Chapter 842

Chu Jiuge said: "You have fought a lot here, so I will stay naturally."

The owner of Huacheng was shocked. He didn't expect such a young girl to be a militant.

But she was able to agree so happily, which naturally made Huacheng Lord ecstatic.

"That's really good."

The owner of Huacheng regarded the people from Lincheng as honored guests, and the others were also surprised to learn that they were from Lincheng.

"Who said Lin Cheng was weak before! How ignorant!"

"The big brothers in Lincheng competed against ten each, which is amazing."

"I admire you!"

Many people went to the soldiers of Lincheng for advice and found that they were all extraordinary.

Huacheng is an important city in Nanmen City, and the two coalition forces failed to attack Huacheng.

And there is no main reinforcement from Nanmen City?How did this fail?

The Lord of Ximen and the Lord of Beigong scolded the generals severely, and then handed over to them double the number of troops, and let them attack Huacheng City again, to avenge their shame.

"City lord, Huacheng has a difficult opponent and needs to borrow a few people from the city lord."

"The opponent that you can say is difficult to deal with is the powerhouse at the peak of the Ninth Layer of the Holy Emperor?" City Lord Ximen frowned slightly.

"No! That person is from Lincheng and is the city lord of Lincheng. Her strength is only the first level of the Holy King, but her archery skills are terrible! She also has an evil arrow in her hand, which is very dangerous and can suck blood." Hei General Jia said.

"It's Lin City again!" City Lord Ximen was even more angry.

"Very good! Let us lose so many people in Lincheng, that woman dares to go to Huacheng to get in the way. I will prepare a few people for her, this time she will definitely die." Ximen City Lord said gloomyly.

She has low strength but can make outstanding achievements in every battle, because she has two major advantages, the first is speed, and the second is archery.

He found the same masters to meet her and suppress her. Those people's strength is far higher than hers, so I don't believe they can't solve him.

Sure enough, the coalition forces from the two major cities came again, this time with even more people.

The Lord of Huacheng said worriedly: "The reinforcements sent by the Lord of Nangong have been hindered, so they have to come later. Now that Huacheng is attacked again, I am afraid the situation is not optimistic. If there is any accident? You can withdraw to Lincheng, and we can't drag you Unlucky together."

Guo Xingdao: "Don't worry, City Lord Hua! Our City Lord has never lost a battle!"

"Yes! With our city lord here, we will definitely win."

Everyone worshiped their city lord so much, and Huacheng lord was also very helpless.

He smiled and said, "City Lord Chu is indeed very powerful, so I wish us the best of luck in repelling the enemy like last time!"

The enemy soldiers approached the city, and the black clouds pressed down on the city to destroy it.

"Boom!" The city gate opened, and the soldiers in the city rushed out of the city with steady steps.

The blades collided, and sparks flew everywhere.


Chu Jiuge didn't know when he got into the crowd, "Shhhhhhh!" Countless sharp arrows shot away, instantly taking people's lives.

Her speed was very fast, and she was the one who killed the enemy the fastest in this battle.

Just like before, Chu Jiuge used his archery skills to kill the enemy very quickly on the battlefield, making the enemy very fearful.

At this moment, a black flying knife shuttled through the crowd and flew towards Chu Jiuge's neck.

Chu Jiuge was still shooting and killing the enemy before, but he dodged in the next moment.

Instead of hurting her, the flying knife killed an enemy who was about to attack her.

The man in the dark was shocked, "I avoided it, is it luck?"

"It's you who are too slow!"

"Puff, puff, puff!" Another person made a move, and shot darts like heavenly maidens scattered flowers towards Chu Jiuge.

The person who did it was a master of hidden weapons. Chu Jiuge still easily avoided such intensive hidden weapon attacks.

"This is absolutely impossible? She... Does she have countless pairs of eyes? Or can she predict my attack?" The person who shot the dart was also shocked.

Wanting to use a hidden weapon against Chu Jiuge is simply a dream.

The insight of the God of Immortal Life and the ability to capture the attack trajectory in advance make these hidden weapons have no advantage at all.

Suddenly, two figures rushed over.

Seeing that the hidden weapon attack didn't work, two melee masters with extremely sensitive figures approached Chu Jiuge.

"Boom!" Their deadly attack failed, and Chu Jiuge dodged away.

Feng Zhiyi flew into the air with Chu Jiuge at an extremely fast speed, and the two of them were shocked.

"So fast! It's the wind."

"A mere sage king has mastered the mysteries of the wind."

"Xuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Countless ice arrows burst towards them, and the sharp arrows in their hands were unambiguous.

After all, the other party is the Holy King, Chu Jiuge asked Xiao Jin and Hei Yan to entangle them.

She was going to find out those two people who were hiding in the dark, and she could defeat those two guys individually.

One failure did not make the two attackers give up, they locked on Chu Jiuge and continued to attack!
"Shhhhhhhhh!" Chu Jiuge naturally avoided it easily, which made them doubt their own level.

Because of their unremitting efforts to attack, Chu Jiuge found them.

Chu Jiuge appeared behind them like a ghost, and before he knew it, all his darts fell into Chu Jiuge's hands.

"My darts!"

"Pfft!" Chu Jiuge waved his hand, but returned his dart to him.

It's just that these flying knives penetrated his body and killed him.

He was dumbfounded, "You... how did you do it?"

The corners of Chu Jiuge's mouth curled up slightly, and he said with a smile, "Because I'm the number one thief! It's not difficult to steal a dart from you!"

A throwing knife struck, and another person took advantage of Chu Jiuge's dealing with his companions and was at a loss for resources, so he seized the opportunity to sneak attack her.

As a result, his throwing knife also fell into Chu Jiu's hand.

"I caught it, but I didn't get hurt! How is it possible?"

The spiritual power of the wind element was running, and Chu Jiuge appeared very close to him in the blink of an eye.

"Pfft!" A flying knife instantly left a large bloodstain on his neck.


Second, solve!

"Puff puff puff!" Xiao Jin and Hei Yan erupted with terrifying flames, entangled the two high-ranking holy emperors.

The flames of these two holy beasts were too difficult to entangle, making the two of them aggrieved.

Chu Jiuge was hiding in the dark at this time, pulling the Emperor Demon Bow, and the blood arrow shot towards one of them.

Feeling something horrible approaching, at least it was the Holy Emperor.

He dodged quickly, not letting the blood arrow hit.

"On the other side, go and catch that little girl." I was entangled by the holy beast and had no time to get away, so I ordered others to catch Chu Jiuge.

The rain of ice arrows struck from several other directions, aiming at the two of them.


Chu Jiuge's arrows were very fast, and Xiao Jin and Hei Yan's attacks were also terrifying. These two high-level holy emperors felt extremely headaches.

Gathering soul power and spiritual power, at the moment when the other party showed a fatal flaw, Chu Jiuge shot a blood arrow.

(End of this chapter)

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