Chapter 839 Go to the rescue
Ximen City attacked Lin City for the second time, and ended in failure again, losing troops and generals.

No matter how many people Ximen City sent, they all became Chu Jiuge's sharpening stone in the end.

In order to capture such a small city, the loss of Ximen City was beyond expectation.

Even if Lin Cheng was finally taken down, it would not be worthwhile at all, but City Lord Ximen couldn't swallow this bad breath.

"What's going on here? You can't even win a forest city." City Lord Ximen looked angry.

"Returning to the city lord, I heard that although the city lord of Chu in Lincheng is very weak and has just broken through to the holy king, he is an archer. Even the holy emperor suffers under her hands. It is very powerful. Because of her, Lincheng is great. Change our appearance, let us suffer repeated setbacks." A counselor said.

City Lord Ximen said: "Stop sending troops to Lincheng first, and send assassination troops to kill this City Lord Chu."

"Subordinates obey!"

The four major cities have been fighting endlessly all year round. In addition to the army, intelligence and assassination are also very strong.

The night was dark and windy, and it was a night suitable for killing people.

Chu Jiuge seemed to feel something, and the cold air condensed sharp arrows in the air.

Rong Yuan hugged Chu Jiuge tightly, he turned sideways and whispered in Chu Jiuge's ear: "Jiu'er is already very tired, some little mice don't need Jiu'er to take action, just come!"

"Yeah!" The coldness disappeared, and Chu Jiuge leaned in his arms and continued to sleep peacefully.

In just a split second, before those killers got close to the courtyard where Chu Jiuge lived, they were instantly crushed to the bone and fell to the ground.

"Bang bang bang!" A few landing sounds came, alarming the people in the City Lord's Mansion.

"Who is it?"

"already dead!"

"Your City Lord is resting and you can't disturb him. Take it over and show it to Lord Guo."

Soon Guo Xing found out the origins of these people. He said: "These are killers carefully cultivated by Ximen City. I think they should come to kill the city lord. But they don't even have the shadow of the city lord." When I saw it, I died inexplicably."

"This does not seem to be the means of the Lord City Master." Someone whispered.

If it was the city lord who made the move, he should be killed with one arrow.

Guo Xing stroked his chin and said: "The people who do it are very powerful, and they kill people directly from a long distance. It is indeed not the hand of the city lord. Such people can't be enemies, they should be their own people. They can deal with them. "

Guo Xing was even more surprised by Chu Jiuge's identity. Naturally, he couldn't guess that these people were killed by the little white-faced Rong Yuan who he regarded as eating soft food, but thought that they should be sent by Chu Jiuge's family to secretly protect her people did it.

This level of strength is definitely above the Holy Emperor.

The next day, Chu Jiuge and Guo Xing reported the matter to Chu Jiuge, Chu Jiuge nodded and said, "Yes! I see."

The killers sent out could be regarded as elites cultivated by their Ximen City, but none of them came back alive, which shocked the Ximen City Lord.

"Check! Make sure to check it out for me, and then send a group of people over there."

It is impossible to find out Chu Jiuge's identity, she seems to have appeared in Lincheng out of thin air.

As for those killers, they were killed by Rong Yuan in seconds.

Ximen City Lord bleeds from the pain, and finally chooses to give up.

"Lincheng, don't worry about Lincheng for now. If there are so many big cities not to attack, there is no need to make things difficult for Lincheng."

For a while, the entire forest city returned to a peaceful day, and there were no more enemies.

"The people in Ximen City are too cowardly! They didn't even send anyone over here." Chu Jiuge complained to Guo Xing.

Guo Xing said with a smile: "That's not because you are too powerful, Lord City Lord. Ximen City has suffered a great loss and dare not attack Lin City."

"That's too boring. Which city in Nanmen City has the most intense confrontation with the enemy now? I'm going there, and Lin City will be handed over to you." Ximen City seemed to have completely given up on Lin Cheng, a little fat sheep. Chu Jiu Song is also ready to transfer the destination.

"What? Your lord, are you leaving Lin City?" Guo Xing was shocked.

"What's wrong? Afraid you won't be able to keep it?"

"That's not true. Now our Lin City's strength has increased by more than four or five times, and that's all thanks to you, the City Lord. If Ximen City dares to come and commit another crime, we will definitely let them return home, but everyone will be reluctant to part with the City Lord. " Guo Xing said with a smile.

He also knew that Lincheng, a small city, would not be able to keep Chu Jiuge, and since Chu Jiuge had made up his mind to go, he did not dare to persuade him.

He said: "Let me go and find out, which city in our Nanmen City is being targeted by other cities?"

Without Guo Xing trying to find out, a distress message came from another city.

"An accident happened in Huacheng. This time, Ximen City and Beimen City joined forces to attack Huacheng. Huacheng has been besieged for three days, and they are asking for help from other surrounding cities." Guo Xing said hurriedly.

The entire sphere of influence of Nanmen City, of which Nanmen City is naturally the top city of the pyramid.

Lincheng is the last and weakest city, while Huacheng is the backbone.

Lin Chengzhu said: "Huacheng is a big city. Even a city as weak as our Lincheng has sent a message for help, so the situation must be very bad. Many cities that are not as strong as Huacheng will definitely stand still and protect themselves wisely. We Lincheng will not get involved Now, treat it as if you haven’t received the message.”

Chu Jiuge raised his eyebrows and said, "Who is the city lord?"

City Lord Lin flattered: "Of course it's you!"

"So this matter is not up to you to decide, Guo Xing, go and order troops immediately!" Chu Jiuge said to Guo Xing.

"Yes!" No matter how dangerous the situation in Huacheng is now, and how powerful the enemy is, Guo Xing is full of confidence in Chu Jiuge.

As long as the city lord goes, it is very likely to win a big victory.

How much military merit can you get in Lincheng?Very little.

If Huacheng can be kept, the military merit is absolutely immeasurable.

Chu Jiuge told them about the rescue, and then said: "Those who are willing to promise me to support Huacheng stand up."

"Da da da..." Many people fought out, even though the city lord was young, he convinced all the soldiers wholeheartedly.

If you follow the city lord, you will definitely win the battle, no matter how powerful the enemy is?
Chu Jiuge only selected one-third of the elite, leaving two-thirds to defend the city, lest Ximen City attack Lin City again.

"Master Guo, why don't you go too? What if Ximen City attacks again?" City Lord Lin asked worriedly.

"I believe they will be able to hold on, so don't worry so much." Chu Jiuge said flatly.

"Yes! We will definitely hold it!" said the soldiers who saw Chu Jiuge off.

"Boom!" At this time, the gate of Huacheng fell down, and the enemy army was about to file in and take down the entire transformation, slaughtering the soldiers and people of Huacheng.

"Pfft!" When a person stepped into the first step of transformation, he was pierced through the heart by a sharp arrow shot from a distance, and fell to his knees on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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