Chapter 811
"Boom!" The masters of the two valleys clashed, and the masters of the two valleys naturally also fought.

Without Lei Pingting as a useful hostage, their plans were completely disrupted, and Cang Yangu may not be Qing Leigu's opponent.

Cangyan Valley Master is extremely annoyed now, he said angrily: "What are you still doing here? Why don't you take down Chu Jiuge, a traitor."

The disciples were surprised to receive such an order, and finally Senior Sister Murong stood up and said, "Master, forgive us for being difficult to obey."

"We are no match for Junior Sister!"

The disciples in Cangyan Valley are either people who admire Chu Jiuge, or they entered the secret realm and were helped by Chu Jiuge, or they are really weak and cannot survive a few moves by Chu Jiuge.

Cangyan Valley Master almost vomited blood when he heard their answers, "A bunch of bastards, don't they even listen to my orders?"

He never thought that Chu Jiuge would win over so many people's hearts in such a short time since he came to Cangyan Valley.

"Master, we are not people who are right and wrong."

"If it wasn't for Junior Sister and Junior Brother Rong Yuan, we wouldn't be able to get out of the secret realm alive."

"Master Gu, all of us working together are no match for Junior Sister and Junior Brother Rong Yuan!"

Master Lei Gu said: "Old bastard, if you want to compete for the supremacy of the land of the two valleys, why do you need to involve the younger generation, you and I can just fight for the victory."

The Thunder Valley Master wanted a fair and aboveboard battle, but the Cangyan Valley Master refused.

He said, "Catch Chu Jiuge and Lei Pingting."

Some of his disciples are unreliable, so he can only order his cronies to do it.

As long as Chu Jiuge and Lei Pingting were captured, Rong Yuan and Lei Guzhu would be captured without putting their hands down.

It is really shameless to let these old things bully the two juniors. Now the master of Cangyan Valley is determined not to give up in order to achieve his goal, and he is too lazy to put on a hypocritical mask.

Chu Jiuge just protected Lei Pingting in this matter, and didn't want to get involved, but Cangyan Valley Master tried to die again and again.

"Leave it to me! Jiu'er." Facing the guys who attacked Chu Jiuge, Rong Yuan suddenly appeared and stood in front of her.

Before the elders could respond, they had already lost consciousness.

Everyone was dumbfounded, "So strong!"

"Junior Brother Rong Yuan is too powerful."

"No, I'm afraid we can't afford to be a senior brother with such a powerful person. Master Rong Yuan is very powerful."

"You are not at the fifth level of a saint at all, who are you?" At this time, the Cangyan Valley Master also felt extremely horrified, those elders were all holy emperors!But it was easily solved by him.

Rong Yuan said coldly: "Most of what I said is true, and I just want to stay in Cangyan Valley quietly for a while. You shouldn't want to use me and Jiu'er, and dare to make people treat Jiu'er Let's do it. So..."

Cangyan Valley Master burst into a cold sweat in shock, and dealt with the Holy Emperor's ability casually. This Rong Yuan is not a branch of the Rong family at all, probably a direct descendant.

God!What kind of person did he offend?

Cangyan Valley Master and Thunder Valley Master are on par in strength, and if this fight continues for a whole day, it is estimated that there will be no winner.

Because Guzhu Cangyan committed suicide, Chu Jiuge decided to help Guzhu Lei.

That pair of mysterious eyes instantly met the eyes of the Cangyan Valley Master, and the Cangyan Valley Master was shocked. Is Chu Jiuge going to use the pupil technique on him to plot against him?

He is simply overwhelmed, his pupil technique is very easy to deal with other younger generations, but his strength is so much stronger than hers, and his soul power is naturally...

He wanted to use his soul power to fight back, causing Chu Jiuge to suffer backlash.

For a moment, he felt that his soul seemed to be frozen, and his consciousness was blurred.

He was terrified, how could it be possible?The soul power of Chu Jiuge and a little girl completely crushed him, leaving him without the power to parry.

The soul has been severely injured, and the Cangyan Valley Master naturally has no way to deal with Thunder Valley Master.

"Bang!" His whole body was instantly sent flying by Thunder Valley Master, blood gushing wildly.

"Every day I only think about intrigues and tricks and don't delve into cultivation. My strength is nothing more than that, and I want to swallow my Thunder Valley, dreaming!" After the overwhelming victory, the Lord of Thunder Valley was extremely confident.

No one except Rong Yuan knew about Chu Jiuge's move.

"Puff puff!" Thunder Valley Master's trembling appearance made Cangyan Valley Master vomit blood in anger.

He wanted to fight back but felt cold all over, it was Chu Jiuge!

How much inheritance has she received from the Ice and Snow Goddess, to be able to control the power of ice and snow to such an extent, it's abominable!

"Bang bang bang!"

The owner of the valley has already been defeated, and the morale of Cangyan Valley's side has plummeted. In the end, everyone was defeated and arrested, and Cangyan Valley was defeated.

For a while, the other disciples of Cangyan Valley also had mixed feelings in their hearts, and they might disappear in the future.

The owner of Thunder Valley is not bad, so he probably wouldn't kill them all.

"Father!" Lei Pingting walked over and said something to Master Lei Gu?
Master Lei Gu walked up to Chu Jiuge and Rong Yuan and said, "Miss Chu, thank you very much for saving my daughter so many times. I, Qing Lei Gu, owe you a lot of favors! If it weren't for your help, we wouldn't be able to destroy her. A plot against this old bastard. I don’t have that much appetite for Qinglei Valley, so I don’t want to annex Cangyan Valley.”

"But this old bastard, there is no way to be the owner of the valley." The Lei Valley owner conveniently abolished the cultivation base of the Cangyan Valley owner, and the same is true for his confidantes.

Their Valley Master did such a thing, and Qing Lei Valley gave up the good opportunity at hand and did not annex Cangyan Valley, which surprised many people in Cangyan Valley.

The master of Leigu is not bad but he is not indecisive either. Chu Jiuge and the others are Cangyangu's disciples after all, so he naturally wants to give them face, they are not weak.

Now Rong Yuan and Chu Jiuge seem to be in the ice and snow secret realm, and they have once again become the backbone of some disciples like Cang Yangu.

Senior Sister Murong said: "Junior Sister, Junior Brother Rong Yuan, it's hard for Master to take on the big job now, the position of Valley Master..."

Chu Jiuge said with a smile: "You are a big sister, so I leave it to you!"

"Ah!" Senior Sister Murong was stunned. She thought that only Junior Sister and Junior Brother Rong Yuan had this qualification, why did they leave it to her?

Afterwards, the disciples of Cangyan Valley all knew that their valley owner was a hypocrite with many bad deeds, and the disciples of Cangyan Valley all despised the valley owner.

Senior Sister Murong felt that she was shouldering a heavy responsibility, and must clear up the unhealthy trend in Cangyan Valley.

It was rare for Ergu to get along peacefully after that, and a news came from Ergu.

It is rumored that there is a miracle doctor in Cangyan Valley, and even Miss Qingleigu's incurable cold was cured by this miracle doctor, which also promoted the friendly exchanges between the two valleys, which have always been tit-for-tat.

At this time, in an elegant pavilion, a pair of jade-like hands opened a letter, the corners of her perfect mouth slightly raised, and her thin lips parted slightly, "Cangyan Valley? Jiuge really knows how to hide, such a remote place. "

(End of this chapter)

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