Chapter 840 Turn the tide
Immediately afterwards, countless sharp arrows rained down, fast and accurate, so that the enemy soldiers who rushed in had no chance to dodge at all.

A gust of cold air hit their faces, and countless strange ice arrows made their scalps feel numb.

"Puff puff!" One by one fell to the ground.

Even though the gate of Huacheng has been opened, because of the obstruction of all kinds of arrows, no enemy can step into Huacheng alive.

"There is an ambush, be careful, get out first!" Someone shouted.

The gate of Huacheng is so wide, a group of people rushing in is completely a living target for the archers in the dark.

They really underestimated Huacheng, and they still hide this hand.

The soldiers in Huacheng naturally knew that no one could use them in Huacheng, but the enemy was blocked, that is to say... reinforcements from other cities came.

The lord of Huacheng is not the coward of the former lord of Lincheng. This time he is fighting against the coalition forces of the two major cities. He personally fights against the enemy.

Even though he already had many hideous wounds on his body, his fighting spirit was still high.

"Our reinforcements are here, kill them!"

Unable to enter the city, the Huacheng soldiers behind rushed forward, beating them by surprise.

Naturally, the enemy army also wanted to send people to rush into the city and kill the archers who were ambushing them secretly.

However, the people sent here could not even see the shadow of the archer, and they were already dead.

All are some sharp archers!
It was the first time they had seen this kind of archery for so many years of fighting in all directions, and all of them showed horror on their faces.

Whether it is the enemy or the soldiers of Huacheng, they all think that it is a team of sharp archers who secretly help.

After all, there are not dozens of people, so it is impossible to shoot so many arrows at the same time, how can you not think that there is only one master archer in the dark?And that person is naturally Chu Jiuge.

Chu Jiuge arrived at Huacheng alone. When they were on the way, they got the news that Huacheng was about to be breached, and the other cities gave up rescue.

If Huacheng is completely captured by the enemy, even if they arrive, there is no way to drive the enemy out of Huacheng.

However, Chu Jiuge did not choose to give up like other city owners, but chose to continue the rescue.

Time waits for no one, she directly uses the wings of the wind to rush to Huacheng at the fastest speed.

She arrived one step ahead of Guo Xing and the others, and used her own arrows to prevent Huacheng City from destroying the army, turning the battle situation into a turning point.

The next step is to delay time, she hides in the dark, and countless ice arrows strike.

One arrow accurately takes the life of an enemy, or even the lives of multiple enemies. The magical archery makes the enemy feel palpitating.

Arrows were not shot from all directions, causing many deaths from the coalition forces of the two major cities.

What's even weirder is that they didn't even find a single archer.

It seems that these archers are transparent, invisible and intangible.

"Kill!" The sound of fighting resounded throughout Huacheng. With such a powerful reinforcement, the soldiers of Huacheng were inspired.

This battle, which was supposed to be won by the two major coalition forces, is now in a state of anxiety.

As time goes by, not only how many enemies have been killed by Chu Jiuge's arrows.

The number of enemies killed by Chu Jiuge is estimated to be several times that of the city lord of Huacheng who killed the most enemies before.

Guo Xing and the others came with the army. She looked at countless enemies who fell to the ground and died from arrows. This kind of archery can only be done by their city lord.

The city owner is much faster than them!
"Kill! Whoever offends my south gate city, punish him!"

A powerful and iron-blooded army attacked, making the coalition forces of the two cities even more flustered.

"Boom!" The gate of Huacheng was already guarded, and the enemy didn't dare to get any closer.

"Bang bang bang!" Huacheng and Lincheng's soldiers flanked the enemy back and forth outside the city, desperately killing the enemy.

Chu Jiuge shifted the location of the ambush to the city wall, countless ice and snow burst out, and countless ice arrows struck the enemy as if they had eyes.

Draw a bow and shoot arrows in one go.

"Puff puff!"

The generals of the two sides were so angry that their eyes were tearing apart. The enemies and reinforcements in front of them were not the most troublesome ones, but the most troublesome ones were the archers.

"On the city wall, Huang Laoer, go to clean the side of the city wall, and get rid of those archers." A black armor descended and said.

"Okay! These bastards were hard to find when they were hiding in the city before. Now that they are on the city wall, it is easy to catch them." A khaki figure rose from the ground and rushed towards the city wall.

Hua Chengzhu said: "Protect the archers, stop them, and don't let them succeed."

Such a powerful archer, the loss of one is the loss of their Nanmen City!

Guo Xingdao: "No need, let him go to die! City Lord Hua, we just need to deal with the enemy in front of us."

This person is a little strange, not at all the city lords he is familiar with.

For a while, Huacheng Lord couldn't think of which city's city owner this was?

Where does he come from?They all belong to the camp of Nanmen City.

Resist the enemy with them, and support them with righteousness at this time, that is a close ally.

"Are those archers also from your city?" Huacheng asked.

"Of course!" Not only their city, but also their city lord, Guo Xing's face was full of pride.

Since this person has so much confidence in those sharp archers, they can't find any manpower on their side now.

Huacheng Lord listened to Guo Xing's words and dealt with the opponent in front of him seriously.

In his heart, he was very envious of other people's cities, that they could have such a team of sharp archers.

"Xuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu whom Chu Jiuge killed a lot of enemies after shooting out countless sharp arrows, which also made Huang Laoer discover her location.

"I found an archer, she's still a little girl, go to hell!" Huang Lao Er grinned.

Chu Jiuge opened the wings of the wind and slid down from the city wall.

The bow and arrow in her hand was replaced by the Emperor Demon Bow, and she pulled the bowstring, and the blood arrow flew towards the khaki figure.

That arrow gave people a very dangerous feeling, Huang Lao Er hastily avoided it.
After Chu Jiuge landed, he was besieged by the enemy. They were the sharp archers who secretly claimed the lives of countless comrades in arms.

Chu Jiuge's figure flashed like lightning, but he didn't let them succeed.

Huang Lao gave up hunting down a little girl who belonged to the Holy King Yizhong during World War II. This little girl can be easily dealt with by ordinary soldiers.

He continued to search for other archers on the city wall, but found no one?Not even a single figure can be seen!

He widened his eyes and said, "This is impossible!"

Suddenly, he saw Chu Jiuge burst out countless ice arrows on the battlefield.

She pulled the bowstring and shot countless arrows at the same time.

The interval between two shots is so short that it feels like shooting many arrows at once.

"Puff puff puff!" Many people besieging Chu Jiuge fell down.

A hole was torn open in the perfect encirclement, and Chu Jiuge disappeared into the crowd in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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