Chapter 834 You Will Regret
The city of Sifang is full of wars and killings. One moment the city lord was killed and the next moment the new city lord took office. It is not uncommon to change the city lord, so everyone is not surprised by the new city lord.

Guo Chengzhu looked at Chu Jiuge and said: "You little girl is younger than I imagined. I heard that you are not small, why don't we learn from each other."

Looking at the fighting spirit in this guy's eyes, Chu Jiuge said: "Okay! It's fine to compete, what's the benefit of winning?"

"What benefits do you want?" City Lord Guo asked.

"I want your seat as the city lord."

As soon as Chu Jiuge asked for the position of city lord, everyone was a little dumbfounded.

And City Lord Guo not only didn't get angry, but laughed and said: "Okay, let's have a match, and the city owner will be yours if you win."

"First of all, I have a contracted beast, otherwise I, a saint, wouldn't agree to compete with you?"

"Of course I know you have contracted beasts, let all your contracted beasts come out! I don't care how high your strength is, I am more optimistic about your archery."

"Then let's go to the competition ground!" The city lord who came to you was not in vain.

Even if the other party was a holy king, Chu Jiuge didn't feel that he couldn't beat him.

"You are an archer. Going to the competition field is not my advantage. There is a forest outside the city. How about we go to the competition outside the city?"

A look of astonishment flashed in Chu Jiuge's eyes, and she said: "Guo Chengzhu made this decision, and he is not afraid that even if I don't use the contracted beast, I can win you. It will be embarrassing at that time!"

He looked at the proud girl in front of him and said, "It's no shame to lose to a capable person."

The forest is definitely the perfect hiding place for her. If she hides, even if the other party is the Holy Emperor, she will not be able to find her, plus the arrow in her hand...

Chu Jiuge smiled and said: "Okay! Then let City Lord Guo see my abilities, and let you know that I should be qualified to be the Lord of a City."

Chu Jiuge swept towards the outside of the city like lightning on the breeze. City Lord Guo said in surprise: "The speed is really fast."

He also broke out to catch up with Chu Jiuge at the fastest speed, and they were still getting closer at first.

After leaving the city gate, Chu Jiuge opened the wings of the wind, and the Lord Guo couldn't see Chu Jiuge's figure in a daze.

"What kind of speed is this? What kind of body technique?" Guo Chengzhu was stunned.

He hurriedly chased after him, his soul power spreading in the forest in front of him, wanting to know where Chu Jiuge is now.

Can't feel it!It was as if no one entered the forest at all.

He knew that girl must be there, so it turned out that she was not only fast, but also had such a remarkable ability to hide.

Guo Chengzhu broke into the forest, no matter how well she hid, he would find her out, to see how long she can last?
He also didn't know how long he could last with Chu Jiuge's ability.

It is very difficult for him to find her, because she is the number one thief.

When he stepped into this forest, he was locked by Chu Jiuge.

If it continues to consume, she can find a more appropriate time to fight, but she doesn't want to fight a war of attrition in this battle.

Chu Jiuge didn't use the Emperor Demon Bow to draw the bow and shoot the arrows. The bows and arrows obtained from the Rong family were not bad.

"Hoo!" A piercing sound came, rushing towards City Lord Guo with lightning speed.

Guo Chengzhu swung a red scimitar, and blocked it decisively!
"Bang!" There was a sound, and an arrow broke.

He was able to block the arrow not because Chu Jiuge was not good at archery, but because City Lord Guo's intuition was honed countless times on the battlefield of life and death.

He himself knew how dangerous that moment was.

He was almost killed with an arrow!
City Lord Guo's voice sounded in the forest, "Little girl is a little impatient! This way you will expose your position."

He swung the red scimitar, and the explosive force blasted in one direction and a corner.

"Boom, boom, boom!" The trees in that direction fell down one by one, but he didn't see Chu Jiuge's figure.

"I can't feel it anymore? It was just a moment. The moment the arrow was released, the position was exposed. And she quickly changed to a new position without anyone noticing." Guo Chengzhu frowned.

He can also be regarded as a well-informed master, but now he meets a very perverted guy.

"Shhhhhh!" Immediately afterwards, Chu Jiuge presented a big gift to City Lord Guo, and countless sharp arrows shot towards City Lord Guo.
City Lord Guo's eyes were piercing, and the spiritual power on his body became stronger and stronger.

He swung the scimitar, the red light was so fast that people couldn't see clearly, it shattered Chu Jiuge domineeringly and shot sharp arrows one after another.

Chu Jiuge's eyes sank, impeccable defense?

With the current methods alone, she knew that she probably couldn't hurt a single hair of the other party.

Naturally, the blood arrows of the Emperor Demon Bow were not used at this time. In an instant, City Lord Guo felt a chill coming, and the spiritual power of countless sharp arrows turned from ice and snow hit.

The ice and snow arrow is accelerated by the wind element, and the angle is tricky, making it difficult for people to put it above.

City Lord Guo smiled and said, "Hahaha! Interesting."

The spiritual power in his body suddenly became hot, and the tall figure was like a volcano.

"Bang bang bang!" Frostbolt was destroyed, not even ice scum was left.

City Lord Guo jumped up and said, "It's very unpleasant to be attacked by a little girl like you all the time, so I decided to take the initiative to attack you."

"Take the call!"

"Bang bang bang bang!" With a wave of the scimitar, he destroyed all the surrounding trees.

No matter how well Chu Jiuge hid, he had to take advantage of the environment, and all these trees were destroyed.She has no place to hide, so he can find him naturally.

However, his idea is very good. What Guo Chengzhu expected did not happen, so Chu Jiuge still hid it well?

The corner of Chu Jiuge's mouth raised slightly and said: "It's a difficult character, it seems that this is the only way to use it! You will really regret choosing to fight with me in the forest."

"Crack!" Chu Jiuge snapped his fingers.

suddenly.All the vegetation around obeyed her orders, and soon City Lord Guo was besieged.

"What's going on here? These plants... These plants are actually attacking people." City Lord Guo also looked confused, and he suspected that the plants here had mutated.

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Taking advantage of Mr. Guo being entangled, Chu Jiuge seized the opportunity, seized the opening and shot out arrows again, and all kinds of sharp arrows like ice arrows and silver arrows shot out like rain.

"Puff! Puff!" He was cut through his shoulder by several arrows, and blood overflowed.

He shouted and swung the knife again.

He is not the kind of person who admits defeat easily, even if the other party's weird ability makes him unpredictable.

(End of this chapter)

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