Chapter 865 She Also Breakthrough
"Boom!" The silver light dissipated, and Ye Feng was already foaming at the mouth on the competition stage.

Everyone was shocked, "What kind of magic skill was that lightning just now?"

"It's too strong!"

The referee announced: "Tianhuozong, Chu Jiuge won."

Sect Master Tianhuo breathed a sigh of relief, they weren't too embarrassed, at least one person broke into the top five.

In the next competition, Chu Jiuge and Tianshazong still have a good relationship.

This time, she met their first genius.

"Your thunder and lightning are very special. Junior brother accidentally caught your way. I will never give you a chance." He said viciously.

The genius of their sect was defeated by a holy king, which is simply a great shame.

"Don't talk too much now." Chu Jiuge said flatly.

"court death!"

He turned into countless black shadows and attacked Chu Jiuge, and a thick spiritual power entangled Chu Jiuge.

"I know your body is powerful, but I won't give you a chance to escape."

"It's not enough to trap me with this trick."

Chu Jiuge could clearly see the tricks behind the scenes, and the wind element broke out and tore open his confinement.

With the powerful insight of the God of Immortal Life, Chu Jiuge avoided his attack in an instant.

"A little patience, so what?"

Countless sword qi rushed towards Chu Jiuge, Chu Jiuge also used the power of ice and snow, and countless ice arrows counterattacked.

Pull the bowstring, sharp arrows strike from all directions.

"Bang bang bang!"

The two used various means, and countless spiritual powers collided, forming waves of spiritual power storms.

"This is not a battle between the holy king rank and the holy emperor rank at all! The battle between the two peak saint emperor ranks may not be able to explode with such energy."

"Congratulations to Sect Master Tiansha, I'm afraid you will soon gain a god-level genius."

Compared with Chu Jiuge, they are more optimistic about this genius of Tianshazong.

The terrifying sword energy struck again, and Chu Jiuge erupted with tyrannical lightning power, and countless silver rays of light fell from the sky.


"Boom!" The power of thunder and lightning burst, and the speed was fast, but the opponent was not a vegetarian, so he blocked them as much as possible.

"This weird power of lightning is just like that. You can't hurt me if you take precautions."

In an instant, there was another violent attack.

Chu Jiuge narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "Then what! Can it hurt you?"

The powerful soul power spread out, and those dangerous eyes locked on the other party.

In an instant, the soul seemed to be imprisoned and frozen by a terrifying force...

He was caught off guard by the pupil technique attack, and he was powerless to resist.

"Damn it!" The suzerain of the Tiansha Sect showed a serious expression on his face.

"Boom!" A person fell from the air in a parabola, and Chu Jiuge withdrew his soul power.

"Skyfire Sect, Chu Jiuge won."

Everyone was in an uproar, "How many tricks does this little girl of the Tianhuo Sect have?"

"Pupillary attack, she actually practiced pupil technique, crushing the peak Saint Emperor who is one level stronger than her."

Now the top three have come out, the Promise Sect, the Sky Fire Sect and the Yin Yu Sect.

The suzerain of the Tiansha Sect had an ugly expression on their faces. Even if they didn't get the first place, the second place would be solid.

Unexpectedly, because of this perverted holy king, they were kicked out of the top three.

The Yinyu Sect faced the Wuji Sect, and the Yinyu Sect was defeated.

This time Chu Jiuge was lucky, Yin Yuzong, who consumed a lot of spiritual power and knew that he was not Chu Jiuge's opponent, took the initiative to admit defeat.

"Let you save a little more strength to fight that bastard, even if you can't win, you can make him suffer a little bit!" He said to Chu Jiuge.

"I can't win." Chu Jiuge replied.

"Hmph! You will definitely lose." Jueji, the first genius of the Promise Sect, is also a legendary figure of the five major sects.

He is extremely proud, a master with his nostrils up to the sky, no matter how good Chu Jiuge's performance is at the rank of a holy king, he will be disdainful.

"Whether I win or lose is not for you to decide! Use your strength to speak." Chu Jiuge replied.

"A holy king dares to speak with strength, just this little strength?"

The competition has not yet started, and the smell of gunpowder is full.

As soon as the referee announced the start, Chu Jiuge used the pupil technique.

Jueji snorted coldly, "You don't even think about succeeding."

A silver disc flew out, bursting out of light to block Chu Jiuge's soul power attack.

The other party had already guarded against her move, Chu Jiuge was still very indifferent, and countless sharp arrows attacked Jueji.

"Bang bang bang!"

In the blink of an eye, they had already fought for more than a dozen rounds, and neither side suffered a loss. Jueji's patience was impatient, and soon he broke out with a killer move.

The black light erupted, tearing Chu Jiuge to pieces like a ferocious beast baring its teeth and claws.

"Cultivating such a genius is hard to come by, Sect Master Tianhuo, don't let that girl admit defeat! The second is to earn money." Sect Master Wuji kindly reminded.

Sect Master Tianhuo smiled lightly, but did not answer. He is the Sect Master of Skyfire Sect, but the girl's decision is not within his control.

Facing this dangerous attack, Chu Jiuge's soul power exploded, and he used the power of the Immortal Eye of Life to see through the flaws of this move.

Pull the bowstring, ten sharp arrows are on it, every position is the weak point of this move.

This move is powerful and has many flaws, but it is not easy to be discovered by others. I am afraid not only himself, but even the Sect Master of Tianji Sect.

The wind element wraps the whole body, and Chu Jiuge flashes towards the weakest point.

"Boom!" A burst of thunder sounded, and a powerful force collided.

"Boom!" Chu Jiuge retreated to the edge of the ring, his hair was disheveled, and his crimson hair was a little damaged, but he was not seriously injured.

"Pfft!" A sharp arrow pierced Jueji's arm, and bright red blood dripped onto the competition stage.

No matter how jue sees blood, he suffers even more.

"You..." Jue stared at Chu Jiuge in astonishment, and made a fierce attack.

Chu Jiuge was not afraid of the overwhelming force coming, and fought again.

"Bang bang bang!"

Everyone was dazzled to watch the two fight each other with their big hole cards, and their nerves were tense. Chu Jiuge's speed was a big problem. If he wanted to hit him hard, the only way was...

Jueji clenched his fists tightly, and layers of spiritual power vortex formed around him, and the whole competition field was violently turbulent for a while.

"Is Jueji going to break through the god rank?"

"It's going to break through the god level so soon."

In an instant, Jueji gave people a different feeling.

Whether it is physical or spiritual power, it feels unrivaled by any holy emperor, let alone a holy king.

Sect Master Tianhuo said: "Let that girl admit defeat! The attack of the god rank is not a joke, if you can't dodge it, I'm afraid..."

Qitian said very indifferently: "It's just using the secret method to reach the god level, how could Jiumei sister not defeat her."

Rong Yuan nodded slightly and said, "Jiu'er is just about to break through."

Sect Master Tianhuo was slightly taken aback, even if he used secret methods to improve, it would still be a god rank!

Even if Chu Jiuge breaks through, it will still be at the first level of the Holy Emperor!

How can this be Jueji's opponent?
(End of this chapter)

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