Chapter 846 Devil May Cry City
Chu Jiuge asked: "Then can I use the merits of exchanging treasures to ask Nangong City Lord to do something for me?"

"Of course, as long as it is within the reach of the main force of our city and does not harm the interests of Nanmen City, our city lord will be very happy to help!" Mr. Zhang said humanely.

In addition to honing oneself in the fight, one must also search for the remains of the gods.

As one of the local snakes in the city of four directions, the Lord of the South Gate may be able to provide some clues.

"That's good!" Chu Jiuge replied with a smile.

"Our city lord has a lot of hidden treasures. You have so many military achievements, and you can also exchange them for other treasures. It's a rare opportunity!" Master Zhang laughed.

"Well! You can go and have a look then."

The crisis in Huacheng was lifted, and the Nangong City Lord sent troops to garrison this side.

Even if Chu Jiuge and the others leave, they can stop the enemy from attacking them.

Soon, Chu Jiuge, Guo Xing and Mr. Zhang went to Nanmen City, the core city in the Nanmen City area.

Nanmen City is extremely magnificent, with extremely high walls and ten steps per post. As a main military city, it has the aura it should have.

"Master Zhang is back."

"This is the City Lord Chu! Our City Lord has been waiting for a long time, this way please."

As soon as they arrived at the gate of the city, the steward of the city lord's mansion warmly greeted them.

Nangong City Master is a very elegant-looking middle-aged man in his 30s. When he saw someone coming, he smiled and said, "Guo Xing, Zhang Yuan, you have done a good job, and you have completed the task very well."

Guo Xing and Zhang Yuan laughed and said, "Actually, we didn't do anything? Most of it was due to City Lord Chu. This time we won a complete victory thanks to City Lord Chu."

"That's right! City Lord Chu is definitely a strange person. She has a winning streak, wins many with the few, and defeats the strong with the weak. She is the only one in Nanmen City who can create such a miracle. And she is much younger than I imagined! Since ancient times, heroes come from youth." Nangong City Lord looked at Chu Jiuge with a look of approval on his face.

"Are you curious about your combat achievements?" Nangong City Master smiled.

"To be honest, I haven't researched it yet, so I'll ask the Nangong City Lord to let me know." Chu Jiuge said calmly.

"it is good!"

A City Master Token was taken out by Nangong City Master, and the token burst out with a beam of light.

Chu Jiuge's name appeared, followed by a string of numbers.

Guo Xing took a deep breath and said, "300 million, it's actually 300 million."

After struggling for so long, he still couldn't make up a fraction of others, which was a bit shocking.

"What do you want? You can go in and pick whatever you want from the treasure house of my Nangong City." Nangong City Master smiled.

"Before going to the treasure house, I would like to ask the Lord City Lord for a favor."

"Please tell me, you saved two cities for my Nanmen City." Nangong City Master laughed.

"City Master Nangong has heard of the legends of ancient gods. If there are legends about ancient gods in your city of four gates, I hope City Master Nangong will collect them for me." Chu Jiuge said.

City Lord Nangong was a little surprised, even Guo Xing was a little surprised.

Guo Xingdao: "City Lord Chu, you are not from our Sifang City. I don't know. There is a place in our Sifang City that has left legends about ancient gods. Everyone in the entire Sifang City knows it!"

"Where is that place?" Chu Jiuge did not expect it to be so smooth.

The Nangong City Lord said: "That is also a city, and that city is called the City of Devil May Cry. There are legends about ancient gods, but no one has verified it. Because for so many years, everyone who ventured into it died in it. , and no one came out alive."

"Where is the location of this city?" Chu Jiuge asked.

"At the place where the cities of the four directions meet." Nangong City Master took out a map and clicked on the most central location.

"Are there no other legends?" Chu Jiuge asked.

"This is the only thing we know so far. Since City Lord Chu is so interested in this, I will send someone to investigate. You don't need to spend your military achievements on such a small matter." Nangong City Lord said.

"Thank you for the information provided by City Lord Nangong!" Chu Jiuge put away the map and said to Rong Yuan, "Let's go! Go to the city of Devil May Cry."

"Wait!" Nangong City Master hurriedly said.

"I didn't expect you, a little girl, to be so impatient. You wanted to go there as soon as you heard the news! Now is not the time for Devil May Cry City to open. Ghost Qi support is only opened four times a year, and that's only on the day when the seasons change. will turn on."

Chu Jiuge was slightly taken aback, that is to say, days like the spring solstice and summer solstice will only start.

Guo Xingdao: "That's right! City Lord Chu, the winter solstice is not long yet, you need to understand the situation first. And Devil May Cry City is indeed very dangerous, I don't want you to take risks."

"You should stop City Lord Chu!" Guo Xing said, looking at Rong Yuan who was being pulled by Chu Jiuge.

City Lord Chu said he was going to such a dangerous place, but he didn't say a word.

He felt that City Lord Chu must have passed without saying a word, because he must not know how dangerous the city of Devil May Cry is.

After I have a thorough understanding, I will definitely think about it carefully.

He knew that the Lord of Chu City was very powerful, but it was not an ordinary dangerous place, it was the city of Devil May Cry like a nightmare!
"Okay! Let's wait for the opening day!" Chu Jiuge nodded.

"Is there any interest in taking a look at the treasure house of my Nangong City Lord? You can use so many military achievements first. I heard that you are a very powerful archer. We have many powerful bows and arrows in our treasure house." Nangong City Master said to Chu Jiuge.

"Okay! Let's go and have a look!" Chu Jiuge nodded slightly.

If she wanted Nangongcheng's treasures, she didn't need to exchange them with military exploits.

She is the number one thief, and she can take it directly if she wants to.

However, seeing that the information provided by the city lord of Nangong is not bad for her, it is better for her to follow the normal channels.

There are a lot of treasures, so bows and arrows are not necessary. The bows and arrows stolen from Cong Rong's family are of better quality.

Chu Jiuge just selected some needed elixir, and the 300 million points seemed to be inexhaustible.

The Nangong City Lord was a little surprised. When did the treasures in his treasury become so unattractive?People look down on it.

It's not that Chu Jiuge doesn't like it, but that those things are not necessary.

She asked: "City Master Nangong, do the treasure houses of the other three major cities have as many collections as your treasure house?"

City Lord Nangong's heart skipped a beat. She didn't think they didn't have many treasures, so she wanted to join the other three major cities!

"Hahaha! Collect it! Naturally, each has its own merits. It seems that you like elixir, if you are not interested in here, I actually have some private collections. If you like it, I can reluctantly give up."

"Come here!" In order to retain talents, Nangong City Lord also spent a lot of money.

Even though Chu Jiuge is just a holy king, she has such terrible lethality. If she takes refuge in the other three major cities, it will definitely not be a good thing for them Nangongcheng.

(End of this chapter)

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