Chapter 812
Because of the fame of the genius doctor, many people from the Ergu area came to seek medical treatment.

Of course, it wasn't that all comers were rejected, Lei Pingting took the initiative to ask for help in screening for Chu Jiuge.

A number one thief was born out of nowhere, and without anyone noticing, he stole away several big households who had accumulated ill-gotten wealth for several generations.

This person is elusive and unparalleled in stealing skills. Those who were stolen became paupers and hated the number one thief, but they couldn't find her.

Cangyan Valley ushered in a very special honored guest, that is a perfect young man who is as dazzling as the son of the sun, with elegant demeanor, noble and imposing, and a pair of pale golden pupils with sparkling brilliance.

Such a young man who looked like a walking luminous body made many senior sisters in Cangyan Valley blush, Lei Pingting asked: "Is this young master also looking for a miracle doctor?"

"No! I'm here to find my sister." The beautiful voice is pleasant to the ear, and it is a kind of enjoyment to listen to it.

"Sister?" Everyone looked at the young man, there probably was no female disciple younger than this in Cangyan Valley.

No, Junior Sister may be younger than her.

"I don't know the name of the person the young master is looking for?" Just as Lei Pingting finished speaking, a fiery red figure flew over.

"Yiyi, I didn't expect you to come here in person. And my sister, you look so tender! It's more appropriate to find a sister." Chu Jiuge's eyes fell on Yinuo, and this guy hasn't changed at all. .

"If the face is tender, it will be more tender in seven days, but you are the youngest among us, aren't you?" Yinuo said gently.

"But I don't want to have so many brothers-in-law at all." Rong Yuan said flatly.

"Then you can dissolve the engagement, Jiu Ge is already a member of our family."

Everyone was a little surprised, this young man came to look for Junior Sister, he seemed to be the elder brother of Junior Sister.

"Do you want to stand here and continue chatting? Let's go in first!"

Yinuo, a young man full of knowledge and planning, introduced the current situation of the Immortal Nine Clan in a very simple and clear way.

"Shifang Shenzun wished that Uncle Jiu, who hadn't recovered yet, would fight with him, but Uncle Jiu chose to retreat first to recover his strength." Yinuo said to Chu Jiuge.

Rong Yuan said in a low voice: "Nine Heavens has changed a lot, if it used to be..."

"That's natural. Uncle Jiu has a wife and a daughter now. In order to protect the people he wants to protect, he must ensure his own safety."

Uncle Jiu was in retreat, and so were the errants. They were given hellish special training by their fathers, and their lives were extremely miserable, but no one complained.

In order to have enough strength, in order to be able to fight side by side with Jiuge in the future to kill that powerful enemy.

Rong Yuan said: "Why don't you go to retreat?"

"Even if I don't go to retreat, I won't lag behind them in strength, so there is no need. After all, the Immortal Nine Races still have a lot to do." Yinuo's eyes were filled with the arrogance of a genius.

He brought Rong Yuan back at Rong's house, and there was a farce of a martial arts competition to recruit relatives, and he knew that Chu Jiuge and Rong Yuan were here.

He knew that the Rong family couldn't do anything to the two of them, so they eloped.

After that, the Rong family didn't know where they went?He didn't know either.

Until the genius doctor and the first thief appeared in the same place at the same time, he was sure that Chu Jiuge was in Cangyan Valley.

Yinuo said: "Jiuge, do you have anything to tell us when you contact us?"

The terrifying cold air of ice and snow erupted, and Yinuo was slightly taken aback. This cold air was many times stronger than before. It seemed that Jiu Ge had a new encounter.

"I got the power of ice and snow from the goddess of ice and snow. Now that I have the spiritual power of wood and the power of ice and snow, I need the power of ancient gods to become stronger. I need to use the power of the immortal nine clans to find The remains of the gods." Chu Jiuge cut to the chase.

The Eye of Immortal Life is the ultimate treasure guarded by the Nine Immortal Clans. Chu Jiuge ordered the Nine Immortal Clans to do it with all their strength.

Yinuo said: "Uncle Jiu has already ordered this matter."

The Shifang God Venerable is too powerful, even if the opponent is just a fake, it is definitely not weaker than the Shifang God Venerable at its peak.

There must be a battle between the Immortal Nine Clans and the God Realm. If Jiu Ge can cultivate the Immortal Life God Eyes stronger, their chances of winning the Immortal Nine Clans will naturally be greater.

"What does Jiu Ge want to do? I've already given orders before I came here. Is there anything Shi Fang Shenzun wants me to do?" A pair of pale golden eyes stared at Rong Yuan and said.

"Aren't you very smart?" Rong Yuan raised his eyebrows.

"You should want to use my hand to contact your old department. You, who have become a lonely family and have been replaced by others, do you have anyone available?" Yinuo asked.

The Immortal Nine Races have been strong for thousands of years, but they are also walking on thin ice against the fake ten-direction gods who don't know how deep they are.

A lavender token, a drop of blood fell into it, Rong Yuan said: "I have been the god of the ten directions for more than ten years, and it is not for nothing. Use this token to contact Xingxiu. You should have the ability not to be deceived." Rong Shen noticed, if you are discovered, you can only say that you, a peerless genius, are not very good?"

"What are your orders?" Yinuo asked.

"What are you doing? What are they doing naturally? Jiu'er's matter is the most important thing. As for Rong Shen, as long as my strength recovers, as long as I get rid of him, everything will be fine." Rong Yuan said coldly.

"That's right, now he only dares to pretend to be you to stabilize the overall situation, and he dare not reveal his true identity. As long as you can get rid of him, there is no need to do anything else? Everything will return to normal, and the entire God Realm will still surrender to you Under your feet." Yinuo said indifferently.

Next, they talked about their plans for the future. Chu Jiuge planned to stay and wander around the Shifang God Realm temporarily to see if there were any new clues.

Yinuo said: "It's fine if you don't go back. Now that fake ten-party god has somehow arranged some internal support in my Immortal Nine Clan. Once you are still alive and the news of the Hui Clan is known to him, he will definitely not Let it go. Because he knows how important you are to our clan, he can only wrong Jiu Ge and you wander outside."

Rong Yuan said: "With me by my side, Jiu'er won't be wronged. The matter is finished, you should get out, don't expose Jiu'er."

"Naturally, I won't let my tail follow me when I do things. If I go all the way, Jiuge should let me have a meal!" Rong Yuan wished that Yinuo would leave quickly, but Yinuo refused to leave.

With Chu Jiuge's current status in Cangyan Valley, it is not a problem at all to entertain Yi Nuo grandly, but at this time, something unpleasant happened.

"I heard that my fourth uncle abdicated and let a woman be his disciple. I don't agree to this, and let that bitch who bewitched my fourth uncle come out and see me."

(End of this chapter)

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