Chapter 864

Chu Jiuge was the fastest one to win, and solved four at the same time.

Even the Tianjiao of other major sects in the competition field did not deal with their opponents as quickly as she did.

"The holy king is at the peak of the ninth level! There are still competitors of this level below the god level of the five great sects."

This competition, everyone thinks it is a competition for the rank of Saint Emperor, and it is a high-rank Saint Emperor. Chu Jiuge's rank of Saint King is definitely different.

"The holy king rank solved the four holy emperors in an instant, did you make a mistake? What went wrong?"

Those four people became ashamed and frightened, their faces were extremely ugly, "Damn it! We underestimated the enemy."

It's really embarrassing to lose to a holy king.

This kind of strength can win, everyone thinks that it must be the reason why the opponent is weak and underestimates the enemy.

However, when Jiu Ge had been winning consecutively without stopping, everyone felt that it was not normal.

Before they could react, Chu Jiuge had already entered the top fifty.

If you continue to win this game, you can enter the top ten.

"Sect Master Tianhuo, where did you recruit the monstrous disciple? You have such a strong leapfrog fighting ability." Someone asked curiously.

The head of the Tianhuo Sect couldn't believe it, did Chu Jiuge really have such a powerful ability?
But can the geniuses of the five sects really be defeated with the strength of the holy king rank?
In the later stage of the competition, there were still five people on the stage.

Because the number of eliminations for each sect is different, some of the five sects will be divided equally among the five sects, and some will be divided into two or three per sect.

The situation on Chu Jiuge's side is very bad. There are three people in the Wuji Sect alone, and one of them belongs to the Silver Feather Sect.

The person from the Silver Feather Sect waved his hand and said: "I can't beat you, but this disciple of the Sky Fire Sect has won very smoothly along the way, and many people in our sect have suffered a lot from her hands."

"Our sect is the same, a holy king, why have we come to this point!"

"Let's go together, we can take her down soon."

The spiritual power at the peak of the Holy Emperor Rank erupted with great momentum.

"Sect Master Tianhuo, your disciple is in trouble."

"The number of people from the Skyfire Sect entering this round is not many! It seems that this time you will be at the bottom."

Sect Master Tianhuo's face darkened slightly, his disciples were not very lucky, and there were not many left after this round of elimination.

Chu Jiuge is one of his big trump cards. If it falls here, the future of their Tianhuozong will be in jeopardy.

The tyrannical force bursting out from four directions made everyone feel that Chu Jiuge couldn't avoid it at all.

However, in the blink of an eye, Chu Jiuge disappeared.

"up in the air!"

Behind the girl in red in the air spread out transparent wings of wind, looking down at them.


The four who failed to attack Chu Jiuge persistently attacked Chu Jiuge in the air. Even if she could fly with the secret method, they would shoot her down.

Facing their attack, Chu Jiuge no longer dodged this time.

The spiritual power of ice and snow condensed, and countless arrows of ice and snow rained towards them.

"This... what kind of spiritual skill is this!"

"What a powerful power of ice and snow."

Such intensive attacks made them inevitable in the arena, they could only keep out the rain!
"Bang bang!" The Frostbolt was blocked by the barrier of condensed spiritual power.

They snorted coldly: "No matter how special the method is, if you don't have enough spiritual power, you can never break through the defense of our Holy Emperor."

Chu Jiuge instantly took out a longbow, countless sharp arrows, and ten arrows all at once.

She said coldly: "Can't you break it? Then try it?"


For a moment, the four people only felt their scalps go numb, and they felt that the opponent in front of them was not a holy king at all, but a genius of the same level as them.

Their defense is not bad, but Chu Jiuge has clearly seen the flaws of the four of them.

"Pfft! Puff! Puff!" The four shot arrows one after another before they could catch them.

They stared round their eyes, and said dumbfounded: " is this possible?"

"Bang bang bang!" They were carried away by sharp arrows and fell off the ring.

Many people gasped, "Such a powerful spiritual skill, such a terrifying arrow."

"Sky Fire Sect, Chu Jiuge wins!"

Chu Jiuge has come to this point, no one thinks that this holy king is lucky, she does have very powerful abilities.

A total of ten people entered this round, three from the Wuji Sect, two from the Tiansha Sect, two from the Yinyu Sect, one from the Liuli Sect, and two from the Tianhuo Sect.

In other words, if Chu Jiuge was not there, Tianhuozong would probably be left at the bottom with only one person left.

Next is a one-on-one competition, and the top three will come out in the decisive battle.

Chu Jiuge's opponent is Ye Feng, the second-ranked genius of the Tiansha Sect. He glanced at Chu Jiuge coldly and said, "It's really rare for a holy king to have your strength, but you can't be mine." opponent."

He drew out his long sword and stabbed at Chu Jiuge's head with a cold murderous look.

The first shot was a killer move, trying to penetrate Chu Jiuge's head.

Chu Jiuge ran the wind element to avoid it, with the longbow in hand, and fired three arrows at once.

"Shhhhhhh!" Countless sharp arrows struck, Ye Feng said disdainfully: "The means to deal with those guys can't deal with me."

Frostbolt and Wind Blade attacked him again.

"Boom!" There were bursts of loud noises.

Ye Feng could block Chu Jiuge's attack.

Chu Jiuge avoided Ye Feng's attack.

The two have exchanged gifts and have fought for many rounds.

Ye Feng's arrogance and disdainful expression became stiff after repeated attacks failed.

Chu Jiuge's arrow angle was tricky, and he almost capsized in the gutter several times.

"With such a huge gap in strength, it's unbelievable that they can persist until now!"

The battle between the two sides was at a stalemate, Ye Feng's patience was about to be worn out, and he broke out extremely powerful killing moves time and time again.

His ultimate move is indeed powerful, if Chu Jiuge confronts him head-on, there will be no good fruit to eat.

However, every time he releases a killer move, Chu Jiuge can use the immortal life pupil to capture his attack trajectory, so he can easily avoid it.

"Bang bang bang."

The other competitions in the test field have ended, and the face of Sect Master Tianhuo is not very good.

Because the disciple of his sect was unlucky to face the first genius of the Wuji sect, and then lost.

If Chu Jiuge loses again, then their Tianhuozong will probably only be at the bottom.


Ye Feng said disdainfully: "It's such tricks again, it can't help me."

Chu Jiuge pointed to the sky and said, "It's not just this trick, there's more! Look above."

Ye Feng raised his head slightly, his pupils suddenly shrank, what?
"Boom!" The silver lightning falling vertically made it impossible for her to avoid it, and he had already fallen into the silver light.

He felt paralyzed, his head went blank, and he lost consciousness.

(End of this chapter)

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