Chapter 836 Powerful
Under the unremitting efforts of a certain insatiable beast, Chu Jiuge's body did not feel any discomfort, and the cold feeling was completely eliminated, but Rong Yuan still took care of him carefully.

"Jiu'er, what's the matter?" Rong Yuan whispered in Chu Jiuge's ear.

"I feel that there is a very strong ice and snow spiritual power in Ergu's area, so strong that it can frostbite my ice and snow spiritual power." Chu Jiuge said.

"This land caused Jiu'er to suffer, so let's leave immediately! When the time comes, I'll let someone desperately find that place, now Jiu'er, you are not allowed to mess around again."

In fact, Rong Yuan now wants to lead the army of the gods to flatten this place. Chu Jiuge shook his head and said: "There is a problem here, we will not leave for the time being! Maybe it will help improve my immortal life pupil? Let's go deep into Cangyan Valley to talk about it." How about talking about it?"

"Nine children..."

"Although the feeling of freezing the soul is quite uncomfortable, if you stop moving forward because you are afraid of being hurt, then it is not me. It is very difficult to cultivate the immortal life pupil, and now I have the opportunity to become stronger, I will not give up .Because I also want to become stronger and help you and Uncle Jiu to defeat our enemies." Chu Jiuge stared into Rong Yuan's lavender eyes. Her firm eyes made Rong Yuan unable to bear to refuse.

"Okay! Listen to Jiu'er." Jiu'er has unlimited potential. As the master of the God of Immortal Life, her future may be stronger than him, the most talented Ten Direction God Venerable in the history of Ten Directions God Realm.

He can't limit Jiu'er's growth because of his love, all he can do is to accompany her to grow up and prevent all dangers from hurting her.

It was also a coincidence that Chu Jiuge and the others came, Cangyan Valley is now recruiting new disciples.

If you want to know the secrets on this side, breaking into the inside is the best choice.

Cangyan Valley and Qinglei Valley have occupied this area for so many years, maybe someone will know the secret of the power of ice and snow.

The location of the two valleys is not in the extreme north, or even on the southern boundary of the Ten Directions God Territory. It is obviously abnormal to have such a power of ice and snow that is stronger than the ice and snow temple in the endless continent.

The disciples who signed up to enter Cangyan Valley are all younger generations in the Ergu area, no more than 25 years old, and most of them are above the fifth level of profound practitioners.

"Xuan Zhe triple." The steward in charge of registration was a little surprised when he learned of Chu Jiuge's strength.

The people behind also sighed, "I am too anxious to sign up for the third level of profound practitioners and want to join Cangyan Valley. I'd better go home and practice first and break through the fifth level of profound practitioners!"

"That's right! Anyway, I'm still young, not even twenty!"


Chu Jiuge frowned slightly, and said, "Can't you sign up if you don't reach the fifth level of Xuanzhe?"

"We, Cangyan Valley, do not have such regulations. Only Qingcang Valley has a very high threshold, and you need to register at the sixth level of profound practitioners. But little girl, you have not even reached the fifth level of profound practitioners. Even if you can sign up, the next assessment Not only will you not be able to pass the test, you may also be injured. You should think about it carefully!" said the elder who managed the registration.

"I've already thought about it, elder, register!"

A group of people glanced at Chu Jiuge mockingly, he was really overwhelmed.

"Next!" The next one is Rong Yuan.

Cangyan Valley needs at least the fifth level of Xuan Zhe to pass the examination, and the strength that Rong Yuan showed is the fifth level of Xuan King, Xuan Wang!

Everyone wondered if the spirit weapon of the test level was broken, and changed to another test, but the result was the same.

The entire life-saving scene was about to explode, "Oh my god! It turned out to be the fifth king of Xuanwang. This is the first time I have seen such a young fifth king of Xuanwang."

"If you have such strength, you still come to Cangyan Valley! If you had already taken the three or four cities to participate in the assessment!"

"What's that? I think that with King Xuan's fifth-level talent, all the six ancient clans can join."

The elders of Cangyan Valley were very shocked. They said: "You can directly enter our Cangyan Valley without any assessment. Our Cangyan Valley welcomes geniuses like you very much. Don't worry, we will never treat you badly. .”

As others said, a genius with such a talent has already climbed to a high place, where would they come to Cangyan Valley?

Now that one has come, they must cherish it.

Rong Yuan said: "I'd better participate in the assessment according to the rules! Because I want to accompany my fiancée to participate in the assessment."

Everyone looked at the two standing side by side, both of them looked very good, as if they were a match made in heaven.

If there is something unworthy, it is estimated that the talent of that woman is a little mediocre.

Chu Jiuge said: "You evildoer makes me hate again!"

"I've tried my best to suppress my strength to the minimum. I didn't expect to have the strength of Xuanwang Wuzhong. I originally wanted to be like Jiu'er." Rong Yuan whispered in Chu Jiuge's ear affectionately.

The two of them showed their love in public, and obviously they had a deep relationship, because Chu Jiuge and Cangyan Valley had such a powerful genius, and the elders of Cangyan Valley liked Chu Jiuge even more.

It's just that the assessment is conducted alone. No matter how powerful Chu Jiuge's fiancé is, he can't help her complete all the assessments. The elders of Cangyan Valley are a little anxious.

What if Chu Jiuge failed the examination and Rong Yuan also ran away?
Can you give Chu Jiuge some water?

In order to retain the genius, all the elders of Cangyan Valley worked extremely hard.

In the end, some old-fashioned elders refused to agree, so there was no way to let the water go, so I had to pray that Chu Jiuge would have better luck and pass the assessment successfully.

After the registration is over, the next day is the assessment day.

The elder said: "The participants of the assessment come with me. There are three stages in the assessment of Cangyan Valley. This year it is the road of fog, the path of flames, and the obstacle of wood. If you pass the three stages, you can become a disciple of Cangyan Valley."

"The front is the location of the first assessment."

It was a non-foggy forest, people couldn't see their fingers, and vision was largely unreliable here.

He said: "Only by keeping up with me can I enter the second round of assessment. If you can't keep up, it means you will be eliminated."

In an instant, they found that the elder was far away from them. Many people were not sure where the elder had gone.
Some people choose one direction to chase like headless chickens, while others wander in place.

Some people know that they can't see with their eyes and choose to perceive with their soul power. This method is correct.

"Hiss!" But the person with soul power perception also gasped.

"The mist here actually devours the soul power. We must catch up with the elder, otherwise the soul power will be exhausted and we will not be able to perceive it."

"The elder's speed is too fast." They were all surprised when they sensed the elder's position with their soul force.

The elder was already far away, and he had to catch up quickly, otherwise he would lose him. They tried their best to chase that elder one by one.

It's never wrong for others to keep up with the main force even if they can't perceive it.

Someone passed Chu Jiuge and recognized her and said, "Isn't that the Xuanzhe Sanchong who signed up? She stands here in a daze, did she decide to give up?"

(End of this chapter)

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