Lonely pet and confused little girl: mistakenly trapped in a disgusting man

Chapter 103 Dare to Run, the Consequences Are Serious

Chapter 103 Dare to Run, the Consequences Are Serious (1)

"Ling'er, what happened?"

Qiu Bitian put his arms around his daughter and asked distressed and worried.

It is rare for a daughter to be so sad. She has always been the fruit of happiness.It was only after He Feitian came that she was prepared in shock and fear, and also sad. Speaking of which, he was really sorry for his daughter.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." Qiu Ling'er wiped away tears and said, "I'll be fine soon."

She didn't want her father to know that she was humiliated in Hawaii, and her father would be even more sad.

"Is it because I failed to complete the task? In fact, this task is not so easy. I didn't think carefully at the beginning, so I rashly agreed to let you go. You must have been wronged?"

Qiu Bitian caressed his daughter's hair and said lovingly.Since childhood, his daughter grew up under his doting, his wife died young, and he became both father and mother, so he loved her even more.

She was well-behaved and innocent since she was a child, even in a family like theirs, he would not let her interfere in the slightest.Later, after taking over Feng Xingtian, seeing that Feng Xingtian and his daughter are very close, he thought to himself, let Feng Xingtian inherit the mantle of the Qiu family in the future, and become a pair with his daughter.

Unexpectedly, when their daughter was 14 years old, an accident happened to their "God" and they urgently needed help from foreign aid.

At this time, a world-class killer named He Bingtian took the initiative to contact him and could help him, but he wanted his daughter.

He was startled, how did He Bingtian know his daughter?Moreover, her daughter is innocent and well-behaved, she never runs around, so how could she be attracted by He Bingtian, a world-class killer.

Moreover, it was also a very strange thing that He Yutian was willing to come to the "God" where there were only second-rate killer groups at that time.

"No, it's not. If only I had listened to my father, I wouldn't have been so impulsive. I ran to City L before I checked it out."

Qiu Ling'er raised her head and said regretfully.

Gong Jingchen, this hateful person, insulted her, she wanted to be very angry and hate him.But that day, in such a dangerous situation, he jumped out of the car to protect her and let her go first, as if he was treating her well.

I don't know what's going on with him now, so many international killers deal with him alone, is it really as simple as he said?

Even with her skill, she couldn't deal with so many international killers at once.

(End of this chapter)

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