Chapter 134
"Those people just now..."

Qiu Ling'er chewed Gong Jingchen's so-called "love" breakfast, one of which was ham pot, which seemed to taste pretty good.I didn't expect that he would make breakfast. When he caught her at her house last time, he just bought some pastries outside, and he didn't feel like a family man at all.

Today, I actually feel like a little bit of a family man.

She was a little confused, raised her head and asked.

"Those are some of my useless subordinates."

Gong Jing took a bite of the toast without raising her eyebrows, thinking about playing all day long, if she really wanted to play, why did she work so hard to take the three titles of international finance, computer, and arms?
Carrying those titles is very famous, it is useless at all!
"Oh, who is Ouyang Junjun?"

She asked again, swallowed the Han pot, took another sip of milk, and unknowingly, ate a lot more.

In other words, why do I like to eat all the time recently? Now she wants to eat for two people, so she has to eat more.

However, it will be ugly to look like a fat pig in the future.

"The Ouyang family is the largest oil and real estate company in Asia, and Ouyang Junjun is the second son of Mr. Ouyang."

Gong Jingchen made a bowl of his bird's nest porridge and put it in front of her, threatening her to eat it.

"Oh..." No wonder, she didn't think Ouyang Junjun was a driver at the first glance, he was wearing a famous brand, and he was foolish.That time in "Tian Shen", He Bingtian seemed to let Ouyang Junjun go because of the Ouyang family. It turned out that Ouyang Junjun had such a prominent background.

She subconsciously took another spoonful of bird's nest porridge and ate it, huh?Why does she eat so much.

"I'm stuffed."

She picked up the napkin and usually only ate half of what was here, but today she ate a lot.

"Eat this bowl of porridge."

Gong Jingchen glared at her and said, he worked so hard all morning, saying that it was to give her some nutrition, to raise her baby.She was lazy and refused to eat.

"Hmph!" Why did she stare, she put the napkin aside again, and finished the bowl of porridge obediently.

"After breakfast, accompany me to a place, and let's change our identities to play."


Play with another identity?

Qiu Ling'er looked at him in confusion, wondering what identity to change.

After breakfast, Gong Jingchen took her to the helicopter again and arrived in L City.It turns out that the headquarters of "Mingying" is not far from L City, in a very secret and tall building.

(End of this chapter)

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