Chapter 848
In fact, the poison they worked so hard to get had no effect.

"How is it possible? Obviously many people have been poisoned, why has their fighting power not diminished?"

"Someone came up with an antidote, how is this possible? There is absolutely no such alchemist in Nanmen City."

"..." Following the emergence of a magic archer in Nanmen City, another inexplicable magic doctor appeared, completely disrupting their plans.

"Immediately ask the city lord for instructions, and ask us what should we do?" Everyone was bewildered by the sudden change.

The Lord Ximen had been waiting for their good news. His calculations were foolproof, and he felt that there was no suspense at all in regaining the lost city.

"City Master! It's not good, our Ximen City has been invaded by thieves." Before the good news was received, a guard rushed over and said.

"It's just a thief, just kill the little thief. Why do you need to inform me? This city lord doesn't have the time to take care of a little thief." The city lord of Ximen said arrogantly.

"But my lord, this little thief has emptied all the treasure house of our Ximen City, and now I haven't even seen a shadow of him." The guard said tremblingly.

"It's impossible, I don't believe it!" City Lord Ximen was furious.

When he saw the empty treasure houses and the elegant handwriting, he had no choice but to believe it!

For a moment, City Lord Ximen became furious.

"The number one thief! What a brave man! He even dared to steal into my Ximen City, block the gates of the city, find it for me! Find that little thief for me."

"Yes, City Lord!"

While the anger was still soaring, news came from the border town that they had failed to attack the city.

The army, which could have won [-]%, now asked the city lord to order the troops to retreat, saying that they could not hold on anymore, and the city lord Ximen was furious.

"Waste, it's a bunch of waste. Everything is ready, but I still can't take it. I'm so mad, I'm so mad..."

The city lord of Ximen, who had been angered twice, suddenly felt his eyes go dark, and almost fell to the ground...

On Chu Jiuge's side, they successfully defended the city, and the people in Nanmen City looked at Chu Jiuge in amazement.

"Master Chu is too powerful."

"Master Chu is actually an imperial pharmacist, it's too perverted!"

They guarded this city, and as Chu Jiuge's ability became more and more prominent, the city lord of Nangong treated her better.

Originally, she wanted to use good resources to raise Chu Jiuge to advance, but she didn't think that she was in danger?Where is the driller?
So Chu Jiuge went to fight on the border of Beimen City, and went to Beimen City by the way, and none of the treasure houses in Beimen City were spared.

The same is true for Dongmen City!
The number one thief just stole a city before, and the Lord Ximen will definitely hide this news for his own face.

Now the treasuries of the three cities have been robbed, and it is impossible to hide it.

The legend of the number one thief has spread in the city of four gates. The three major cities are trying their best to find someone, but they still can't even touch the shadow of the number one thief. It makes people feel that the number one thief is getting more and more mysterious.

"Hahaha! I didn't expect them to be so unlucky. The treasury is empty, and the military supplies are probably not enough." Nangong City Master smiled gloatingly.

"However..., only my Nanmen City is left, and it is probably dangerous. Inform everyone that you need to exchange military achievements for refueling time for treasures. Even if my Nangong City is stolen, the loss of my Nangong City will definitely be smaller than theirs."

The Nangong City Lord was also open to it. After all, the three major cities were not able to guard against the elusive No. [-] Thief, nor did he have the confidence to guard against it.

"Yes!" Many people enthusiastically went to exchange.

Chu Jiuge said to Nangong City Master: "Nangong City Master, even if the number one thief didn't rob your treasure house, you still have to pretend to be robbed."

All the treasures she likes in the treasure house of Nanmen City have been obtained, and those that she doesn't like have been searched from the three major cities, so there is no need to empty out the treasures in the treasure house of Nanmen City to occupy space.

"It's true. If the real No. [-] thief didn't steal my South Gate City, my South Gate City will probably become the target of public criticism. At that time, they will probably suspect that I and the No. [-] thief are in the same group, and then attack them together."

"Second! We also pretended to have no money, pretending to be pigs and eating tigers, not bad! But will the number one thief really let me go in Nanmen City?"

After the three major cities were robbed, there has been no news of bad luck in Nanmen City, which disappointed others, "This number one thief is not the guy from Nangong who came to deal with us! Otherwise, why would Nanmen City be fine. "

Not long after, the news that Nanmen City was emptied by the number one thief spread out overnight.

Ximencheng laughed loudly and said, "Hahaha! Sure enough, he didn't have the luck to escape."

"That's right, it's impossible for such a mysterious guy to be with Nangong City Master." Beigong City Master said.

In fact, the owner of the South Gate City was very surprised that the number one thief really did not attack their South Gate City.

Is this because of his good character or because the number one thief doesn't like the things in his treasury, or is it some other reason?
The city lord of the south gate looked at Chu Jiuge. Could it be that Chu Jiuge knew the number one thief.

If it weren't for Chu Jiuge's strength being too weak, he would have suspected that the number one thief was her.

Recently, the cities of the four gates are very poor, so everyone started to cultivate their health and rest, and the fighting was not so intense.

Chu Jiuge also quietly retreated for a while, until the day when Devil May Cry City opened.

Nangong City Master said: "Are you sure you want to go?"

"Of course, this is the only place where I get news about the ancient gods on this side of the City of Four Gates. It only opens four times a year. I will never miss it anyway." Chu Jiuge said firmly.

Chu Jiuge is going, and the city lord of Nangong has nothing to do, it is impossible to lock him up!
Nangong City Master smiled and said: "You have created miracles in wars in my Nangong City many times, I hope you can also successfully defeat Devil May Cry City. I have nothing to help you, or you can go to my treasure house to choose A few pieces of protective treasures. You don’t need to spend your military exploits.”

Chu Jiuge replied: "No need, I already have a big baby to protect me."

Then he smiled and looked at Rong Yuan who was on the side, Rong Yuan also looked over, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, he knew that he was the big baby that Jiu'er was talking about.

"Alright then! I'll send someone to take you to Devil May Cry City."

Knowing that Chu Jiuge was going to the city of Devil May Cry, many of them were rescued by Chu Jiuge, and some soldiers of Nanmen City who were impressed by her saw her off.

That is a place to die!Don't give them firm belief that if it was her, she would be able to come out safely.

After the news that Chu Jiuge was going to Devil May Cry City was known to Ximen City Lord, Ximen City Lord was ecstatic.

"Hahaha! That damned guy is actually going to the City of Devil May Cry to die! Well, it's really great."

(End of this chapter)

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