Chapter 886 is not normal
Wu Yue is really hard to get in touch with, she won't reply even ten words to him, Qi Lin gets discouraged, and finally sets her target on Tian Tian.

I had a very bad premonition every day, and after that, I was so annoying that I was entangled to death.

He said: "Miss Qi is a genius in refining medicine, and her strength should be pretty good, right?"

Qi Lin said: "I haven't broken through to the god level yet, and I'm far behind you."

Although Qi Lin did not break through to the god level, she still has the cultivation level of the sixth level of the Holy Emperor, which is much higher than Chu Jiuge's.

She can be considered a top genius among the six ancient clans, so she is quite proud.

"Oh! Talented emperor rank! Your family's low-level god emperors are so boring! I'm too boring to stay here, Liuliu can go around betting that I'm not interested, and I want to find someone to practice my skills." Tiantian was full of interest. the way.

"That's no problem. All the gods in our Qi family are very interested in a genius like you! I'll arrange it right away."

So on the Qi family's martial arts arena, a very cute-looking young man wielded a powerful hammer that didn't match his small body, and he had already defeated the three god emperors of the Qi family.

"Hahaha! Come again!"

Six or six consecutive victories, and then said: "Three weights can't do it, whoever is four weights, let's go!"

This young man is very crazy, and he is really capable. This has stimulated their family's god rank, and one by one, not to be outdone, came to the stage to fight with Qi Tian.

As for Miss Qi, Miss Qi has long been forgotten by Qi Tian.

Qi Lin was ignored for a long time like this, her face turned dark.

Didn't he see a beauty like her who is a genius for refining medicine?He only cared about beating and beating!
Qi Lin, who was depressed to death, left, and she complained: "Daddy! Who are these people? One is addicted to gambling, and the other two are dead faces of ice cubes all day long, while the other is a violent and warlike maniac." .”

The head of the Qi family said: "Geniuses are naturally unusual. Since they have chosen to enter the Qi family, they are pawns of my Qi family and cannot escape."

After Qi Lin thought about it, she found that the only normal among the four of them was Chu Jiuge.

Chu Jiuge was in retreat recently and she couldn't talk to her.

Anyway, they showed their true nature every day, six or six days, and finally made Miss Qi quit and stop bothering them.

Chu Jiuge said: "I didn't get any information from the Qi family, but the cultivation environment here is good, so let's stay!"

"Ninth Sister, it's boring for you to stay like this. I happen to have a job to do, so let's go together!" Seven days ago, she came to find Liuliu.

Now Liuliu doesn't know the masters of the Qi family, and has a good relationship with them, but knows a lot about the Qi family.

Chu Jiuge asked, "What's the matter?"

"Well! There is a group of bandits near the Qi family who are very arrogant and do all kinds of evil. Originally, these tasks to deal with the bandits were completed by the juniors of the Qi family. In the end, they were wiped out and sent a distress signal. Now the gods of the Qi family are about to go out. Go to the rescue. I am familiar with their captain, so I asked to go rescue people together." Qi Tian said.

"Okay! It's good to go out and get some fresh air." After retreating for a few days, Chu Jiuge also wanted to exercise himself in actual combat.

Qi Lin also came over, just in time to hear what they were talking about.

She said: "I know that Jiuge is kind-hearted and can't see those people continue to harm others, but you only have the strength of Xuanhuang first level, it's too dangerous! Liuliu can just pass by."

May's icy voice came, "There will be no danger, I will protect Jiuge."

"I won't go to the gambling house today for such a fun thing, but also go together to see who dares to touch Jiuge?" Liuliu also said.

Chu Jiuge said to Qi Lin: "Miss Qi, don't worry, we have a sense of proportion."

Looking at Chu Jiuge, who was wholeheartedly protected by the three geniuses, Qi Lin found it very dazzling. She wasted a lot of time and put down the figure of the eldest lady of the Qi family to approach these three teenagers, but she was completely ignored. Everything is easily accessible.

"Then Jiuge, you must be careful." Qi Lin said with a smile.

So Chu Jiuge and the others set off at the beginning, and arrived near the bandit's den as quickly as possible.

Chu Jiuge said: "It's good for the four of us to go up. They arrested people and went to so many masters at once. They are very likely to throw a mouse and put the hostages in danger. But when we go up, they will definitely treat us as the same. Young people on missions won't be so alert!"

"The little girl is right. I have seen the strength of the sixth son, so he must be fine!" said the captain of the rescue team.

"That's right! Signal if you need help, don't hold back!"

They have seen Liuliu's fierce fighting power, and heard that the other two teenagers are no worse than Mr. Liu, but...

"Miss Chu, stay here! It's safer to kill with us later." Someone said.

"No, I want to join the battle with my partner!"

Chu Jiuge uses the pupil of immortal life, everything on the mountain is under her eyes.

With her at Six, Six and the others can save lives more smoothly.

"Let's go!" Chu Jiuge rushed out, walking ahead of Liuliu and the others.

"Hey! What a little girl! Only Shenghuang Yizhong is here to join in the fun?"

"If something happens, Missy and the others will definitely not punish the Sixth Young Master and the others, we will take the blame."

At this time, some young people from the Qi family were locked in a cave, "You better let me go, we are the Qi family! Qi family, one of the six ancient clans."

These young men of the Qi family are all proud masters. They never thought they would fall into the hands of a group of bandits, and they were filled with anger.

"Of course! We know you are the Qi family! The Qi family is rich! After we get a lot of money from the Qi family, we will naturally let you go! Don't worry. I think the Qi family should have taken love." The big master smiled.

The faces of these teenagers also showed joy. When all the masters of their families came, these bandits would undoubtedly die, and they could be saved.

At this time, someone came to report: "The big boss! The big boss, the Qi family is here."

"Oh! People are here, how many people are here?"

"Boss, here are four little babies! The Qi family underestimated us too much! We have caught so many fat sheep, and they just dared to send some little guys here."

"I'm sure it's just four little guys."

"That's right! Those four are younger than this group of trash! If you arrest them, can you get more money for four more people?"

Those who were arrested were also stunned, did they make a mistake!

The patriarch didn't send a master of the god emperor rank, but sent four juniors who were younger than them. Isn't this nonsense?
This is entirely to deliver food to these bandits!

(End of this chapter)

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