Chapter 854
"Even if you pick it up, Rong Yuan, the power of Thunder God will be given to you, but I can't pass it on to me, so I want to try it myself. But if you are interested in the power of Thunder God, Rong Yuan, you can try it." Chu Chu Jiu Ge looked at Rong Yuan and said.

"I'm not interested, but I don't want Jiuer to go either." Rong Yuan's lavender eyes darkened.

"Don't worry, I've found the trick, and nothing will happen! Don't look at who I am." Chu Jiuge said confidently.

"Even if Jiu'er is the master of the God of Immortal Life, she is also the person I care about the most. We can't tolerate any mistakes, so let's go together." Rong Yuan held Chu Jiuge's hand tightly and said.

"Okay!" In the blink of an eye, they entered that dangerous place.

"Can they really succeed? That guy's body was chopped into ashes before." Someone whispered.

"That lord is so powerful, he will definitely succeed. Only if we succeed, will we have a chance to return alive from Devil May Cry City."

"Boom!" There was thunder and lightning in the air, and countless silver dragons rushed towards them.

"Get out of the way!" Rong Yuan said coldly.

No matter how strong the force is, Rong Yuan will block it.

The remaining part of the thunder and lightning was handed over to Chu Jiuge, and Chu Jiuge used his immortal power to eat away at them bit by bit.

They cooperated extremely tacitly, and quickly approached that Thor's Hammer.

Yuan took a step forward and said, "I'll come first!"

The slender jade-like hand landed on the Thor's Hammer, and the power of lightning exploded completely, filling Rong Yuan's whole body.

Rong Yuan didn't even frown, the Thunder Hammer started to tremble and left the ground...

"Pick it up!" The person outside said with bright eyes.


It was just a little bit away from the ground, and it was not fully lifted. At this moment, a more fierce thunderbolt descended.

"Boom!" Rong Yuan tried his best to be low-key.

"Boom!" Thor's hammer escaped from Rong Yuan's control, and fell heavily on the ground, causing the ground to tremble violently.

The silver light came towards him and collided with Rong Yuan's defensive power.

"Boom!" The silver thunder light disappeared in an instant, and Rong Yuan stepped back a dozen steps.

Rong Yuan's eyes darkened, isn't it okay?
He glanced over, ready to try again, but was stopped by Chu Jiuge.

"This time, let me do it! Rong Yaoxie, you are using arbitrariness, and I will use ingenuity. How about trying whose method is more effective?"

"Okay! Be careful!" Rong Yuan nodded slightly.

His soul power spread out, and once he had the power to cause damage to Chu Jiuge, he would make them disappear as quickly as possible.

Chu Jiuge approached that Thor's Hammer, and soon the tyrannical thunder and lightning elements swept over.

Chu Jiuge used the power of thunder and lightning and the power of immortality to assimilate this power, and finally turned it into his own power.

The power of thunder and lightning, which can chop the god-level masters into ashes, seems to have become much gentler in front of Chu Jiuge.

Chu Jiuge used the God of Immortal Life to see the surrounding power more closely and understand it.

The slender hand landed on the Hammer of Thunder, it was very heavy!very heavy!
She couldn't lift it up, her little strength seemed incomparably small in front of this hammer.

Even so, she never thought of giving up.

Got it!

A gleam of light flashed in Chu Jiuge's eyes, the power of ice and snow exploded without money, and a thick layer of ice condensed on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the force of the wind broke out, and the force of the wind pushed Thor's hammer.

Not enough, Chu Jiuge stepped up, and all the spiritual power exploded.



Although Chu Jiuge didn't lift the Thunder Hammer, he let the Thor's Hammer slide on the ground because ice is slippery.

"Boom!" Chu Jiuge also erupted with the power of thunder and lightning, and the stronger thrust pushed the hammer of thunder back.

"Rong Yaoxie, it's over! You work harder too!" Chu Jiuge smiled at Rong Yuan.

"it is good!"

Power as vast as the sea erupted from Rong Yuan's body, Thor's Hammer was pushed farther, and it would soon leave this square.

"Boom!" Yunlong in the sky was extremely violent, and seemed to be angry with Chu Jiuge for using such an opportunistic method.

Before countless silver dragons struck down, Thor's Hammer had already gone outside.

Rong Yuan and Chu Jiuge joined forces to block the attacks.

"Bang bang bang!"

This time, Chu Jiuge still absorbed a lot of lightning power.

"Finally withdrew, let's dodge quickly!" Chu Jiuge smiled at Rong Yuan.

"Shua, Shua, Shua!" They quickly moved away.

Although the periphery will also be struck by lightning, it is obviously much less powerful, and they can handle it.

The removed Thor's Hammer seems to be much easier to deal with.

Chu Jiuge said: "I'll try it now!"

After exhausting all his strength, the Hammer of Thunder moved, and Chu Jiuge lifted it up.

The corner of her mouth slightly curled up and said: "Sure enough, the place where it was before was the core of an ancient formation. It will be much weaker if you leave that place, so it can be done. There, I am afraid that no one can afford Thor Hammer."

"This is an artifact used by the god of thunder. Not everything can be frozen. It is estimated that apart from the power of the goddess of ice and snow, few people can do it." Rong Yuan replied.

The next moment, a rough voice like thunder rang in Chu Jiuge's ear.

"Little human girl, you are taking chances. Of course, I will not renege on my debt. I will lift it up as soon as I lift it up. Even if I am opportunistic, I will admit it! Do you want my inheritance?"

"No! I want all your thunder and lightning power, and your remaining spiritual consciousness." Chu Jiuge replied.

Inheritance, the inheritance of immortal life pupil is the most suitable for her, what she lacks is supplementary divine power.

"Little girl, your tone is not small! In other words, your request means that this god will completely disappear from this world. How dare you be so greedy, how dare you be so disrespectful to God."

Thunder God was furious, and the others watched in a daze as a mighty and domineering man in black armor appeared in the air.

He is so majestic that he seems to be able to step on the sky under his feet. This is Thor.

"Lord Thunder God!" It was just a little bit of spiritual knowledge, and this domineering posture was extremely intimidating, making everyone else kneel down.

"It's your luck that you can live! But this god doesn't like you submissive humans, you can get out of the city of Thunder God now. If you want to get out alive, you'd better pray for the birth of a new city lord. But this A greedy little girl is not qualified for that."

With a wave of his hand, those people disappeared from the city.

Thunder God's eyes fell on Rong Yuan, "Even in my time, I have never seen a human like you. You are very strong! You are excellent. I am willing to give you the inheritance and power of my thunder. "

Rong Yuan looked directly at Lei Shen and said, "Ji'er needs your power, but I don't! If you don't want to give it to Jiu'er, then we'll just grab it."

(End of this chapter)

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