Chapter 824
"Right now, I'll let you little girl see how powerful this old man is." The Seventh Elder said.

"Master! Competing for what?" At this moment, Mu Kuang came over and heard it.

"I want to compare speed with this little girl."

"Master, don't be overwhelmed! Qianxi is very powerful, how much you can't be overwhelmed when you compare her speed with her!" Mu Kuang said in shock.

In the Three Soul Tower, he saw with his own eyes how tough Chu Jiuge was.

The Seventh Elder was so pissed off by his own apprentice, "You don't believe in being a master, and you even turn your arms away, you're going to piss me off! I'll let you see how fast your master is today."

"Go! I know a place that is more suitable for us, and there are no people." The seventh elder looked at Chu Jiuge and said.

"Okay! Let's go!"

They came to an endless forest, and at the end of the forest was a snow mountain.

The Seventh Elder pointed to the sharp peak and said, "When you arrive at the foot of the mountain and then come back, let's see who will come back first?"

"Okay! No problem." Chu Jiuge replied.

"Then, let's start!" The seventh elder's words just fell, and the whole person rushed out like a sharp arrow.

He merged with the profound meaning of wind, and almost merged with the wind, which made Mu Kuang stunned.

"It turns out that my master is so powerful!"

The Seventh Elder is naturally unwilling to reveal his identity in Tianhumen, and his strength is a bit clumsy. Even his own disciples don't know how powerful the Seventh Elder is.

"Jiu Ge, why haven't you caught up yet?"

"Oh! Chase now!" Chu Jiuge said lightly.

The Seventh Elder's strength has not yet fully recovered, and Chu Jiuge is still confident.

The spiritual power of the wind broke out completely, and the wings of the wind opened. Chu Jiuge had already seen the position of the seventh elder, and in a split second Chu Jiuge had caught up with the seventh elder.

The pupils of the seventh elder shrank suddenly, "What? is the spiritual power of the wind, and you actually control the spiritual power of the wind."

Chu Jiuge said with a smile: "Yes! If I didn't control the spiritual power of the wind, why would I be so confident in betting with you, the Seventh Elder?"

"Little girl, don't be too conceited. I just let you go. Next, I'm going to use my real skills. Don't think that you can win me because you can control the spiritual power of the wind." Although the seventh elder was very surprised, he didn't agree. admit defeat.

His speed increased, and Chu Jiuge chased after him.

The spiritual power of the wind is really easy to use, and the seventh elder is a little jealous, he knows that he has been fooled.

"Boom!" The end is here.

Chu Jiuge turned around and flew out faster than the seventh elder. The spiritual power of the wind was running so fast that the seventh elder stared out.

"Damn it! I won't lose to a little girl." The Seventh Elder gritted his teeth and chased after her.

Chu Jiuge has reached the finish line, arriving faster than the Seventh Elder.

However, such consumption of wind spirit power also exhausted her soul power and spiritual power, and Rong Yuan caught Chu Jiuge in a flash.

"Jiu'er, are you okay?"

"Fortunately, I won!"

Panting, the Seventh Elder hastily lamented the love shown on his face, and almost fainted from anger.

Mu Kuang said: "Master, you are indeed very powerful, but Jiu Ge is a complete pervert! It's not shameful to lose, don't be ashamed, don't be angry!"

The Seventh Elder almost staggered and fell to the ground, Mu Kuang hurriedly helped him up.

They went back to Tianhumen, and the Seventh Elder said with a serious face: "I wonder why the gods of the ten directions are interested in the power of the ancient gods. It turned out to be because of you. You have the spiritual power of the wind, which is not weak. If you want to have more room for improvement, you really need the power of Fengshen."

"Well! Seventh Elder, you are right, you lost, and you are willing to bet and admit defeat!" Chu Jiuge laughed.

He is not someone who can't afford to lose, and he also knows Chu Jiuge's inestimable talent.

The Seventh Elder said: "I have been looking for the traces of Lord Fengshen all my life, and I finally found it after searching for so many years. The remains of Lord Fengshen should be in these three gates, and it is related to the Mu family. It may be possible to start from the Mu family. Find more accurate clues."

He took Mukuang as his apprentice not only because he thought he was talented but also because he valued it.

Chu Jiuge said: "Master Mu and Mu Kuang don't know, if you know, you can't take any action."

"Yes! They don't know, everything has to do with their ancestors."

"Looks like I'm going back to Mu's house again."

Chu Jiuge wanted to go back to Mu's house, but the people from Tianhumen didn't intend to let him go.

"Miss Chu, the matter of the Three Soul Pagoda has not been clarified yet, you can't leave our Tianhumen now! Also, you injured my Tianhumen's disciples and Tiangoumen's disciples, this account has not been settled yet." Tianhumen The great elder stared at Chu Jiuge with an unkind expression.

Chu Jiuge said: "It's really good that I beat someone. It's easy to talk about losing money and pills, but it's not like I can't afford it! Let's talk about a price?"

"You, a little girl from Ergu, beat us in Tianhumen, do you think it's enough to lose money? Dreaming!"

"Then what exactly do you want?"

"Our senior brother said, let you marry him, this matter is over, and he will find a way to deal with it on the side of the Tiangou Gate. It is your good luck that our senior brother takes a fancy to you, so don't hesitate Hurry up and agree." A disciple said arrogantly.

Rong Yuan's face turned dark, what the hell?He now wants to remove the name of Tianhumen and make them completely disappear in Shifang God Realm.

"What is that trash? Want to marry me? He can't afford it, get out of the way, I have important things to do! I don't want to stay in Tianhumen." Chu Jiuge said coldly.

"If you don't eat a toast, you'll have to drink as a fine. Take her down for me, and lock her up for a few days before talking about it."

Mu Kuang said coldly: "Stop it, I brought Jiu Ge from Mu's house, and I will definitely ensure that she returns to Mu's house safe and sound. Brothers and elders, aren't you being too unreasonable?"

"We don't want you to talk too much when we talk, Seventh Elder, your disciples need to be disciplined!" The Great Elder glanced at the Seventh Elder and said.

The Seventh Elder asked, "Girl Jiuge, what are your plans?"

He sneered in his heart, the fiancée of Shifang Shenzun dared to make up his mind, it really felt like his life was too long.

He didn't want to stay with a break-in faction like Tianhumen for a long time. In order to avoid the eyes and ears of God's Domain and investigate the Mu family's affairs, he needed this identity, so he stayed there all the time.

Now, he is going to follow Chu Jiuge.

She has extremely pure wind element spiritual power, and she is estimated to be the person most likely to find the remains of Lord Fengshen in this world.

"I didn't want to waste time with them, so I went straight out! But..."

"Mu Kuang, what are your plans?" After all, Mu Kuang is a disciple of Tianhumen. He has been in Tianhumen for so many years, and he has more or less feelings for him.

"I don't want to wait any longer, they are simply deceiving people too much." Mu Kuang said angrily.

"I, Mukuang, will leave Tianhumen from now on."

"Me too! I'm not the Seventh Elder anymore."

(End of this chapter)

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