in our Cangyan Valley, we will take her as a hostage. Yuan Yuan joined forces to capture Qinglei Valley and make Qinglei Valley submit to us. From now on, our Cangyan Valley will be the only overlord among the forces of the two valleys. After that, I will let you, Mr. Rong Yuan, be the deputy valley master. How about ?”

(End of this chapter)

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