Chapter 823 A Clone

"Get rid of me, you human being who is overwhelmed. I will swallow your soul, swallow your strength, and become the only god in this world, just around the corner!" He laughed loudly.

It's not a god, a false god can't help the empty soul, Chu Jiuge decided to deal with this guy quickly, after all, Rong Yuan is still waiting for her!

Chu Jiuge took out the Emperor Demon Bow and the Blood Arrow, and his eyes exuded dangerous power. Even the false gods thought Chu Jiuge's eyes were dangerous.

"Boom!" All he had left was his soul without a body, so he could only attack Chu Jiuge with his soul power, which was undoubtedly kicking the iron plate.

Chu Jiuge, who possesses the pupil of immortal life, burst out all kinds of power to attack this false god in an instant. The spiritual power of wood and the spiritual power of ice and snow are the strongest, as the vanguard.

Wind Spiritual Power, Lightning Spiritual Power and Space Spiritual Power Sneak Attack!

This false god was almost fainted by Chu Jiuge's various unexpected attacks. He was dumbfounded and said, "You... who are you? Why do you have so much power?"

"Those eyes of yours! Eyes, you are..."

The immortal power erupted completely, shattering his soul and hitting the red heart.

He wanted to recover, but under the interference of immortal power, the more he wanted to recover, the faster his soul disappeared.

He stared at Chu Jiuge with strong hatred, "You are very good! You are really good! Human, you can't escape! This is just a clone of me, don't think you killed this one I can be proud of the little distraction that saves my soul power, and soon bad luck will befall you."

"Oh! I want to see whose bad luck it is then?" The immortal power completely tore it up, and after eliminating such things, Chu Jiuge's soul power went up to a higher level.

And she also learned something because of this, this tower is not called the Three Souls Tower, but the Soul Scattering Tower, which was created by this false god for the sake of recovery, and specially devoured some souls to restore her former strength.

The avatar of this false god disappeared, and the entire tower was about to collapse.

Chu Jiuge pulled Mu Kuang and said, "Don't be in a daze, get out quickly!"

"Who are you Jiu Ge? No, you are definitely not a human being but a god, right?" Mu Kuang said excitedly.

"I've let you down, I'm human! Tell outsiders what happened today."

"Boom!" The ground shook violently, and everyone found that the altar was torn apart.

"What the hell happened? The Three Souls Pagoda, something happened to the Three Souls Pagoda."

"Hurry up and dodge!"

"Jiu'er!" Rong Yuan rushed out, unable to bear the worry in his heart.

When the altar was completely damaged, a red figure flitted out. Everyone thought that those who hadn't come out probably died there, but they didn't expect that someone would come out in the end.

"Stop them, we must find out what happened to the Three Soul Tower?"

"The Three Soul Pagoda is the treasure of our three sects, it cannot be destroyed inexplicably like this."


Chu Jiuge and Mu Kuang were surrounded by people, Chu Jiuge said: "We didn't know that the Three Souls Tower collapsed suddenly! We ran out desperately, and you are questioning us like you are questioning prisoners. .”

"That's right! All the elders are masters at the level of the Holy Emperor. Do you think you can destroy the Three Soul Pagoda? I am a Holy King Jiuge and I am just a saint. How can I have such abilities?"

Chu Jiuge and Mu Kuang did not seem to have such abilities. At this time, the Seventh Elder Wufeng came.

"My apprentice didn't do anything wrong? It's inappropriate for you to bully a junior like this!"

Rong Yuan also came over, and was finally relieved to see that Jiu Ge was fine.

The Seventh Elder wanted to protect his disciples, so the head of the Tianhumen Sect didn't hesitate to sit idly by. Chu Jiuge and the others followed the Seventh Elder back to Tianhumen under the doubts of the crowd.

Anyway, he insisted that he didn't know why something happened in the Three Souls Pagoda, and let them investigate by themselves, and they didn't get involved.

At the same time, the cup in Rong Shen's hand slipped down.

"The Soul Scattering Tower has been destroyed. From now on, there is no way to collect fresh and tender souls at Sanmen. Only the power of gods can destroy my avatar. This is another god that has appeared in the world, you can check it for me Be sure to find out, and then dedicate the newly emerged god to me, so that our plan can be advanced a long, long time." A cold voice sounded in Rong Yuan's mind.

"God? It's God's help, I will definitely find it. I don't care about Rong Yuan's position as a god. What I want is to become a god who disdains everything." Rong Shen said quietly.

The Three Soul Pagoda disappeared a lot, and many of the disciples who entered this time were miserable, and their souls were seriously injured.

The situation of those people who offended Chu Jiuge before and were blasted out by Chu Jiuge was much better.

Of course, the best ones are Chu Jiuge and Mu Kuang. To other people's questions, Mu Kuang said: "Jiu Ge's soul is strong and has been protecting me. I am naturally fine. You don't know who is Jiu Ge? She is a miracle doctor." , if it wasn't for my father's sake, I would never help."

The Seventh Elder came to find Chu Jiuge, and he asked, "What happened to you in the Three Souls Tower? My stupid apprentice refused to talk about his loyalty, so I had to ask you. The reason why the Three Souls Tower disappeared is not easy! I feel The aura of the god has also disappeared completely."

Standing beside Chu Jiuge, Rong Yuan said, "If you want to clear up the confusion, then you can tell us the clue of Fengshen! In exchange."

The Seventh Elder said: "It's not worth it. If you don't know, you don't know. I'm not a very curious person."

Chu Jiuge also learned from Rong Yuan that the Seventh Elder knew some clues about Fengshen. She said: "I heard that the Seventh Elder has a mysterious body and a very fast speed. Do you dare to make a bet with me, whose speed we can compare?" Hurry up, if I lose, I will not only tell you what happened to the Three Soul Tower, but also heal your old wounds for the Seventh Elder. If the Third Elder loses, tell me the clues of Fengshen, and I will do the same for the first two .”

This bet is beneficial to the Seventh Elder. The Seventh Elder knows that this little girl dares to make such a bet because she is extremely convinced that she can win.

"Didn't Master Shifang Shenzun tell you how fast my movement is?" the Seventh Elder said in a low voice.

"I said it! But I am confident that I will not lose to you, Seventh Elder, do you dare to write?" Chu Jiuge was full of provocation.

Speed ​​is definitely the specialty he is most proud of. Faced with Chu Jiuge's provocation, the Seventh Elder naturally became competitive.

"Okay! Just compare, don't blame me for bullying if you lose Shifang Shenzun."

Rong Yuan said indifferently: "When the time comes, if you lose, don't hit the wall in embarrassment and indignation, just renege on the debt."

"This old man will never lose!" the Seventh Elder gritted his teeth.

(End of this chapter)

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