Chapter 835
"Boom!" He tried his best to sweep around, blasting all the places where people might exist, and broke free from the confinement of the trees.

Even so, not only did Chu Jiuge not find it, but he suffered a lot of dark losses, and there were more and more wounds on his body.

His spiritual power and fighting spirit soared crazily, and his very dangerous attacks were so fast that people couldn't see clearly.

There seemed to be a vacuum around him, and he finally found that cunning little girl.

"Be careful!" He was about to make a knife, and there would definitely be blood when he did it.

He is warlike, but he is not someone who plunders people's lives casually, let alone a little girl he admires very much.

The distance is a bit far, but he is very confident in his knife skills.

Have you been found?Chu Jiuge frowned slightly.

The moment City Lord Guo drew his sword, Chu Jiuge used the pupil of immortal life to determine the trajectory of the attack.

The wind element moved quickly, bursting to the extreme, avoiding the attack of the knife light.

No matter how powerful the knife light is, it can only cut off a few hairs of Chu Jiuge.

But Chu Jiuge faced the danger directly, drawing a bow and shooting an arrow while dodging the danger.

When Guo Chengzhu was surprised why Chu Jiuge hid so perfectly?Chu Jiuge shot an arrow that he could not avoid.

"Pfft!" His abdomen was pierced.

His body was carried away by a powerful arrow and hit a tree.

Although he didn't hurt his vitals, his face turned pale.

He said: "Don't fight, don't fight! I admit defeat, are young people so scary now? They are so scary before they reach the level of holy kings."

Chu Jiuge walked over and said, "It's not thanks to City Lord Guo for letting me choose a place that is beneficial to me. If it's a group arena, I guess I won't be able to pass a few tricks before you accept it."

"If you lose, you lose. You have to pay attention to the right time, place and people when you fight. No enemy will give up the best chance to defeat me, so they want to tell me to fight in the ring. The position of city lord is yours, but there are people who come here If you are on a mission, since you can't be the city lord, then I will be your soldier from now on!"

Guo Chengzhu admired Chu Jiuge's archery skills. If this archery skill is used on the battlefield, it will definitely make those people in Ximen City look good.

His mission here is to prevent Lincheng from being captured by the people of Ximen City. As long as the mission is completed, it doesn't make much difference whether he is the city lord or not.

"I offended you so much before, Lord Guo, let's heal your wounds first!"

A bottle of medicine is taken internally and a bottle of medicine is applied externally. City Lord Guo is not an uninformed person. He knows that the medicine is not simple when he smells the aroma.

He was not polite, and quickly prescribed medicine to himself.

The speed of this medicine's effect is simply beyond City Lord Guo's imagination. He said in surprise: "The effect is too good. If other soldiers in the city use it, it can greatly reduce the death rate."

The two returned to the city at sunset, and City Lord Lin had been waiting for their return.

He was also a little strange, Guo Cheng mainly defeated a little girl, and it probably wouldn't take a stick of incense time, why hasn't he come back for so long?Could it be that he was assassinated by the people of Ximen City?

Looking forward to the stars and looking forward to the moon has finally brought people back. It seems that Guo Chengzhu seems to be even more embarrassed, and he still smells of blood.

City Lord Guo said: "From now on, this will be City Lord Chu of Lincheng, and I haven't seen City Lord Chu yet."

"Ah!" City Lord Lin was dumbfounded now.

He heard it right!The city owner has changed, that is to say, Guo Cheng, who has only been in office for less than a day, has changed.

Changing two city lords a day feels like child's play, but it is still acceptable in the city of four directions.

City Lord Lin was also quite sensible, and said with a smile, "Hello, City Lord Chu!"

Chu Jiuge became the city lord and lived in the city lord's mansion with Rong Yuan.

The former city lord Guo, named Guo Xing, was the direct subordinate of the Nanmen city lord, and was sent to deal with some people in Ximen city who tried to attack Lincheng.

Guo Xing naturally also inquired about some things about Chu Jiuge, he said with a smile: "Young people are passionate, and they eloped vigorously. But it's good, it's a good thing to come out to exercise, the most important thing in Sifang City is the opportunity to fight .”

"And you kid, you're pretty good-looking, and you can't be a badass! No wonder Miss Chu doesn't want her to marry you. When the enemy comes, you'll go to the battlefield too! After accumulating enough military merits, you can exchange for a lot of treasures." , when the time comes, the dowry will be enough to save face, not to mention the appreciation of the Nangong City Lord if you have made great military achievements." Guo Xingyu said earnestly.

Hearing that they eloped because their family disagreed, Guo Xing felt that Chu Jiuge was so beautiful, powerful, and extremely talented, and it must be Chu Jiuge who disagreed.

Chu Jiuge said: "I'll just go, he, forget it!"

When Rong Yuan went to the battlefield, she instantly killed the enemy, she never had a chance to do it!
"No way! You can't get used to the little boy. If you want to protect your beloved woman, you should bravely go to the battlefield to fight." Guo Xing couldn't stand it anymore, and wanted to use this method to stimulate the blood of Rong Yuan's man.

'Little White Face' Rong Yuan hugged Chu Jiuge and said with a smile, "Yes! I'll listen to Jiu'er."

He didn't mind being regarded as a weak little boy who was attached to Chu Jiuge, which made Guo Xing sigh and wondered: "It's really going downhill! Now you girls like this. A good face means everything is good? "

I don't care about the affairs of the young couple. As the city lord, Chu Jiuge doesn't care about other miscellaneous matters. As long as there are enemies coming, he will take the lead in the battle.

Before going to battle, we should also look at the strength of Lincheng's troops?When he saw Guo Xing, he frowned, he was too weak!

The Nangong City Lord sent him alone to let him guard Lincheng, really thinks highly of him!
"City Lord Chu, what do you think!"

Chu Jiuge said: "First of all, the method of training soldiers needs to be changed! Afterwards, what kind of spiritual skills do they practice? There are too many loopholes, start changing from today!"

The new city lord has a strong insight and quickly gave them a perfect set of training methods. On this day, the soldiers of Lincheng lost a layer of skin.

Of course, there is also an unexpected surprise, that is the spiritual skill!

It is unbelievable that everyone got the most suitable spiritual skills for them. Such spiritual skills are definitely not what they could learn before.

Guo Xing was also taken aback, and said, "Master Chu, are you sure you can use these spiritual skills casually?"

Chu Jiuge replied: "It's just some ordinary spiritual skills, and I just let it go. Now that I meet the right person, I can practice it for them."

ordinary!The corner of Guo Xing's mouth twitched slightly, and then he said: "If we defend Lincheng this time and kill many enemies in Ximen City, we will definitely get high military merit. Maybe there will be a chance to exchange military merit for things in the city lord's treasury? "

A light flashed in Chu Jiuge's eyes and said, "Are there many treasures in the City Lord's Mansion?"

(End of this chapter)

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