Chapter 838 After the War
He has tried his best, but he still can't avoid it!

"Pfft!" The blood-red arrow slashed past his shoulder.

What remains is only a small wound, which is not worth mentioning to the strong.

Soon, his face froze.

"Hiss!" He gasped.

The whole arm shriveled quickly at a visible speed, and the blood seemed to be drained by a force in an instant.

His eyes widened with horror.

After the blood in the arm disappeared, the blood in the torso continued to be swallowed.

He tried his best to stop it, absolutely can't continue,
"Boom!" A dry arm was chopped off, but not a single drop of blood flowed out.

He was not decisive enough, and his reaction was too slow. Even if he wanted to cut off his entire arm, it was already too late.

He was full of fear and felt a pair of dangerous eyes staring at him.

If there is another arrow, he will undoubtedly die.

This was too scary, he hurriedly rushed out of the forest, "Help! Help!"

He called out to some of his men for help.

The blood in the upper body seemed to be disappearing quickly, and he wanted to stop it, but Dan couldn't cut himself in half with a knife, so he could only let it continue.

At the same time, Guo Xing had led Lin Cheng's soldiers to clean up the enemy.

Someone said: "Master Guo, it's been so long, is the city lord in danger? We've settled this side, it's time to help the city lord."

"Hmm! You guys, follow me over there to have a look." Guo Xing nodded.

Just as they were about to go and have a look, they suddenly heard a cry for help from the forest.

The soldier in Lincheng said: "Someone is calling for help!"

"That's not the voice of the city lord!"

"Isn't this nonsense? How can the city lord's voice be so ugly?"

That was their general's cry for help!

The captives of Ximen City who were captured alive originally wanted their general to take down the opponent's city lord to save them from the fire and water.

But he didn't expect General Yan San to be reduced to the point of asking for help?
They are all prisoners, who can save the general?
Guo Xing waved his hand and said: "Someone has come out, everyone pay attention, surround all the exits, don't let people run away."


"Xusu..." They all started to act.

Yan San soon saw the exit, his soldiers must be waiting for him at the exit of the forest, and then quickly took him to the treatment.

He absolutely did not want to end up being drained of blood and dying.

"Boom!" The moment he walked out of the exit, he was pierced through the heart by a blood-red sharp arrow.

He turned his head stiffly, looking at the girl who was walking slowly.

"you you……"

"Boom!" He fell to the ground without being able to utter a complete sentence.



Yan San died like this, and the prisoners were also frightened to the point of tearing their livers apart.

"Master Guo, it seems that there is no room for us!"

"The City Lord is too powerful, she... she even solved a Holy Emperor by herself!"

The soldiers on Lincheng's side were amazed and ecstatic.

Guo Xing caught a glimpse of Yan San's death, it was a strange and tragic death!

I don't know what method the city lord used to kill Yan San?

He was a little thankful that he had competed with the city lord before, and the city lord didn't seem to be serious, otherwise Yan San today would be the same as him before.

Yan San's corpse was frightening. Chu Jiuge quickly destroyed the corpse with the corpse water, leaving no traces.

Those captives were also terrified. This beautiful, young, seemingly weak city lord of Lincheng had become the God of Asura in their hearts. General Yan San was so powerful that he died miserably under her hands.

She only needs one order, and all of them will go to Huangquan to accompany General Yan San.

Guo Xing asked: "City Master, how to deal with these captives?"

"If you kill it, you will waste the corpse water, and the waste will be used as coolies, and the city defense facilities will need to be strengthened, so there will be no one to worry about." Chu Jiuge said.

"But they are from Ximen City after all?" Guo Xing frowned slightly.

"If they dare to betray after entering Lincheng, what will happen to their boss, and so will they!" Chu Jiuge glanced at them coldly, and these prisoners did not dare to make a sound.

Chu Jiuge was not afraid of their defection at all, and left traces of ice power in their souls.

If they dare to betray and run away, their souls will freeze and die.

Guo Xing and the others absolutely believed in Chu Jiuge, and since the city lord said so, they just followed through.

These captives were also very surprised, not thinking that they might still survive.

This battle was fought beautifully, and City Lord Lin opened the door to welcome him.

He said with a smile on his face: "City Lord Chu is simply too powerful, I admire him so much..."

Before the words of flattering were finished, an extremely enchanting man stood in front of Chu Jiuge and gently brushed the hair on her forehead.

"Jiu'er has worked hard."

"It's been a lot of hard work. I'll leave other things to you. I'll go first." Chu Jiuge said lazily.

They felt that the two figures flickered, and Chu Jiuge had long since disappeared.

"Your Majesty the City Lord is definitely a winner in life. He is beautiful and powerful. He also has a good-looking fiancé at home. He is so happy." Many people said enviously.

Chu Jiuge is in charge of leading troops to fight, Rong Yuan!Responsible for beautiful flowers and warm beds.

"Jiu'er has been promoted to the Holy King, so it's time to celebrate."

Naturally, there were a lot of food and drinks to celebrate, and Rong Yuan also took the opportunity to get people drunk, the aroma of the wine filled the air, and the masculinity was alluring.

After the fight, Fengyue Wushuang was also an ultimate enjoyment.

Anyway, after winning the battle, the city lord will lie drunk on the lap of the beauty, he doesn't care about anything, and everyone knows how to disturb him.
A large number of captives is a big problem. Naturally, some people want to escape and report.

The strange thing is that these people died for no reason as soon as they escaped from the city gate.

One is like this, two or three are also dead.

Guo Xing was checked by someone, and there was no trauma?How strange is this dead?

"Our Lord City Lord is amazing." Guo Xing muttered.

He remembered that Chu Jiuge said before that these captives were not a problem, and he was not afraid that they would run and rebel. It turned out that she had already made a move.

The other captives naturally knew about these things, how could they dare to escape?
They still want to live a few more years, and they don't want to hurry to reincarnate, so they work peacefully in Lincheng.

What did they learn about the life of the soldiers in Lincheng when they were working as coolies?It was undoubtedly a fairy-like day!
This kind of treatment is probably not comparable to the generals in their city, and those who are interested want to surrender and join Lincheng.

"You can figure it out? Use it if you can! After all, we have few soldiers." Chu Jiuge broke.

"Yes! I know." Guo Xing said.

Once there was an attack on Lincheng, there would naturally be a second time. The second army sent by Ximen City had already killed outside the city, and Chu Jiuge led people to kill again.

(End of this chapter)

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