Chapter 871 Want to be beautiful
"That young man is also from the Skyfire Sect. It's unbelievable that he has already reached the god-level combat power at such a young age."

The terrifying monster that almost killed them before was collided by these two young people who cooperated very well.

After a dizzying and fierce battle, the flame monster was slowly losing ground.

Fight again!

At the end of the fight, even though Huo Ling was very unwilling, he had no choice but to be taken down by Chu Jiuge and Qi Tian.

Huo Ling's body slowly turned transparent, and the others were shocked: "The two of them actually won."

"There seems to be something shining in this monster's body? Could it be a treasure?"

Huo Ling's body turned into a little bit of fire and dissipated, only one cluster remained. Chu Jiuge has already seen what it is?

Others are eager to move but are afraid that the flames are dangerous, but Chu Jiuge is not afraid.

In the blink of an eye, she pulled out a palm-sized disk that shone with crimson light from the flames.

Those white hands were not burned by the flames, and they were unscathed!

"It's a compass!"

The needle on the compass turned around and finally pointed to a place.

The first treasure can be obtained by defeating Huoling, so the direction pointed by the pointer should be a treasure land.

Chu Jiuge was very interested, and was going to look in that direction with Tiantian, but was stopped by this group of people.

Qitian's hammer rested on his shoulder, raised his eyebrows and glanced at them: "Do you want to fight?"

"We also contributed to defeating that monster. Now that you have obtained the treasure, you can't take it alone. Why should you share it equally?"

"That's right! Evenly divided, you can't be too selfish at such a young age."

Chu Jiuge said coldly: "You guys are too good at talking nonsense! You did consume a lot of that guy's strength, but if we don't take action, you will be burned to ashes. The grace of saving your life is enough to pay for your previous actions. What a strength, now you actually want to carve up the treasures in my hands. All of you are not good-looking, but you think they are quite beautiful!"

"You guys don't agree!" Chu Jiuge refused directly, and their expressions were a little bit uneasy.

"Even if you refuse, you still dare to snatch it." Qi Tian said arrogantly.

I have to say that the two of them are really strong, but after fighting with the flame monster for so long, their spiritual power was exhausted, so they didn't think they couldn't deal with them.

They looked at each other and reached a consensus in a tacit understanding.

"The treasures here, the strong ones know, since you are so confident, then everything is determined by force!" They also shamelessly attacked Qi Tian first, after all, the strength displayed in the previous seven days was indeed dreadful.

"You guys are so tired of living!" Qi Tian was also angry, he swung his big hammer and blasted towards them with astonishing force.

These guys were taken aback, "It is indeed very strong and fierce, but it doesn't matter, we have a lot of people, and a wheel battle is enough to consume them to death."

Chu Jiuge seemed to have heard a joke, and said, "Wheel fighting, can you try it?"

They were seriously injured by Huo Ling before, although she and Tian Tian had much better consumption than them in defeating Huo Ling, not to mention...

"Drugs! There are so many pills. When did the Skyfire Sect be so generous to its disciples? Damn it!"

He confronted them head-on every day and made them vomit blood three feet.

Chu Jiuge took advantage of his body skills, shuttled through the crowd and found the enemy's weakness, and then attacked.

The large number of people is not their advantage, and those who are beaten up one by one are not ordinary feasts.

However, they are blinded by interests and just don't give up, so they continue to be beaten!
"Bang bang bang!"

Qitian and Chu Jiuge felt that beating this group of people was meaningless, and when they were about to leave, several breaths approached.

Seeing people coming, one of them said excitedly: "Sect Master, you are finally here!"

"Sect Master, help!"

The person who came was the suzerain of the four major sects, except for the suzerain of Tianhuo sect.

"Sect Master, these two little dolls have treasures in their hands." Someone hastily explained the matter.

The suzerain of the Wuji Sect said: "You two, some treasures cannot be swallowed by your own strength. For your safety, let us elders have a look."

Chu Jiuge said: "If you want baby, tell me directly, don't act like a kind elder, it's too tiring to pretend."

The suzerain of the Wuji Sect's face became darker than the bottom of the pot. It was the first time that he was humiliated like this by a junior, this bastard little girl.

The head of the Tianhuo Sect said: "Little girl, don't toast and refuse to eat fine wine. Even if the head of the Tianhuo Sect is here today, he will promise to share the treasure with everyone."

This wave of people had already surrounded the surrounding area, and they felt that the two young men could not escape.

Chu Jiuge said: "Okay! The situation is stronger than people, so I will give you the treasure."

Chu Jiuge wrapped a red thing with soul power and threw it out: "Connect it firmly!"

"How can treasures be thrown out like this, it's just too nonsense!" The old guys blew their beards and stared.

"Shua, Shua, Shua!" Several suzerains rushed out at the fastest speed, wanting to be the first to snatch the treasure.

I said that I would let young people share their treasures, but in the end, they all had the idea of ​​taking it all for themselves.

When they focused on the treasure, Chu Jiuge began to amplify his moves,

"Boom!" Countless terrifying thunderbolts fell from the sky, striking at them!
"Shua, Shua, Shua!" Frost arrows, sharp arrows, and wind blades hit them like a torrential rain, catching them by surprise.

"Tiantian, let's go! It seems that we are going to be hunted down again." Chu Jiuge laughed.

"We are not afraid of them." Qi Tian laughed.

Chu Jiuge led the way, found the most vulnerable place surrounded by them, and rushed out.

"This is just an ordinary fire crystal, we were fooled!"

"Damn it! These two cunning guys ran away."

"Chase! Hurry up and chase them. You must not let them go, and they are playing us."

After arguing for a long time, they were attacked by someone, but it turned out to be just an ordinary fire crystal, and each of them jumped into a rage, chasing Chu Jiuge and the others at the fastest speed.

Chu Jiuge and Qitian were not satisfied with their speed, and they chased after them all the way.

Chu Jiuge and the others saw their tricks, even if they were chased and killed by the strongest teams of the four major sects, Chu Jiuge and Qitian did not suffer.

"Damn! These two guys are too good at running."

"Can't you use up all your spiritual energy?"

They chased and complained endlessly, the speed had to be fast enough, and the spiritual power consumption was also huge.

It lasted for a long time, but it was not as easy as Huo Ling chasing and killing the two of them before.

They didn't know that Chu Jiuge had been observing their state with the Immortal Eye of Life, and it was time to fight back.

Chu Jiuge said: "Do it! Solve a few first."

"Okay!" Qitian said excitedly.

Before they could make a move, there was a sound of "Boom!", and one person fell down from the opponent's team, and he was also one of the four great suzerains.

(End of this chapter)

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