Chapter 810 Despicable and shameless

"I'm not interested in the dispute between the two valleys, Master Cangyan, don't involve us in whatever you want to do." Rong Yuan looked impatient.

The Cangyan Valley Master's eyes fell on Chu Jiuge, and he said slowly: "There is a secret realm left by the ancient gods in the land of our two valleys. We have always protected this secret. The first is We are afraid that people will rob us of our opportunities, and the second is that we are afraid of being brought into trouble."

"As a member of the Eight Great Saint Clans, you can be arrogant and don't want to participate, but you also have to think about your fiancée. Now that secret realm has disappeared, and Chu Jiuge has received the inheritance of Ice and Snow Goddess Wei Mo. As long as I release the news Go out, there must be many people interested in her."

That is an ancient god!It is true that he has no way to take the power that Chu Jiuge has obtained as his own, but the entire Shifang God Realm is so big that he has no way, which doesn't mean that others don't.

"Besides, before you grow up, you don't want to be discovered by the Rong family! As long as we work together and get the resources of Lianggu for your cultivation, you can become stronger as quickly as possible without hiding. Young People, I am thinking about this for you! Think about it carefully!"

Cangyan Valley Master's words were better than his singing, Chu Jiuge and Rong Yuan's eyes became cold.

This guy is really brave!How dare you threaten them.

For a moment, Cangyan Valley Master felt cold all over his body, but he was still calm.

Even if these two are angry again, they will not attack him, after all, his strength lies here.

But he didn't know that, fortunately, even if Chu Jiuge held Rong Yuan back, otherwise he would definitely be blood splattered on the spot immediately.

Chu Jiuge said flatly: "What Cangyan Valley Master said is true, but let's talk about everything after I cure Miss Lei!"

"Cure her? What did you cure her for?"

"Miss Lei is already dying. If I don't cure her, she will be a dying person as a hostage. Do you think Qing Lei Valley will buy it? Only a healthy Miss Lei, the owner of Lei Valley, will be willing to pay Great price to save."

"That's right! Then can you really cure her? You must know that Lei Pingting's foundation was damaged because she was not talented enough and couldn't bear the coldness of the Ice and Snow Goddess. Many alchemists couldn't do anything about it."

"Of course I can cure it. I am a miracle doctor. And the inheritance of the Ice and Snow Goddess is not for nothing." Chu Jiuge said confidently.

"Okay! I'm relieved now, and I'll leave this matter to you." Cangyan Valley Master smiled.

After Chu Jiuge and Rong Yuan left, Cang Yangu was proud of the success of his plan.

Rong Yuan asked, "Jiu'er, what are you going to do?"

"Crush his hopes at his happiest moment! He really thought he could get his wish, so let's go and dream about it!" Chu Jiuge's eyes were icy cold.

If it weren't for the fact that Cangyan Valley really has no money, she would steal him into a pauper now that she is the number one thief.

How dare you threaten her!Tired of life!

Next, Chu Jiuge treated Lei Pingting. The senior sisters of Cangyan Valley originally had some opinions on my eldest lady, but after getting along with her, they felt that she was a nice person.

After Lei Pingting recovered completely, Chu Jiuge told her about Cangyan Valley Master's plan.

Lei Pingting was taken aback, "I always knew that the owner of Cangyan Valley is not a good person? I never thought that he would pay our Qingleigu's attention. After all, Miss Chu is a disciple of Cangyan Valley. Will you be in trouble if you don't do it?" ?”

Chu Jiuge said: "I hate that old guy threatening me! So I'm going to let him eat chicken. If you Qingleigu and Cangyangu have a grudge, then let your father kill him by the way." gone."

Lei Pingting was dumbfounded, Miss Chu was simply too tough.

After that, she also understood the situation. It turned out that Chu Jiuge and Rong Yuan eloped from home and stayed in Cangyan Valley temporarily. Although they joined Cangyan Valley, they did not really worship the master of Cangyan Valley as their teacher.

After Chu Jiuge told the owner of Cangyan Valley that Lei Pingting's health had recovered, the owner of Cangyan Valley worried the entire Cangyan Valley and sent a message to the owner of Leigu.

The people from Qinglei Valley came in a mighty way, and the owner of Thunder Valley said coldly: "You old man, let my daughter go immediately."

"If you want your daughter, you can! From now on, Qinglei Valley will be merged into our Cangyan Valley, and you will bow down to our Cangyan Valley, otherwise your daughter will be killed on the spot today!" the way.

What he did made many people in Cangyan Valley stunned. Miss Lei came to their Cangyan Valley to treat their illnesses, but the owner of the valley actually took her as a hostage to threaten the owner of Lei Valley. Such an approach is really despicable and shameless.

Lei Guzhu said angrily: "You bastard!"

"It was your daughter who threw herself into the trap and gave me a god-sent opportunity, so I certainly won't miss it! Do you want your daughter's life or the Thunder Valley?" Cangyan Valley Master let him vomit a decision.

The people in Qinglei Valley also know that the owner of the valley is in a difficult situation. The owner of the valley originally felt that he owed the eldest lady, but now...

Senior Sister Murong couldn't stand it anymore, "Master, if our Cangyan Valley has the ambition to unify the two valleys, we can have a decisive battle with Qingleigu to win the battle. Miss Lei didn't offend me, Cangyangu. Treating guests is really a bit..."

"Shut up! In the past, I always praised you for being smart, but I didn't expect you to be as stupid as a pig. You can easily take down Qinglei Valley and seize the weakness of the surname Lei. Why should the owner of this valley take risks to fight against Qingleigu?" .” Cangyan Valley Master scolded.

Many disciples showed shock on their faces. In their eyes, Master Gu is a very perfect person.

Now this selfish, unscrupulous and despicable villain makes them feel that the owner of the valley has been outsold.

Seeing Master Lei's hesitation, Master Cangyan drew out his sword and stabbed Lei Pingting, wanting her to see some blood, to see if her father would feel distressed?
Many disciples of Cangyan Valley couldn't bear to see Lei Pingting get hurt, but the order of the valley master must not be disobeyed.

At this time, a fiery red figure flew out like the wind, pulling Lei Pingting away from the danger.

"It's Junior Sister who made the move!" They exclaimed in surprise.

The sword failed, and the face of Cangyan Valley Master was extremely ugly.

He said gloomyly: "Chu Jiuge, are you trying to get in the way?"

Chu Jiuge said: "Lei Pingting is my patient. She came to Cangyan Valley to seek medical treatment from me, so naturally she has to recover and go back safe and sound, instead of being held hostage by you!"

"Damn it! You traitor, you lied to me! Come on! Take down this traitor for me, and just let me live." Cangyan Valley Master yelled angrily.

"Old bastard! If you dare to blackmail me with my daughter or touch my daughter's savior, let's see if I am willing." Thunder Valley Master attacked with lightning speed.

Cangyan Valley took the initiative of his Ni Lin, and now he completely transformed into a raging lion to attack the owner of Cangyan Valley fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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