Chapter 847
City Lord Nangong's heart was bleeding, Chu Jiuge squandered so much military exploits, and the elixir collected by City Lord Nangong was of good quality.

Chu Jiuge said: "City Master Nangong, do you have topographic maps of the other three main cities? If you want to deal with the enemy, you need to have a deeper understanding."

"No problem!" Chu Jiuge was willing to stand on their side of Nanmen City, and the Nangong City Lord was very happy.

"If there are battles in the three main cities that are close, you can send me to fight. Since Devil May Cry City is very dangerous, I will try my best to improve my strength before entering." Chu Jiuge said again.

"Hey! You still haven't given up! Young people have an adventurous spirit." Nangong City Master said helplessly.

The most indispensable thing in Sifang City is war. Guo Xing came to Chu Jiuge and said, "Now our army is going to take the initiative to attack a big border city of Ximen City. Is the Lord Chu interested?"

As one of the four major cities, Nanmen City cannot be passively beaten all the time. When it is time to take the initiative to attack, it is absolutely unambiguous.

"Of course I'm interested!" The corners of Chu Jiuge's mouth rose slightly.

She is not only interested in this chance to fight, but also in the treasure house of Ximen City.

This was a decisive battle, and the Nangong City Lord sent several generals.

To lead the whole army and charge into battle, she doesn't need a holy king to take action, all she has to do is to pay for assistance from a distance.

For her, this couldn't be easier.

The sound of fighting sounded, and the weapons intersected.

The Nangong City Lord also specially asked Chu Jiuge to train a bow and arrow unit, firstly to help Chu Jiuge, but to distract the enemy's attention.

Chu Jiuge said coldly: "In the southeast direction, concentrate on one place to shoot arrows."

"Hush!" Countless arrows struck in one direction.

"Puff puff puff!" Countless enemies were killed by the arrows, which was frightening.

At first, they didn't know that Chu Jiuge was here this time.

When they found out that someone on the side of Nanmen City was able to strike with great accuracy and caused them great casualties, the general of Ximen City said in a deep voice: "That archer appeared again, damn it! She actually got involved in this battle .”

"That person actually came!" The people beside him were shocked.

Chu Jiuge's record is enough to make people in Ximen City be wary of her, after all, even the peak Saint Emperor was killed by her hands.

"She must be caught, and she must not be allowed to continue killing people recklessly." The leading general ordered, and countless figures burst out.

Chu Jiuge is not the only archer hiding in the dark, plus Chu Jiuge's ability to hide, they have not found Chu Jiuge yet, Chu Jiuge knows their actions and locations clearly.

She ruined their lives with one arrow after another.

"Bang bang bang!"

Chu Jiuge also entered the battlefield to fight. Even if she exposed herself, she would disappear again before the strong enemy approached, so that the enemy could not find her at all.

This battle ended soon after Chu Jiuge shot three blood arrows to kill the three generals of the enemy.

Without a leader, they could only retreat, and this border city of Ximen City was naturally captured by Nanmen City.

The victors rejoiced, and the famous generals in Nanmen City also admired Chu Jiuge.

They had also heard about Chu Jiuge's record before, and thought that it was just opportunistic for a holy king to get so many military exploits.

Only after seeing her methods on the battlefield can she know how terrifying her abilities are.

After capturing this city, they will naturally stay and strengthen the city's defenses to prevent the enemy from counterattacking.

They don't want to lose this city that they took so hard to conquer.

These things are naturally not about Chu Jiuge's business.

Chu Jiuge had nothing to do, so he left this border town directly, disguised himself and went to Ximen City with Rong Yuan.

"Where did City Lord Chu go?" someone asked Guo Xingdao.

"City Lord Chu took her fiancé on a tour, and she said she would be back in a few days." Guo Xing replied.

"Young people are so handsome," they sighed.

"It's her again! She's coming to get in the way again, damn it!" After hearing the news, the city lord Ximen was furious, wishing to rip off Chu Jiuge's tendons.

He didn't know that Chu Jiuge was shopping in Ximen City, which was very close to him, at this time, and by the way, he was checking out his City Lord's Mansion.

On the night when Ximen City sent a strong army to retake the lost city, Chu Jiuge also acted.

She quietly sneaked into the city lord's mansion, and then swept away all the treasures in the city lord's mansion, and left a message of her number one thief.

The soldiers of Nanmen City were already prepared for the enemy's counterattack, but this time the counterattack of Ximen City was particularly fierce.

They defended the city for three days and three nights, and the enemy was still attacking fiercely.

"Damn it! We're about to lose it, Master Chu hasn't come back yet."

"Get her back quickly."

"It's not good! My lord, someone in the city has been poisoned, those people in Ximen City are despicable, they actually poisoned you!"

"Look for a military doctor, a military doctor."

Ximen City played tricks, poisoned even the military doctor, and the city was about to be broken by the enemy.

"My lord, what should we do? There are more and more people being poisoned. If we don't abandon the city and retreat, there will be a lot of casualties." Someone said with cold sweat on his forehead.

"Poisoned? Where is the poisoned person?" A fiery red figure flashed, and Chu Jiuge, who had visited Ximen City, returned at this time.

"Master Chu, it's great that you're finally back!" They said happily.

"Master Chu, you lead the bow and arrow troops to contain the enemy, we are going to retreat! The city can be fought again, if too many brothers are killed or injured, they will never come back."

Losing a city in a defeat is a shameful thing. The city is important, but people are even more important.

"Save people first. If it's poisoning, I'll take care of it quickly. Hold on first, let's go!" Chu Jiuge said incredulously.


They looked at Chu Jiuge's back and asked Guo Xing, "Master Chu also knows how to do medicine?"

"Our city lord Chu will not do things that we are not sure of. Maybe she will, otherwise she will not always have so many pills." Guo Xing replied.

The poison under the south gate city is not simple, she said: "It turned out to be the poison obtained from the Eight Great Saint Clans!"

The faces of those military doctors changed drastically, "What? The poison we got from the Eight Great Saint Clans, we can't cure it no matter what!"

"It's just a low-level poison, it's not difficult!"

Chu Jiuge took out the medicine cauldron, and quickly refined the medicine before the others could react.

"Master Chu is still a pharmacist!"

"This method is too clever."


The speed of refining the medicine was so fast that they couldn't see clearly, and soon the antidote pill was refined.

Chu Jiuge said: "One is mixed with water and the other is painful. Everyone has a drink, and those who are not poisoned also drink a sip, so that they will not be afraid of poison."


At this time, the city gate was about to be broken, and countless ice arrows fell from the sky, stopping them.

"It's that sharp archer again! Damn it, when most people in Nanmen City are poisoned and collapsed, how can she block our entire army by herself?" They said through gritted teeth.

(End of this chapter)

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