Chapter 837 I will deal with it
It was completely whimsical for them to catch Chu Jiuge.

Chu Jiuge's speed was extremely fast, and the arrows were shot with astonishment, causing the people in Ximen City to suffer very heavy losses.

Yan San was furious, "Damn it! Damn it! Where did this little girl come from?"

Furious, he erupted with terrifying power, and finally got rid of Guo Xing, allowing a few capable generals to entangle him first.

No matter what, kill that little girl first?

His intuition told him that if this little girl didn't clean up, they were doomed to lose the battle today.

"City Lord, be careful!" Guo Xing was annoyed for not stopping him.

That guy tried his best to deal with the city lord at the cost of a serious injury, but he couldn't stop it.

Chu Jiuge said: "Stay on your side, if he wants to deal with me, then leave it to me to clean up."

"You dare to say that before you reach the level of a holy king, little girl, you are too crazy!" Yan San said coldly.

"Crazy? I think it's okay!" Chu Jiuge smiled.

While speaking, countless ice arrows hit him from all directions.

This icy cold air was indeed special, but it didn't make Yan San take it to heart. Is it true that the strength of the Eighth Layer of the Holy Emperor is a vegetarian?

"Bang bang bang!" The ice shattered, and lethal arrows ushered in, but Yan San remained unscathed.

"The arrow shot is good, and the special ability also impresses me, but your level is too weak." Yan San shot towards Chu Jiuge like an arrow leaving the string.

Facing a holy emperor who is so much stronger than her, head-to-head is asking for trouble, so Chu Jiuge disappeared in front of him.

"It's gone again, are you hiding?"

The battlefield is very chaotic, Chu Jiuge can hide quietly.

Her ability to hide her breath is extremely strong, Yan San can't find him.

When he couldn't find it, he started to kill wantonly. Whether it was his own people or people in Lincheng, he killed them very cruelly.

"Without these people who are in the way, how can you hide, little girl?"

All those who blocked his sight were about to die, and the faces of the soldiers on both sides turned pale for a moment.

This man was so strong that ordinary soldiers were instantly killed without even fighting back.

Chu Jiuge frowned slightly, he was really a crazy person.

The wings of the wind opened, and Chu Jiuge swept away from the battlefield in an instant.

"Finally can't help it? You little girl is quite soft-hearted. If you don't soften your heart, you might still live for a little longer." Yan San, who smelled bloody all over, chased after Chu Jiuge in an instant. past.

Seeing that fiery red figure with transparent wings rushing into the forest like a ray of light, Guo Xing, who had been worried all the time, heaved a sigh of relief when he saw this scene.

Thinking about how he lost to the city lord before?In the woods, that Yan San can't eat anything?

Guo Xingdao: "Don't worry about the city lord, everyone, kill me! Get rid of them."

It was a contest with Guo Xing before, but it was the enemy in front of him. Every arrow of Chu Jiuge aimed at Yan San's vitals.


"Do you think I won't be able to find you by hiding in the woods? Dreaming!" Yan San grinned, and the surrounding trees fell down like they were dying.

"My patience is leisurely, I don't have time to play hide and seek with you little girl!"

"Bang bang bang!"

Every time was very thrilling, if it wasn't for the strong wind elemental spiritual power, she would definitely be seriously injured.

The element of wood broke out, and countless trees became helpers to hinder Yan San.

"Boom!" There was a burst of loud noise, and countless thunderbolts fell from the sky and struck towards Yan San, who hurriedly avoided.

"What the hell are these again? This little girl is too weird." Yan San wondered, but his murderous aura grew even more intense.

Facing such an opponent of the Holy Emperor rank, Chu Jiuge undoubtedly tried his best, and all the powers of the major elements were used.

Under Yan San's pressure, Chu Jiuge also benefited greatly.

The most important point is that she is about to break through, breaking through to the Holy King rank.

Yan San also felt countless spiritual power pouring into Chu Jiuge's body, he was shocked suddenly, "Are you breaking through at this time?"

"If you want to break through the Holy King, save yourself! Die early!" He smiled ferociously, and slapped Chu Jiuge directly with his palm.

People who condense their minds and break through can't sense the outside world at all, and the skates can respond.

What's more, this little girl is now a big leap, which requires a lot of energy. He is sure that this little girl will definitely die.

He probably didn't expect that Chu Jiuge would be a freak, what's the point of having two purposes?What a normal thing to upgrade while playing!
The loophole of the attack was seen through by Chu Jiuge, and Chu Jiuge's figure flickered to make his attack fail, wasting his energy for nothing!

"You... you can still hide? Could it be a fake upgrade!"

This upgrade is true, absolutely true, this movement is bigger than his promotion to the Holy Emperor!
If one attack is missed, it will be the second time. He firmly believes that it is a fluke that she can avoid it the first time.

"Hush!" Countless vines entangled him.

Although Chu Jiuge has been suppressed in the fight with Yan San, but this guy didn't get any benefits?
The spiritual power crazily widened her tendons and filled her with spiritual power. Yan San could only watch helplessly as Jiu Ge was promoted to the Holy King.

"It's just to be promoted to the Holy King, you are destined to die by my hands today!"

"Papa papa!" The power of wood couldn't restrain him, who exploded, and he once again made a move to avoid Chu Jiuge quickly.

"Bang bang bang!" The trees where she dodged fell down one after another.

"The speed of this little girl is indeed a headache."

hit!Chu Jiuge couldn't beat him.

It is possible to hide.

The God of Immortal Life predicted his attack trajectory first, knew his attack flaws, and with the wind power of the wind god, she could dodge the attack completely.

The holy emperor's non-stop burst of big moves consumes a lot of spiritual power, but Chu Jiuge has a elixir to recover.

She tried her best to deal with it, waiting for the best time.

When the time comes, it's time for this guy to die.

Yan San is trying her best to get closer to Chu Jiuge, but Chu Jiuge refuses to let her do so.

She advanced to the Holy King rank, and both her spiritual strength and elemental spiritual power have increased a lot.

"This little girl consumes too much energy." There was already a trace of sweat on his face.

"Shua, Shua, Shua!" Chu Jiuge disappeared again.

Yan San didn't take it seriously, "So what if you hide? Within three breaths, I will definitely find you."

After a breath, there was a sound of piercing through the air, and a sharp blood-red arrow pierced through the emerald green forest like lightning.

"One arrow just wants to kill me, naive!"

He didn't hide, and punched out a terrifying spiritual power to prevent the arrow from approaching.

"Buzz..." The arrow didn't shatter instantly as expected, but trembled slightly.

"This arrow is a little weird, it's so strong?" Yan San muttered.

In the blink of an eye, the arrow suddenly turned a corner and rushed towards Yan San. Yan San was so stunned that he couldn't react for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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