Chapter 844
"Boom!" There was a loud sound of landslides and ground cracks from the top of the mountain.

Not only that, bursts of thunder sounded, and countless thunderbolts struck the valley indiscriminately.

This lightning is also very evil, because it only strikes the coalition troops of the two major cities.

After all, Chu Jiuge only got the power of three gods, the wood god, the ice and snow goddess, and the wind god. These three elemental powers can exert a fighting power far beyond her strength.

The thunder and lightning element is a little weaker, but under the control of Chu Jiuge, it can lock on the lightning and strike the enemy, which is enough to make them chaotic.

"Where is the person? They disappeared again?" The vegetation on the top of the mountain is lush, and Chu Jiuge can blend in with the surrounding vegetation by using the spiritual power of the wood element. Even the high-ranking emperors can't find Chu Jiuge.

They could just watch Chu Jiuge shoot arrows from the mountain, taking the lives of their party.

"Damn it! The reinforcements are coming, let's retreat! Stay away from them first, stay away from that sharp archer." A general shouted.

They retreated quickly, but in front of them, Huacheng Lord led people to block their way, and the front, rear, and above were all enemies.

Can't escape, can't fight.

In the end, they either died in battle or were captured.

"Press back everything that's alive," Mr. Zhang said.

This battle was fought very happily, and the strategy was good. On their side, there was a master archer like Chu Jiuge, just like a god.

The captives were all crying. If it wasn't for the presence of that weird archer, they would never have lost.

They won a big victory, and in the evening Huacheng held a celebration banquet.

Master Zhang said: "City Lord Chu, you are really amazing, come on! Let me toast you."

His drink was stopped halfway, who is so ignorant?

Just as he was about to get angry, he saw a magnificent and enchanting man.

Rong Yuan said: "Jiu'er doesn't like drinking, so I'll drink this wine instead."

"You are?" This person has a very good appearance and a good temperament, but he has never seen it on the battlefield.

Guo Xingdao: "This is the fiancé of our City Lord Chu. As a woman, City Lord Chu can't drink too much, so it's appropriate for him to do the work."

This little boy can finally come in handy at this time!

Master Zhang said with a smile: "Little brother, what a blessing!"

"Yes!" Rong Yuan's mouth curled into a slight smile.

Immediately afterwards, many people came to toast, many of them came for Rong Yuan, and some were jealous of him!

Isn't it just a face that fascinates people?He didn't have the strength to fight on the battlefield, but the city lord of Chu liked it so much.

At the end of the banquet, Chu Jiuge took Rong Yuan away, and the smell of wine almost made him drunk.

Rong Yuan whispered in Chu Jiuge's ear: "What should I do? Jiu'er, I seem to be drunk, and I'm afraid I will do something uncontrollable. Do you mind?"

The corner of Chu Jiuge's mouth twitched slightly, "Come on! I don't want to believe that you evildoer will be drunk by such a little wine. Do you want to get drunk and commit crimes?"

"Yeah! I'm thinking about it, does Jiu'er agree?" The drunken and hoarse voice touched Chu Jiuge's heart so much that it seemed to slow down by half a beat.

"Knowingly asking!"

Not only was Rong Yuan drunk, Chu Jiuge was indulging in the aroma of wine with him that night.

Anyway, Chu Jiuge was absent from the discussion the next day, and Guo Xing took care of everything.

Mr. Zhang said: "It's nice to be young!"

"It's not that you took the lead to get that little boy drunk last night..." Guo Xing said.

"Then Chucheng should thank me very much!" Mr. Zhang laughed a little.

Seeing that they were still in the mood for joking, the Lord Huacheng said solemnly: "The Lord Nangong has sent news that he has confirmed that Ximen City and Beimen City will join forces. Even if they have suffered two disastrous defeats, our Huacheng is still their important goal, so There will be fierce battles to come.”

"With our city lord here, don't worry!" Guo Xing said confidently.

"That city lord of Chu is really amazing, what is her background?" Zhang Xing asked curiously.

"Anyway, they are not from our City of Four Gates. They are unfathomable. Our South Gate City is lucky enough to have her on our side, so we must not offend her. She probably just wants to use fighting to hone herself. For power There is not much interest in status and treasures." Guo Xing said.

"You should talk to the city lord about this matter. It's rare for a city with four gates to find such a talent in a thousand years." Master Zhang sighed.

Three days later, another army came to kill.

As Guo Xing expected, with Chu Jiuge's help in this battle, the two coalition forces still suffered a lot.

When everything was going extremely smoothly, the breath of the peak holy emperor suddenly burst out, which made people dumbfounded.

The most important task of the other party's Peak Saint Emperor is to deal with Chu Jiuge. Guo Xing and the others looked very ugly, and said: "Damn it! Sure enough, they already knew the threat of Chu City Lord to them, and sent the master of the Peak Saint Emperor with all their blood. .”

This kind of level is almost the top master of the pyramid of the square city, and it is a bit overkill to be sent here.

However, Chu Jiuge caused them too many losses once or twice, and had completely angered the other party, making them dispatch such a killer.

"Little girl, our city lord appreciates your strength very much. If you are willing to serve our Ximen City, you can avoid death today." The old man said.

Chu Jiuge's brilliant achievements several times made Ximen City Lord notice that this deadly arrow can help Nanmen City defeat them, and vice versa, so he wanted to poach the wall.

Chu Jiuge said: "You should stop threatening me here! If you want to go, go quickly! Otherwise, you will die today."

"Rampant little girl, then go to hell!" As one of the powerful men in Ximen City, she has always been complimented by others, how could she ever be provoked like this?
In rage, terrifying spiritual power swept towards Chu Jiuge.

"City Lord Chu, be careful!"

"Hei Yan, Xiao Jin! Haunt him!" Chu Jiuge said.

Naturally, she couldn't deal with him alone, and needed her partner's help.

"Puff puff puff!" Terrible flames struck, gold and black intertwined.

"I want to live on contract beasts, dreaming! I am not one of those high-ranking holy emperors, but the peak of the nine holy emperors. These two holy beasts can't deal with me."

The strength of the peak holy emperor is indeed shocking, but Xiao Jin and Hei Yan are not ordinary holy beasts, and they chose not to fight desperately but just to entangle him.

This peak holy emperor chased Chu Jiuge to attack because he cooperated well with his partner.

The wind element becomes stronger and stronger as it dodges deadly attacks, and it is able to dodge every time in a thrilling manner.

Moreover, Chu Jiuge has advanced, and it is still the one that has advanced to the double level in a row.

Holy King second level... third level, this level may be lower than everyone present, but the speed of advancement surprised everyone.

The corner of Guo Xing's mouth twitched slightly, "The city lord just became the Holy King not long ago! He has reached the third level of the Holy King so soon!"

Taking out a dark purple longbow, Chu Jiuge quickly shot a sharp blood-red arrow after being promoted.

(End of this chapter)

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