Chapter 869 was found
One by one doubted life while vomiting blood. They had heard that the Skyfire Sect had a few amazing geniuses, and they had god ranks at a young age.

Such a young god rank probably took pills to eat it, or it was just a superficial effort. Fighting is scum, and it turns out that they thought too much.

When those people from Tianhuozong came, they found that Qitian had already dealt with the people and put away all the murder weapons.


"It's solved, the seventh son solved it by himself."

They followed Qi Tian all the way, but they didn't see him make a move, and they didn't know his strength at all.

"You decide whether to kill or lose these people!" Chu Jiuge threw the handling of the Wuji Sect to the Tianhuo Sect.

"Continue to collect fire spirit crystals, you come with me every day."

"it is good!"

Qitian followed Chu Jiuge's footsteps, and Chu Jiuge said: "Go here, split!"

Qitian resolutely struck down with an axe, and there was a loud "boom!", and a road was directly cut out.

"What are you doing? This Fire Spirit Crystal can't be destroyed like this!"

Chu Jiuge said: "You will know when you go in, if you can go in."

Chu Jiuge disappeared in front of them in a flash, and Qi Tian quickly followed.

The people of Tianhuozong also knew that there were good things inside, so they hurriedly followed.

Chu Jiuge and Yi Yi successfully passed the level, and the others only entered.

The fire element spiritual power inside is extremely strong, and countless flames are sweeping towards it, which is very thrilling.

"Hurry up and dodge!"

While others were panicking, Chu Jiuge was directing Tian Tian to do it.

"that side!"

"it is good!"

When Chu Jiuge was a pirate, he had developed a tacit understanding with Qitian, and Qitian quickly struck him with an axe.

The super-explosive spiritual power exposed the Fire Spirit Crystal King, Chu Jiuge operated the wind element, and took it into his pocket in the blink of an eye.

"That's the Fire Spirit Crystal King!"

"There is such a thing in here, let's take it together."

There is more than one Fire Spirit Crystal here.

Seeing that Chu Jiuge got such a good thing, they were also moved, and they joined forces.

It's a pity that they don't have Chu Jiuge's insight and seven-day explosive power, so the efficiency is naturally not good.

The perfect cooperation between Chu Jiuge and Qitian can be described as a great harvest. She smiled and said, "Fortunately, I met Tiantian, otherwise it would be very difficult for me to collect this thing alone."

A large group of them couldn't compare to Chu Jiuge and they were also depressed. At this moment, the entire mine vein shook.

"Crack!" The ground cracked, and terrible flames rushed out.

Chu Jiuge looked intently and said: "Get out! Get out immediately, something popped up below."

The flame condensed into a ten-meter-tall flame giant, "Hand it over, give it to me..."

There was only one Fire Spirit Crystal King in that vein before, and nothing happened?

There are many, many spirit crystal kings in this mine vein, and I did not expect such a guardian to be born.

Chu Jiuge and Qitian slipped away quickly and all right, but if they were slower, it would be miserable, and they were seriously injured by burns.

As soon as they escaped, another group of menacing people came in front of them.

Although the five major sects were not friendly, they didn't want to form a deadly enmity, so they naturally kidnapped those people first and didn't solve it.

A distress signal was quietly sent out, so the strong men from their sect came.

"Are you Tianhuo sect bullying me that there is no one in the Wuji sect?" the man of the Wuji sect said aggressively.

Chu Jiuge said with a smile: "You Wuji Sect people are so powerful! Since you are so powerful, come and help!"

Even if there were wolves in front and tigers in back, Chu Jiuge didn't panic at all, anyway, that fire spirit should be easy to fool.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, and they saw a flame monster, and the flames that burned everything were palpitating.

"What did you provoke?"

Chu Jiuge said: "Come and help!"

Chu Jiuge flew out of the flames, and rushed towards the people of the Wuji Sect.

They were shocked and said: "Save the people first, and evacuate quickly!"

"Little girl, don't come near us!"

"You are too shameless!"

"You guys are so strong, what's wrong with putting in some effort?" Chu Jiuge said jokingly.

"you wanna die!"

They didn't want to get angry, and a murderous intent flashed in their eyes.

As long as Chu Jiuge is killed, he should be able to get rid of this monster.

"Old thing, what are you doing!" Qi Tian was going to explode with anger.

"Boom!" Chu Jiuge successfully evaded the attacks of these divine ranks of the Promise Sect, and their attacks landed on that Huo Ling.

Chu Jiuge dodged again and hid behind them, and the attack of the fire spirit hit some people in the Wuji sect.

"Bastard!" They all vomited blood in anger.

At this point, they had to do it.

Each of them performed multiple stages, trying to repel the fire spirit, and then go to deal with those guys from the Tianhuozong.

But is Fire Spirit so easy to deal with?Obviously not!

"Those who get in the way, kill!"

Soon, the battle between Huo Ling and them entered a fierce stage, and they fought in the dark.

Chu Jiuge said: "I don't want Huo Lingjing, run away! We are not its opponents."

"Elder, all the members of Tianhuozong have run away." When Chu Jiuge fled, they finally found out.

Everyone in the Wuji Sect is vomiting blood with anger, it is not so easy to get rid of this fire spirit now.

It is impossible to defeat it, it is too strong, even if they have a lot of people, it is useless, they can only draw a tie.

This guy doesn't know when he will run out of power, if they run out first, then they will definitely be burned to ashes.

They can't afford to gamble!
"Retreat first!"

Originally, they came to find a place, but in the end they stopped and covered a difficult enemy for their opponent.

"Think of a way to withdraw first!"

They tried their best and finally asked Huo Ling.

Huo Ling stayed in place for a while, looked in another direction and said, "Over there, over there..."

The flames spread across this barren land, covering an extremely long distance in the blink of an eye.

Chu Jiuge, who was running away, looked down, and came after him...

She has seen it!


"What?" The others were shocked.

Soon, they saw the huge monster.

"We've been running for so long, how could we be caught up? Damn."

"The group of Wujizong did not stop it, which means it is very powerful. We are not its opponent at all, and we are dead."

Chu Jiuge said: "I think it should rely on the fire spirit crystal to determine our location. In this land left by the gods, as long as there is a fire spirit crystal obtained from there, it will be found by it. Unless it is defeated!"


Huo Ling struck again, and the attacks fell one after another, which made them a little overwhelmed.

"Puff puff!"

They all had cold sweat on their foreheads, feeling that death was close at hand.

What was unbalanced in their hearts was that Chu Jiuge and Qitian had perfectly avoided nothing, and they had an idea in their hearts.

Chu Jiuge threw away the two or three Fire Spirit Crystals he got. "Since you discovered that place, then these are also given to you."

(End of this chapter)

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