Chapter 870
These guys are not giving gifts, but deceiving people, and it is too late to avoid them.

Originally, the fire spirit mainly attacked Chu Jiuge, because Chu Jiuge had the most fire spirit crystals, but now it can be said to add fuel to the fire!

Qi Tian was furious, "These shameless old bastards."

The wings of the wind opened, and Chu Jiuge tried his best to avoid it.

"Pfft!" Her dress still touched some flames, and several holes were burned out.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Hurry up!"

"Elder, this is not good!" someone said.

"If you want to die, you can stay. Anyway, the two of them are not members of our Skyfire Sect at all. If they die, they will die."

Between life and the little camaraderie they had built up earlier, they chose the former.

"Junior Sister Chu, be careful, you can escape if you are so powerful." Someone felt a little sorry, said this to Chu Jiuge, and then quickly evacuated with the elders.

Qitian said: "If you want to get out, get out, anyway, you are of no use."

Qi Tian also used the most powerful means to prevent Huo Ling from attacking again.

"Boom—" The big hammer collided with the giant flaming fist, and was finally blown away for seven days, and his skin was burned red.

"Tiantian!" Chu Jiuge's face darkened, and the spiritual power of various elements boiled.

"Boom!" Countless silver dragons appeared, preventing the fire spirit from moving forward.

Huo Ling, who had been slashed wildly, seemed to be affected, and his footsteps paused.

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying icy air erupted, and the ice spread everywhere, enveloping the fire spirit.

The general power of ice and snow can't restrain the fire spirit here, but this is the power of the god of ice and snow. Even if Chu Jiuge can't exert his full power, he can still restrain the fire spirit.

"Tiantian, let's go." Chu Jiuge helped Qi Tian, ​​and the wind element quickly evacuated.

"Crack! Crack!" Not long after Chu Jiuge left, the ice layer completely shattered, evaporated by the extremely hot temperature and disappeared completely.

The flame spread again, and it continued to hunt down Chu Jiuge persistently.

Chu Jiuge naturally knew it, she said: "Damn it, it was trapped for such a short period of time, and it caught up again."

"Ninth Sister, it's really difficult for the two of us to destroy it. Do you want to give up the Fire Spirit Crystal King?" Qi Tian said.

"It's impossible to give up. It's all in my hands. We can only absorb the Fire Spirit Crystal King while running away. When everything is absorbed, let's see what it uses to search for us?" Chu Jiuge said .

"That's right, it can still be like this, absorb and absorb." Qi Tian laughed.

Absorbing the power of the fire crystal while fleeing for his life is really a very difficult technical task.

Fortunately, Chu Jiuge and Qitian's ability to accept is relatively strong, so there is no incident of going crazy.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, and after the two of them each absorbed the power of a Fire Spirit Crystal King, Fire Spirit caught up.

It obviously felt that the breath of the Fire Spirit Crystal King had become a little less, so it was naturally more angry, and then they ushered in another dangerous battle.

The two cooperated desperately, and finally Chu Jiuge once again burst out the power of ice and snow to seal it.

"Tiantian, let's go."

"Good Le!"

Repeatedly like this, how long did Chu Jiuge spend with this guy?

In the end, they absorbed the Fire Spirit Crystal King they obtained, and their own spiritual power became much thicker.

After absorbing it, splicing the power of Chu Jiuge's Immortal Life Eye makes it much easier to completely avoid the fire spirit.

"Let's take a break." Chu Jiuge said to Tian Tian.

"After being hunted down for so long, I can finally take a breath. When I rest, I will go and fight with that guy. I'm stronger now, so I'm sure."

"Indeed, we are about [-]% to [-]% sure. We have fought against it so many times, we know its weaknesses, and our strength has improved a bit."

Even though Huo Ling was asked, Chu Jiuge and Qitian didn't plan to leave just like that, but wanted to fight again, and even win the Huo Ling who chased them down.

After resting for a while, the strength of the two of them returned to their peak state, and then Chu Jiuge began to use the pupil of immortal life to find the location of Huo Ling.

Its breath was so obvious that Chu Jiuge saw it very quickly.

"It hasn't given up looking for us yet, let's take the initiative to give it a surprise!" Chu Jiuge said.

"it is good."

Two figures flitted past, and when they were halfway through the journey, Chu Jiuge said with a smile: "Tian Tian, ​​we are lucky, someone has done something to Huo Ling."

"The fight was quite fierce! The four major sects actually got together. It's a good show."

A team from the four major sects met by chance, and then found a guy with a strong fire element spirit. They thought that the fire spirit was definitely a treasure, so they wanted to take it down.

However, this guy is not weak, and even the four major sects can't deal with it together.

"Damn it, if the suzerain is here, it will definitely be defeated."

"What kind of monster is this? It's so strong."

Anyway, when Chu Jiuge and Tiantian came over, they had already been beaten to pieces.

Many people's clothes were burnt to the point where there were only a few pieces of cloth left, and some people were burned bald.

"I can't fight anymore, I have to find a helper, otherwise we will all be killed by this monster."

They said with cold sweat on their foreheads.

Just when they thought that disaster was imminent, Huo Ling lost interest in them and rushed out in the blink of an eye.

"I've been discovered, Tiantian, I'm ready to do something." Chu Jiuge noticed it immediately.

To say that before there was only a [-]% to [-]% certainty, but now that the four major sects intervene, there is a [-]% certainty that they will win.

Although the strength of these four teams is not very good, there are so many people!She has already noticed that Huo Ling has been consumed by them a lot of power.

"Xuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuusuuuuuuuuuuuuuusuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu to be followed by an extremely violent hurricane.

"Boom——" a deafening thunder sounded.

They haven't met yet, Chu Jiuge presented a package of the three major elements of spiritual skills.

If it weren't for the lack of wood elements in this place full of fire elements, then she would definitely give four major packages.

"Boom, boom, boom!" Huo Ling paused, caught off guard by the sudden attack.

Qi Tian flew across the air and smashed a hammer at Huo Ling's head.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise.

After chasing and killing them for so long, a fire spirit who has won the four major sects will naturally not be defeated so easily, so it quickly counterattacked.

"Bang bang bang—" Chu Jiuge and the two of them fought fiercely.

"Someone, someone over there is fighting that guy."

"I don't know which sect's master? Let's go quietly and have a look."

Soon they saw who was fighting the monster that almost wiped them out?
A teenager and a girl, much younger than them.

"That's Chu Jiuge, Chu Jiuge of the Skyfire Sect."

(End of this chapter)

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