Chapter 833

There is no spiritual master at the level of a holy king, thinking that Chu Jiuge can be taken down by a large number of people, this leader is too whimsical.

Chu Jiuge flashed away, and they couldn't even touch the corner of her clothes.

"Xuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" In an instant, countless voices pierced through the air.

Her arrows are fast!Very accurate!

They couldn't dodge the arrow that shot out at the perfect time.

"Puff puff!"

The heart, eyebrows, and neck were pierced by sharp arrows, and blood spattered.

It didn't take long for more than half of these soldiers to fall.

"How is it possible?" The leader's eyes widened.

Others were also surprised, "It turns out that as long as you have mastered your archery and speed, you can display such power. Killing enemies with one enemy, the higher the level."

Chu Jiuge did not use spiritual skills, but only used the spiritual power of the wind element to dodge, the insight power of the Immortal Life Eye, and her archery skills to achieve all this.

"Hush!" Facing the enemies who rushed up one after another, Chu Jiuge decisively shot one arrow after another.
During this fight, Chu Jiuge had some insights.

Because of the power of the gods, the upgrade is rapid.

Now that she is stuck in the bottleneck period from saint to saint king, it should be a good choice for her to hone in the battle.

The improvement of her strength cannot all rely on the power of the gods, and she must work hard for it.

After deciding on this matter, Chu Jiuge acted more aggressively.

Countless arrows are unstoppable, as if the god of death is asking for their lives, these little soldiers are just going to be scared to death.

"Puff puff puff!" The people around Chu Jiuge fell down.

On the other side, the subordinates beside the leader were burned to ashes by Hei Yan and Xiao Jin.

There was no blood on his face at this time.

Hei Yan said: "It's nothing to look for, do nothing, let my master walk over, and you will have nothing to do."

Xiao Jin scolded: "A group of ugly monsters, who made your faces jump in front of the master and scorched your eyes?"

The face of this leader became extremely ugly.

The strength of these two holy beasts was astonishing, and he couldn't bear it anymore.

This time he really hit the iron plate, he regretted it!

"Ah!" There was a scream, and they all smelled the burning smell coming from their bodies.

"Forgive...forgive me..."

Chu Jiuge said: "Your brothers are waiting for you in hell, you should hurry up and accompany him!"

With one glance, the soul is frozen, crushed, and completely disappeared.

The other party gasped, and the formidable enemy who had driven them to a dead end was thus dealt with.

"Thank you sir for saving your life." They said gratefully.

Chu Jiuge asked, "Which city are you from?"

"My lord, we belong to the citizens of Nanmen City. This time Ximen City suddenly attacked us, and we met with it here. Because of insufficient strength, the entire army was almost wiped out. My lord wants to go to the front city. Do you want to rest? We can show you the way, sir, if you take a shortcut, you can get there in half a day."

They also knew that these two adults had extraordinary strength and noble status. If they wanted to repay their kindness, they probably would not have the chance, so they could only do their best.

Chu Jiuge nodded and said, "Well! Then you guys lead the way!"

The Sifang City is the overlord of this area, so such a vast territory is naturally not only these four cities, but also countless small cities.

Because of their geographical location, they are respectively attached to the Sifang City.

In the distance is a small city belonging to Nanmen City, named Lin City.

When they approached the city, someone said in surprise: "They are back."

"Are they winning? Great, open the city gate to welcome them."

The city gate opened, and everyone thought they were the victors, and they were all a little embarrassed.

Want to introduce their savior, but found that the benefactor has disappeared.

Rong Yuan and Chu Jiuge had already found an inn to rest, and Rong Yuan asked in Chu Jiuge's ear, "Jiu'er, what are your plans?"

"I think I need to hone myself in battle. The City of Four Gates happens to have a natural environment, so I am going to accumulate a certain amount of combat experience here." Chu Jiuge said to Rong Yuan.

"Okay, if you want to join the battle! First of all, Jiu'er has to become the city lord." Rong Yuan knew a little about the city of four gates.

Why can't his Jiu'er be a soldier?
Only by becoming a city lord can you decide where to fight?how to spell?
"That's right, rest well first, and then talk to the city lord." Chu Jiuge said lazily, leaning into Rong Yuan's arms.

Before Chu Jiuge went to find the city lord, an envoy from Nanmen City had already come to look for the city lord Lin.

City Lord Lin is a coward. When it comes to the ranking of the most timid city lords in Sifang City, City Lord Lin will definitely be ranked in the top three.

"My lord... don't you know what your lord has ordered?"

"Your forest city is surrounded by various forests, and it is an extremely closed and weak city. However, you are rich in elixir, which our strong enemy Ximen City already knows. That's why they have been harassing you during this time, and now they have captured You Lincheng, regard it as the most important task." The envoy said.

"Ah!" City Lord Lin turned pale with fright.

"Then...then what should we do? We will definitely not be able to fight, what a disaster!" City Lord Lin just wanted to pack up and leave at this moment, making this envoy very angry.

"Nangong City Lord sent me to sit in Lin City, of course. If you give me the position of City Lord, I will guard Lin City! There are so many elixir in Lin City that Ximen City cannot be cheap."

"Okay! The position of the city lord will be given to you, my lord." Your life is the most important thing, and the city lord Lin is not at all rare for the position of the city lord.

"Although I am the lord of the city, I only deal with external affairs. You are better at internal affairs, so I will leave it to you."

"Yes yes yes!" City Lord Lin replied repeatedly.

"I heard that the soldiers from your city defeated the people from Ximen City this time. This is a rare event. Call them here to ask about the situation so that we can plan the next step." The envoy said.


Those soldiers who came back alive told the new city lord what had happened. City lord Lin said: "I said, how could you possibly win? It turns out that you met a good man."

The new city owner said: "There is such a powerful person. She should be in the city now. Find out where she is? I'm going to pay a visit."

He is a well-known battle lunatic in Nanmen City, and he is very curious about the archery skills of the woman that these soldiers said.

"Yes!" The subordinate took the lead.

After all, Chu Jiuge was on his territory, so he quickly found out which inn she was staying in, and someone came to visit the next day.

Chu Jiuge scanned several familiar soldiers and strangers in front of him and said, "Who are you? What are you doing?"

"I am the former City Lord Lin of Lin City, and this is the newly appointed City Lord Guo." City Lord Lin said with a silly smile.

Come on, I just wanted to be the city lord yesterday, but I was one step too late and was preempted by others.

(End of this chapter)

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