Chapter 102

She bought a plane ticket to Los Angeles with the ID card that another father prepared for her, and then transferred from Los Angeles to China.

She didn't go back to City L, but went directly to the place where she was born - City A.

She hasn't been home for several months, and she suddenly misses her family very much.

She called her father at the airport in City A,
"Dad, I'm back. No, I don't need to send someone to pick me up. I can just take a taxi by myself. Brother Feng is not here, and I don't like the others. Well, I am already familiar with this place. I'm already in a taxi, see you later."

Qiu Ling'er hung up the phone, and when her father heard her coming back, he was so happy that he wanted to pick her up right away, but he was busy with business, so he wanted to send someone down.

But she is so familiar in City A, and she grew up here, so she still needs to pick it up!Dad still treats her like a child, but it can be seen that Dad really loves her.

She smiled sweetly and told the driver her home address.

The taxi driver was a young guy, and when he saw a young and beautiful girl, he smiled innocently and blushed.

"Yes, please sit still, my speed is still quite fast."

"That's fine."

Qiu Ling'er smiled slightly, just in time for her to see her father earlier.

The young guy didn't lie, he drove really fast, ran through red lights all the way, and got her back home in less than 10 minutes.

Qiu Ling'er arrived at the station and gave a few tickets with the largest amount.

"I see that you ran through three red lights and two roadblocks, which is about the same amount."

The young man blushed, and wanted to accept it but was too embarrassed to accept it, "It doesn't take so much."

He wanted to perform a stunt in front of other beautiful girls, but he didn't expect that she was so smart that he even counted how many times he ran through red lights and roadblocks.

"Okay, thank you, I have a fiance, bye."

Qiu Ling'er lied to him, waved her hand, and went back home.

Back home, there seemed to be a kind of dependence, which made her relax wholeheartedly.

"Where is father?"

Qiu Ling'er entered the gate and casually asked the subordinates outside the gate.

"Miss!" A strange light flashed in the eyes of the subordinates outside the door, and then he lowered his eyes and said respectfully: "The leader is in the study."

"it is good."

Qiu Ling'er walked up the white jade steps, and Qiu Bitian came out of the study happily after hearing the concierge's report.


Qiu Ling'er threw herself into Qiu Bitian's arms, when Qiu Ling'er saw her father, her eyes were very hot, very hot, she burst into tears in his father's arms.All the grievances accumulated in my heart poured out at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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