Chapter 843 Take the initiative to attack
"Pfft!" The arrow hit the heart, and the opponent died at the fastest speed, turning into a mummy.

The other companion was almost frightened and felt like running away.

He usually guards against the attacks of Xiao Jin and Hei Yan cautiously, while guarding against an arrow.

This person was too afraid of death, so Chu Jiuge quietly changed his goal without revealing any flaws.

The number of enemies is at least four or five times that of theirs. Even if she has one enemy in Lincheng, the current situation is not good.

Capture the thief first and capture the king first. The black-armored general thought that Chu Jiuge was entangled by the four masters arranged by Ximen City Lord, so he didn't guard against Chu Jiuge like last time. This gave Chu Jiuge a chance.

"Hoo!" The blood arrow burst out, hitting his heart accurately.

He widened his eyes. He thought that Chu Jiuge would lose a layer of skin even if he survived being dealt with by four masters. Why didn't he think that she could sneak attack him?
It was just a bruise before, but he could dig out the flesh to make amends and save his life.

Now that the heart is pierced, he will die if he digs out the heart, or will he die if he does nothing?
"Boom!" The black armor general fell to the ground.

"My lord!" they exclaimed.

"Damn it!" The master who was besieged by Xiao Jin and Hei Yan also had red eyes and was furious.

Immediately afterwards, three sharp arrows with extremely tricky angles hit him, and blood spattered out.

It was just an ordinary arrow, but it made him uncomfortable.

A general was killed, and their morale was a little messed up. Guo Xing and Hua Chengzhu launched a fierce attack while the iron was hot.

At this moment, they clearly realized that the enemy has such a terrifying archer, what kind of nightmare is it for them?
Even if the other party is just a holy king, as long as she takes advantage of the loophole, the high-ranking holy king will die.

The high-level holy emperors present always felt that they were being pointed at by the cold and bloodthirsty arrows, and they only felt creepy.

They also wanted to send someone to kill Chu Jiuge first, but they couldn't!
Unless there is a peak holy emperor, it is estimated that it will be difficult to find out that woman.

Chu Jiuge also saw her fear, and picked up a few, which frightened them even more.

"We... let's withdraw!"

"Yes! The adults are dead, why should we fight?"


Even though there were still a lot of soldiers left, the leader was afraid of death, so he chose to retreat.

The enemy retreated, but they did not pursue them.

Chu Jiuge said: "When the reinforcements from Nanmen City arrive, kill them directly. Now let's stand still."

"Yes! Go back to the city." Hua Chengzhu said.

The reinforcements sent by the Nangong City Lord were long overdue, and the situation in Huacheng was much better than they had imagined.

The leader among them is an old acquaintance of Guo Xing, he said: "Guo Xing, haven't you been photographed in Lincheng? Why did you come to Huacheng?"

"Huacheng asked for help, and I came to support from Lincheng." Guo Xing said.

"What can your Lincheng soldiers do? What role can they play?" the other party asked suspiciously.

The owner of Huacheng smiled and said: "Master Zhang, you don't know, the soldiers of Lincheng..."

The owner of Huacheng is very grateful to Chu Jiuge, so naturally he will not let people underestimate Lincheng.

It was unbelievable for him not to tell Master Zhang about their performance in the two battles.

"Master Hua, are you really talking about Lin Cheng?"

Guo Xingdao: "Could it be that the Nangong City Lord sent me to another city?"

"This is your city lord?" Master Zhang looked at Chu Jiuge.

Chu Jiuge said to her: "I know you have a lot of questions, see the truth on the battlefield. Now the enemy army is in a bottle-shaped valley fifty miles away from Huacheng. Since you have come, why don't you come over before they come over?" When the time comes, kill them directly."

Mr. Zhang said: "Okay! Then see the truth on the battlefield. But there are few people entering in such terrain, easy to defend and difficult to attack. It is also very disadvantageous for us to kill."

Chu Jiuge drew the terrain directly, and said: "Go up the mountain first, and attack the stone! When they pay attention to the top, there will be fewer people paying attention to the entrance, so they take the opportunity to rush in as quickly as possible."

"I'm in charge of this part. It happens that the mountain is the commanding height for archery."

"it is good!"

Chu Jiuge and Lin Cheng's people were in charge of the high-altitude mission, and Master Zhang was in charge of the frontal attack.

The Huacheng Lord is responsible for going around to the rear and blocking their retreat.

In this battle, none of the enemies can run away. With the prestige of Zhenhua City, let other cities stop thinking about Huacheng.

At this time, the coalition forces of the two cities were resting in the valley. Without the leader, it was like losing their backbone.

"When will the Lord City Lord send the next order, what if we stop here and the people from Huacheng are killed?"

"It's easy to defend and difficult to attack here, and it's a disadvantage for them to kill them! We can safely wait for the next order from the city lord. He should send more people, stronger adults. At that time, Huacheng will definitely not be able to defend it. That magic arrow The hand will also die miserably."

"Yes! That sharp archer is too hateful, if it weren't for her, we would never have lost!"

"Obviously it's just a holy king and first level, so it's so monstrous."

Just as they were complaining about Chu Jiuge, suddenly there was a loud noise above their heads.

"Boom!" Countless boulders rolled down from the top of the mountain, and with the fall of the boulders, ice arrows fell from the sky like rain.

"Damn! There are enemies attacking above!"

"That sharp archer is also up there, come and kill me with a team! Get rid of them."

While dodging, someone climbed up the mountain.

Boulders and arrows continued to fall, causing chaos.

At this time, some people rushed into the exit.

"Kill!" Mr. Zhang is worthy of being the expert sent by Nangong City Lord to support Huacheng that was almost destroyed.

After the sonorous and powerful voice burst out, he led the people in a file and fought with the enemy.

"Master, here we come!" Xiao Jinfei was flying in the air and saw someone approaching.

Chu Jiuge sneered and said, "Burn!"

"Shoot!" Draw the bow and shoot the arrow, with a [-]% hit rate.

Even if the people below know that Chu Jiuge is above, they can't help her.

"Puff puff puff!" In the high altitude, Chu Jiuge's archery has a greater advantage.

Master Zhang watched a person fall and saw how powerful Chu Jiuge was. What kind of fairy archery is this.

He was even more frightened when the blood arrow shot out and killed a holy emperor whose strength was similar to his.

At that angle, at that speed, if it was him, he might not be able to dodge it.

The dead people instantly turned into mummy, which is even more horrifying.

Mr. Zhang was a little thankful that he only questioned the strength of Lin Cheng and the Chu City Lord a little before, and didn't say anything too much to offend others, otherwise he would really have to be careful about his own life.

"Boom!" A sage who broke the sky came, and the terrifying power swept towards Chu Jiuge.

Suddenly, countless vines flung out from Chu Jiuge's body, catching the dangerous attack.

This is the top of the mountain, there are trees, and the spiritual power of trees can play a great role.

(End of this chapter)

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