Chapter 813
"Where is the dog barking here? You can prepare to close the door and beat the dog." Chu Jiuge said coldly.

Cang Changgou stared straight at such a beautiful woman, "You are the elder sister of Cangyan Valley before, and now the owner of Cangyan Valley. It doesn't look like it! You are so young."

Senior Sister Murong came over and said: "I am the owner of Cangyan Valley now, who are you? What's your business in Cangyan Valley?"

"I am Cang Changgou, your master's nephew. When I was in Cangyan Valley, you, a senior sister, hadn't entered the valley yet! Just ask the elders in Cangyan Valley." Cangchanggou said.

Many confidantes of the valley masters in Cangyan Valley were either killed or imprisoned, but there are still some honest elders, they said: "This seems to be really Young Master Changgou."

"I didn't expect Master Changgou to come back after so many years."

"I've always heard that Master Changgou was gifted and intelligent and entered the Sirius Gate, one of the three gates."

Anyway, this guy is the nephew of the former valley owner, and he has entered the Heavenly Wolf Sect, one of the three sects that is more powerful than Ergu.

Even though he looked down on Cangyan Valley and didn't come back for so long, the owner of Cangyan Valley has always praised him very much.

"Is there anything you need to do when you come back? Now that the master has been defeated by Thunder Valley Lord and has been abolished, he is staying in the back mountain to cultivate. You can visit him if you want."

"Of course I want to visit my good uncle. I have to ask him why he let a woman be the owner of the valley? She doesn't look very good? She is far worse than this junior sister. Soon the position of the owner of the valley will be mine."

He went to see the owner of Cangyan Valley, and now the owner of Cangyan Valley has been poisoned and delirious, his head is blank, no matter what Cang Changgou says, he knows how to nod?
"I said you were not only abolished by the thunder valley master, but also made a fool. No wonder you let a woman be the valley owner. You also said at the beginning that the position of the valley owner can only belong to our Cang family. Now that I am back, then that The Cang family is about to abdicate."

Cang Changgou is determined to win the position of valley owner, but everyone doesn't buy this idiot's account.

"A bunch of ignorant things. I am a disciple of the Heavenly Wolf Sect, one of the three sects. If I become the owner of the Valley, I will embrace the thigh of the Sirius Sect. You can just use your lips. Are you sure you will let this woman be the owner of the valley."

"Yes! We will recognize the elder sister." Everyone said.

This guy was pissed off, and he said: "Bitch, I want to challenge you! Strength is everything, if you are not my opponent, give me your position."

This guy is not young, and his strength has reached the sixth level of the Holy King.

Even if they have improved a lot in the ice and snow secret realm, they are far from this guy's opponent.

"Just because you are such a stupid dog, and you still don't have the ability to let the elder sister do it, let me be your opponent!" Chu Jiuge stood up and said.

"It's you! How can you be ashamed? I'm sympathetic."

Senior Sister Murong said: "If you can beat Junior Sister, then it's okay to let you be the Valley Master. It depends on whether you dare to compete or not?"

Everyone knows that Junior Sister is very powerful, waiting for this bastard to be beaten.

"Okay! That's what you said."

They went to the competition stage, and Cang Changgou said: "Little sister, you are so good-looking, I really can't bear to be cruel! If you just admit defeat, how about I let you be the wife of the valley owner and enjoy the blessings?" ?”

Cangyan Valley's disciples all looked at this idiot with a sneer, the junior sister doesn't even want the position of the valley owner, how could she want to be the valley owner's wife?

And this guy can't even match a single hair of Junior Brother Rong Yuan, so he doesn't know where his confidence comes from?

"Be careful, I'm going to make a move." Just as he was about to raise his hand, he found that the person in front of him disappeared instantly.

The tyrannical spiritual power struck like an overwhelming mountain. After getting the ice and snow spiritual power, Chu Jiuge's strength has also increased a lot, and it is more than enough to deal with such a fool.

"Boom!" The terrifying power of ice and snow erupted, completely freezing this idiot, and he fell off the competition stage violently, spurting blood again and again.

He was extremely shocked that this woman was so strong.

Chu Jiuge said coldly: "Go away! Even if you are the nephew of the former owner of the valley, since you are no longer a member of Cangyan Valley, you will not be able to point fingers at Cangyan Valley!"

"Yes! Get out!"

"Hurry up and get out!"

The people in Cangyan Valley also hated this guy very much, and drove them away like another vicious dog.

Cang Changgou said angrily: "You are so courageous, I am a disciple of the Heavenly Wolf Sect, one of the three sects, there is no good fruit for offending us."

Yinuo walked out slowly and said: "What is the Heavenly Wolf Gate? A piece of trash dares to bark in front of Jiu Ge..."

His throat seemed to be tightly strangled, his teeth were instantly shattered, and his long hook was extremely painful and angry.

" dare you?"

"Boom!" The group of people from the Heavenly Wolf Sect were blown away.

"If you dare to appear in an eyesore again, believe it or not, I will make your Heavenly Wolf Sect disappear completely." This young man who looked like the son of the sun was extraordinarily cold and domineering at this time.

It's just one of the three sects, and it's enough to make them disappear completely without using the power of the Immortal Nine Clans.

That beautiful and outrageous boy almost scared them out of their wits, crawling away one by one in a state of embarrassment.

Everyone stared dumbfounded at this young man who claimed to be the elder brother of his junior sister, very ruthless and domineering.

As if one of the three sects is a crushed ant in his eyes, who the hell is he?

Yinuo walked up to Chu Jiuge and said, "We are not by your side outside and no one is allowed to bully you, otherwise Uncle Jiu will not spare me."

Chu Jiuge said: "Don't worry! Who dares to bully me? Even if you don't do anything to that guy, he won't be able to absorb any spiritual power after he leaves. I have frozen his meridians."

Yinuo is leaving, he has many things to do.

At a young age, he controls the power of the Immortal Nine Clans, because he is the most reliable and smartest, even the elders in the family are far inferior to this think tank.

When Chu Jiuge sent him off, he found that his hair was still very thick, and said: "My uncles are a little bullying you! Why don't you wait for me for a day, and I will refine some brain-replenishing pills for you."

The corner of Yinuo's mouth twitched slightly and said: "No, my brain is very good, the more I use it, the better it gets, I don't need pills to make it up! If you really feel sorry for me, then go back and help me share it! Young patriarch."

"Forget it, I'm just a saint now! I can only let you take care of it first!" Chu Jiuge waved his hands.

After a long journey, we still have to part ways, but Chu Jiuge knows that there will be a day when they will meet together.

That idiot went back to the Heavenly Wolf Sect and filed a complaint, and no one came to trouble Cangyan Valley, but a pharmacist family on the site of Sanmen invited the genius doctor to attend a pharmacist meeting.

Lei Pingting said, "Miss Chu, do you want to go?"

"Go! It's time to go outside Ergu." Chu Jiuge nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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