Chapter 853 The Power of Thor
This little girl is extremely special, perhaps the only hope for them to get out safely.

These people want to kill her, they absolutely will not agree!
They snorted coldly: "A group of ants are also talking about jumping out and getting in the way, looking for death!"

They released their spiritual power, and their momentum was astonishing.

Another group of people had no choice but to fight with all their might.

"Boom!" There was a terrifying bang.

Several people rushed towards Chu Jiuge, Chu Jiuge used the spiritual power of the wind to avoid it quickly.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Hei Yan, Xiao Jin!" When they were about to continue to rush forward, the flames erupted by the two of them formed a wall of fire to block them.

At the same time, Chu Jiuge pulled the Emperor Demon Bow.

A sharp blood-red arrow shot out between the eyebrows of one of them.

"Pfft!" The other party was not the kind of weak chicken that could be dealt with at any time. When the blood arrow shot over, he waved his hand low.

He still underestimated the power of the arrow, and the blood arrow slashed across the back of his hand.

Soon, he felt a force frantically drawing blood from his hand.

He muttered, "Why is the power of this arrow so similar to the blood arrow of the Ling family?"

This is due to the different levels of power and completely different perceptions.

In the city of two valleys, three gates and four gates, even though everyone is frightened by the horror of the blood arrow, they will never guess that the arrow came from the Ling family, one of the seven great imperial families.

However, in the God's Domain of the top power, even a pawn has such a guess, which is very close to the truth.

He quickly controlled that force, preventing it from continuing to devour his own blood.

Suddenly, he broke through the defenses of Hei Yan and Xiao Jin, and was about to punch Chu Jiuge with a punch.

Of course, he had no chance to make a move.

The terrifying power that descended from the sky crushed him instantly, and he stepped into death in an instant.

The pupils of the others shrank suddenly, and the person who made the shot was Shifang Shenzun!

How could they succeed in killing the person he wanted to protect in front of him?Don't even dare to dream!

The false god was hurt badly by Rong Yuan at this time, Rong Yuan said indifferently: "I won't waste time with you."

The false god sneered and said, "Do you think you can win? Just kidding, when I devour Thor's power, it will be your end."

Suddenly, he turned into a black streamer and rushed towards the tattered hammer.

"Boom!" Countless thunderbolts descended from the sky, but were blocked by a black curtain, preventing that guy from being struck by lightning.

Rong Yuan stood outside, looked at him coldly, and did not rush to stop him.His eyes turned to those who had attacked Chu Jiuge.

The terrifying coercion made them feel terrified, "Bang bang bang!", they couldn't bear to resist at all, and all knelt down.

"We... we were forced!"

"Dare to do something to Jiu'er, no matter whether you were forced or not, you should die!"

Death came instantly, and there was nothing they could do.

Rong Yuan's strength shocked the others, they had never seen such a powerful person.

"That guy is dangerous, why don't we get rid of it now?" Chu Jiuge asked.

"Let him go to explore the road first. From what he said, it is confirmed that this is the relic of Thor." Rong Yuan looked indifferent.

He is not afraid of which false god will gain stronger power, and he doesn't think that the other party can defeat him if he gains the power of the god.

"Boom!" The surrounding thunder and lightning became more and more violent, and the false god had already touched the hammer.

For a moment, silver lightning spread all over his body. He gathered his strength and wanted to lift him up, but felt that it was as heavy as a mountain, and he couldn't lift it up.

"Thunder God, you have disappeared, and the power left behind cannot be passed on to me, so it is better to give it to me, so as not to waste it."

"Give it to me, give it all to me!"

The strong strength made it difficult for others to breathe, but the Thor's Hammer remained motionless.

"Boom!" The thunder and lightning in the sky became more and more violent.

The shady scene was violently torn apart, and the terrible thunder and lightning directly struck the false god.

At the same time, the hammer he was holding exploded with terrifying power.

The two forces merged together, warning this guy, even if the ancient gods have fallen, he can't help being presumptuous!

"Boom!" The black figure was blasted out by the lightning, instantly turned black, and then disappeared into black charcoal.

The body was split into coke, which does not mean that the false god is dead, and a black light burst out from the air.

He wanted to go back and tell Rong Shenyuan that he had come to the Ten Directions God Realm.

We must completely eradicate this man before he recovers.

He is definitely the biggest obstacle on his way to becoming a god!

"I want to run!" A cold light flashed in Rong Yuan's lavender eyes.

A white figure flashed and blocked his way in an instant.

"Rong Yuan, I'm a god, and it won't do you any good if you make me anxious." The false god stared at the man in front of him sinisterly and said.

"I'm not even afraid of a real god, let alone a fake one like you. Just use whatever you can, otherwise don't blame the deity for not giving you a chance." Rong Yuan said coldly.

"You're fine! You're fine!" The self-proclaimed god was so despised, the false god was completely enraged, and tried his best to fight Rong Yuan.

The terrifying power covers the entire sky, and the false god is just a small clone.

Even if Rong Yuan's strength has not returned to its peak state, it is enough to deal with him.

"Damn it! If I had known a stronger distraction would come over, then Rong Yuan would be my subordinate's dead soul." The false god regretted it.

He didn't expect to meet such an opponent in such a barren place as the City of Four Gates. In the end, the false god chose to blew himself up.
"You make me feel bad, and I make you feel bad too!" He said grimly.

"You evildoer, be careful!" Chu Jiuge said in a deep voice.

The power of darkness is raging, and this guy's self-destruct power is not small.

At the center of the explosion, Chu Jiuge has been watching with the Immortal Eyes of Life, and sure enough, this guy is still holding back!

A black light rushed out, and there was a familiar soul wave in it, it was a false god!
Even if he blew up this part of the avatar, he still kept something, and was going to run back to the main body to report the news. How could Chu Jiuge let him do what he wanted?

Chu Jiuge pulled the Emperor Demon Bow, and the blood-red sharp arrow flew through the air, hitting the black spot accurately.



An exasperated figure came out of the air. Under normal circumstances, Chu Jiuge's arrow would not be able to do anything to it.

Now, it is already a small clone, and this arrow will make it disappear completely.

Wanting to tip off the news is completely dreaming!

The repressive power withdrew, and Rong Yuan had returned to Chu Jiuge's side.

Chu Jiuge sized him up and said, "It's good that you're not injured."

"It's just a self-destruct, none of them can hurt me." Rong Yuan replied.

"Now, I'll take care of that side." Rong Yuan looked at the hammer.

"Before I went up to an experimental mouse, I was sure of one thing. If you want to get the power of Thor, you must pick up the hammer." Chu Jiuge said.

(End of this chapter)

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