Chapter 885
Gongsun Se was in a daze, Jiuge really did it, it's incredible.

Qi Lin said: "Let's talk about the situation first! If I can help, I will definitely accept it."

The younger brother's matter is very important to him, Gongsun Se said: "Miss Qi, my younger brother..."

Gongsun Se introduced his younger brother's situation very clearly, and Qi Lin replied: "Mr. Gongsun, I'm sorry. According to what you said, your brother has been poisoned deeply, and the poison has penetrated into his bones. Even if you bring brother Ling here now or I go The Gongsun family is probably just disappointing Gongsun Gongzi."

"Even you can't help it?" Gongsun Se staggered back and almost fell.

Qi Tian hurriedly supported him and said, "Brother Gongsun, are you okay!"

"I...I'm fine..." Gongsun Se's eyes became moist, and it was obvious that his heart was distraught.

Chu Jiuge looked at the legendary Qi family's medicine refining genius, and frowned slightly. She didn't have that ability, or she didn't want to cure her.

Qi Lin said: "I can't help you, Miss Chu, you don't want to make me a friend! I have already asked my family to prepare the courtyard and invite a few of you to live in my Qi's house. It is much more comfortable than an inn. "

Chu Jiuge said: "Thank you Miss Qi for your kindness. Let's accompany Brother Gongsun first. After all, he should return to Gongsun's house. When he leaves, we will naturally visit Gongsun's house."

"Good!" Qi Lin said.

Qi Lin left the inn, and her entourage said angrily: "They are too good at showing off! The eldest lady personally invited them to Qi's house, and they still have to wait! Don't they immediately go with us happily?"

"And that young master Gongsun is too ignorant. What is the identity of our eldest lady? I think he is daydreaming to go to Gongsun's house to save people!"

Qi Lin said, "Shut up!"

At this moment in the inn, Gongsun Se took a long time to come back to his senses.

"It's a pity that you helped me so much... I'm going back, and I want to see my brother for the last time." Gongsun Se's eyes dimmed a bit.

"I think Qi Lin must have lied to you. She has the ability to save you."

Gongsun Se said: "I guessed it too, but she didn't want to make a move, and I don't have the ability to force Miss Qi to treat my brother, so..."

"According to what you said, this elixir should be able to detoxify. If it can't detoxify, it won't be harmful to people. When the time comes, Brother Gongsun, you will send a message, and I will find another way." Chu Jiuge took out a elixir medicine.

Gongsun Se also knew that they had extraordinary origins, and the elixir they took out was not ordinary, at least it was an imperial elixir!
He is not hypocritical, saving his younger brother is the most important thing, "Jiu Ge, thank you very much! We will definitely remember your kindness to our Gongsun family."

"Brother Gongsun, you are too serious, it's just a matter of lifting your hands." Chu Jiuge said.

Gongsun Se left Qicheng, and Chu Jiuge and the others also moved to Qi's house.

The fact that the Qi family had recruited a few talented youths spread throughout the six ancient clans. They could hardly believe it was true for such a young god.

They became the youngest guests of the Qi family, and Qi Lin treated them with kindness.

At first, he was courteous to Chu Jiuge, and then he focused on Tiantian Liuliu and Wuyue.

Liuliu said: "Then Miss Qi has taken a fancy to my young master and I have become the son-in-law, and the way she looks at me every day is not right!"

"That's not bad! Anyway, there are people who can take a fancy to you." Qi Tian laughed.

"That's not okay, I'm not interested in her." Liuliu said.

Qi Jiazhu was chatting with Qi Lin at this moment, "How are those boys?"

"I think they are stupid because of their cultivation. They don't even have any feelings for their daughter. Needless to say, that ice cube called Wuyue is a completely emotionless creature. The other two boys are also very dull." Qi Lin I am also puzzled.

I thought those news would fall under her pomegranate skirt, but they turned out to be fools.

"Since beauties can't make them fall in love, money can always buy them off! I'll let someone take them out to have fun." Patriarch Qi said.

"Yes! Father!"

Young Master Qi mainly took them out for a stroll. Chu Jiuge said that she wanted to practice, and May had no expression on her face, but she followed them happily in June, Six and Seven Days.

In the end, Liuliu couldn't move his eyes from looking at the gambling house, Young Master Qi said: "Let's go! Master Liu went in if he was interested. This gambling house happened to be opened by our Qi family. If you lose, it's mine, if you win, it's yours. how?"

Liuliu said in surprise: "There is such a good thing! Young Master Qi, you are really a good person, much more generous than my stingy brother."

Qitian couldn't help mourning for the Qi family for 3 minutes, and even brought Liuliu to his gambling shop, not afraid of vomiting blood at the loss.

He was also happy to watch the fun, with a look of gloating.

Young Master Qi thought they were just a group of fledgling kids who had devoted themselves to cultivation, how good their gambling skills were.

However, he found that when Liuliuyi went to the casino, it was as if the god of gamblers possessed him. He won several games in a row, and the money he won was getting more and more.

Young Master Qi comforted himself in his heart and said: "It's just good luck, good luck..."

Liuliu has already won more than ten sets in a row, more than twenty sets...

Young Master Qi can no longer convince himself that this is his luck, it is definitely because you have extremely strong gambling skills!

Even if all the gambling masters from the gambling house came, they still lost the battle. These masters all admired Liuliu.

"As expected of the person brought by the young master, the young master is too clever, I admire him!"

Liuliu smiled and said: "You're welcome! You're welcome! Young master, when I was a child, I drew lots for gambling! I'm destined to become the second best gambler in the world, hahaha!"

Young Master Qi couldn't understand it. What such a young god-ranked boy wanted all his life was not to become a master like Shifang God, but to become the God of Gamblers!
And his gambling skills are really against the sky!

If someone else loses their gambling house, Young Master Qi will definitely order someone to hit him with a black stick.

However, this was a guest of their Qi family, so they could only smash their teeth and swallow it in their stomachs.

He said: "No. [-] in the world, with the talent of the sixth brother, it is possible to be No. [-] in the world."

"Impossible! Impossible. You haven't seen anyone who is better than her. I can't surpass her! You don't have any masters in this gambling shop. Let's go! Let's change!" Liuliu laughed.

"Brother Six is ​​being modest." Young Master Qi said with a smile.

He could never have imagined that the number one God of Gamblers in the six or six mouths was Chu Jiuge who was most neglected by their Qi family.

Seeing Liuliu's powerful gambling skills, Young Master Qi dare not bring him to his own territory, let him harm others!

So Liuliu swept all the major gambling houses in Qicheng, and apparently became a young gambling god.

The other losers are also full of complaints against the Qi family, deliberately causing such a disaster to them, it is simply hateful!
Qi Lin said with a cold face: "I thought it was a young man with extraordinary talents, but I didn't expect the master who is addicted to gambling! Forget it, I will get in touch with the other one first."

(End of this chapter)

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