Chapter 814 The First Arrival
The strength above Ergu is the three gates, the three gates are the Tianlang gate, the Tianhu gate and the Tiangou gate, and what Chu Jiuge is going to is a family of refining medicine, the Mu family, which is subordinate to the Sirius gate.

The name of the genius doctor had already spread to the Sanmen, and the Mu family felt that this was just a sensationalist exaggerating the medical skills of that genius doctor who wanted to be famous and crazy.

So I invited her to participate in this medicine refining competition. If the genius doctor didn't dare to come, it meant that she really had a ghost.

If she comes, just use their Mu family's superb alchemy skills to make her feel ashamed and expose her true colors in public.

Chu Jiuge agreed to come, but the Mu family sent someone to pick them up at the gate of the city. It was not just a genius doctor and a pharmacist, but also many outstanding pharmacists from the area controlled by Sanmen.

After Chu Jiuge took out the invitation letter, the Mu family's receptionist was slightly taken aback, "Come from Cangyan Valley, genius doctor Chu Jiuge, you..."

"You..." He looked at Chu Jiuge in surprise. This is an extremely young and beautiful girl, and this is actually the legendary doctor who was disdained by their Mu family.

The pharmacists in Ergu area and their patriarchs didn't look down on them at all, and they invited her here as a special case because the name of a miracle doctor was too famous in Ergu.

"What's the matter? Are you afraid I'm a fake?" Chu Jiuge raised his eyebrows.

"If you have an invitation letter, you are a distinguished guest. Please invite the distinguished guests."

As a family of alchemists, the Mu family is extremely wealthy. This time, they directly bought the entire mountain to hold the conference. Chu Jiuge felt the pressure of the soul force when he first arrived at the foot of the mountain.

The person who led the way said: "Miraculous doctor Chu, I can only lead the way here. You need to go up to the top of the mountain to meet our Patriarch. You can only bring one entourage with you at most. Your performance on the road will determine your accommodation treatment tonight. The genius doctor must do his best, the other masters are not bad."

"Thank you for letting me know!" Chu Jiuge laughed.

The guides also found that this genius doctor seemed different from what their Patriarch thought, not as arrogant as a pharmacist, but also very good-looking, so he said a few more words.

I hope everything goes well, don't even have the qualifications to go up the mountain.

After stepping on this mountain, Chu Jiuge felt a strong pressure of soul power, presumably the Patriarch of the Mu family had put a lot of thought into this medicine refining conference.

It's just that Chu Jiuge doesn't feel the coercion at all. If she wants to fight back, it is estimated that those seniors who release the coercion must have no good fruit to eat.

"Patriarch, that miracle doctor from Cangyan Valley has gone up the mountain, and she is still a little girl." Someone went to the top of the mountain to report to Patriarch Mu.

Patriarch Mu's long white beard flicked, "I went up the mountain, but she can still come up, let me see."

A mirror appeared in front of Patriarch Mu, and Patriarch Mu saw a peerless beautiful girl and a monstrous man floating up the mountain, as if the coercion did not exist.

Could it be that their formation had failed, but when they looked elsewhere, they found a few old men climbing the mountain with cold sweat on their foreheads.

"This little girl has some skills! Let them strengthen the pressure, I don't believe how long this little girl can last?"

"Yes! Patriarch."

The formation was strengthened, and several elders of the Mu family injected stronger soul power, targeting Chu Jiuge.

Chu Jiuge was keenly aware that the coercion of the soul power had become stronger, but he still didn't take it to heart. It was too simple to want to block her at such a level.

Patriarch Mu saw that Chu Jiuge continued to climb the mountain without even frowning, Patriarch Mu said: "Continue to strengthen."

"Strengthen, I don't believe in this evil anymore."

"What's the matter with this little girl? Don't you feel the coercion of soul power? Continue..."

Someone rushed over and said: "Patriarch, it's not good! The elders fainted, and they said they asked the Patriarch to let them go, they couldn't hold on."

Knowing that the elders did not stop Chu Jiuge when their soul power was exhausted, Patriarch Mu was extremely shocked.

"Genius doctor? If you want to become a powerful alchemist, just having a strong soul is not enough."

When we got to the middle of the mountain, someone handed over a piece of paper and said, "All the plants planted on the mountainside are elixir. You need to find these kinds of elixir and pick them without harming other elixir."

Chu Jiuge said: "Yes! I know."

There are thousands of types of elixir here, and it is definitely not a simple matter to find a few elixir among them.

However, Chu Jiuge's eyes were unusual, and he knew where the elixir he was looking for was at a glance.

The spiritual power of the wind radiated out, and Chu Jiuge found the elixir three times, five times, and two in the breeze, did it not hurt the other elixir?
Patriarch Mu has been watching Chu Jiuge!I didn't expect that the little girl found all the elixir in the blink of an eye, and none of them was left behind. This speed is too fast!
Even with a hundred pairs of eyes, it is impossible to be so fast, which is really incredible.

After picking the herbs, you will face a pool of fire. If you want to go there, you have to pass through the pool of fire. The only way is the stone slab in the pool of fire. You must control the flames to make the slate float up to pass through.

This is a test of the ability to control the flames with soul power. This is an ability that a pharmacist must control. Of course, this difficulty is much more difficult than controlling the flames in the alchemy furnace.

Chu Jiuge looked at the fire pool in front of him. The easiest way was to freeze the fire pool directly, but this was too high-profile. She pulled out a ray of soul power to control the flames, and she passed here effortlessly.

Soon she was halfway up the mountain, and after reaching the halfway up the mountain, the test was to refine the medicine, and what she used was the elixir collected before.

Chu Jiuge successfully refined the elixir, and an old man came out and said, "Let me see."

"Peak elixir of the holy rank, the quality is perfect, without any impurities, little girl, she is extremely talented! Are you interested in asking a master?" The white-bearded old man looked at Chu Jiuge with a smile and said.

"I already have a master, and my master is very powerful." Chu Jiuge replied.

"Nonsense, what kind of powerful alchemist is there on Ergu's side, I don't believe it!"

"I didn't say that my master is from Ergu's side!"

"You have already passed the level. You can choose the yard on the top of the mountain at will. Who told you to be the fastest one! Although the alchemy technique has only reached the holy level." A bamboo token was thrown into Chu Jiuge's hand.

Chu Jiuge never treats himself badly, since he randomly chose the courtyard on the top of the mountain, Chu Jiuge naturally chose a place with the best and most beautiful scenery.

When the sun went down, people went up the mountain one after another, and when they learned that the best land was occupied by people, everyone wondered where it was sacred.

When the dinner party started, everyone saw a young and outrageous young girl who came out, but they all expressed their confusion at the time. "Who is this little girl?"

"Why does she occupy that yard?"

(End of this chapter)

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