Chapter 133 The Old Fox's Smile

His beautiful sword eyebrows were raised, and he said with deep eyes: "If you don't want to be a lover, then let's upgrade and be my fiancee."

"Didn't you have it... Mmmm." Gong Jingchen blocked her chattering little cherry mouth with his mouth, and said vaguely, "There will be a replacement soon."

Uh?Substitution?Before she could react, she was knocked down by the door.

Several big men also fell down, Ouyang Junjun, Xuehu, and the helicopter pilot, Gong Jingchen seemed to call him Ah Xia.

Ouyang Junjun, Xuehu and Axia looked embarrassed,

was seen by... .

"Who told you to eavesdrop?!"

Gong Jingchen yelled furiously, he kissed the woman he loves well, what kind of trouble are these boys doing here!

"Boss...Boss, I've been too busy with work recently, since you've found your woman, can we go play?"

Ouyang Junjun stood up and said with a smile.The other two big men and little chickens nodded their heads, saying that they have done a few beautiful and important things this year, and finally had a little leisure time. The boss went to Hawaii for a trip. .

Then, it would have been their turn to play. .

However, the boss's woman ran away suddenly, and now they have to search everywhere. It took a lot of manpower, material resources, and a lot of tricks to get it back from He Bingtian.

Then, with the beauties in hand, it's their turn to play!
"Not yet, I want to ask you to do something, and within three days, you must finish it for me."

Gong Jingchen said with a sullen face, that matter can't be solved unless it's resolved, he brought Qiu Ling'er here, He Bingtian will definitely take action, he can't prevent it!
"Okay, boss, you remember that after this incident, we will be given a vacation. We haven't had a vacation for three years!"

Xuehu looked at Gong Jingchen sadly. The black market in Asia has been rampant in recent years. As members of the senior cadres of "Mingying", they have spent a lot of effort and intelligence in it.I broke up a lot of black market drug and arms deals, but work is work, and I still have to play. Everyone is a young man in his twenties, and he also wants to make friends, fall in love and so on. .Only your boss is allowed to fall in love, not others. .

"Okay, after I get married with your future sister-in-law and give birth to a chubby little baby, I will give you leave."

Gong Jingchen folded her arms and said with a smile.

This kind of smile, in their opinion, is the old fox's sinister smile.

Still have to wait for him to get married. . .had a baby. .Only then can I take a vacation~! !
(End of this chapter)

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