Chapter 135 The Intoxicating Kiss
On the surface, this is a large enterprise operating in finance, real estate and other industries. In fact, that is the surface for everyone to see.

The organizational structure inside is strict, the security system is very confidential, and there are many staff members. Even if you know that "Shadow" is here, you won't be able to get in.

Gong Jingchen actually brought her to their place, isn't she worried that she will leak this place?
"Are you really a 'Shadow' person?"

Qiu Linger looked at the building in surprise, then looked at him, and held her little hand tightly again. Although she didn't know much about "Ming Ying", it seemed that He Bingtian had a problem with "Ming Ying".

She didn't know whether it was good or bad, the hostility between He Feitian and Gong Jingchen was not only towards her, it seemed that there were some things between them that she didn't know about.


He stared at her with dark eyes, and he didn't intend to hide it from her.

Her face changed slightly, she bit her lip, it turned out that Gong Jingchen is really the leader of "Hing Ying".What the officer guessed before is not wrong, what the officer wants to get from Gong Jingchen is probably the information of "Ming Ying".

"Do you think why Stone Sky is just a world-class killer?"

He held her hand, it was cold, she was a little nervous and scared.After all, she was unfamiliar with "Mingying", and she had been afraid of He Bingtian for four full years.

"He Yutian has a pivotal position in the underworld in Asia. No one has been able to crack the 'Hei Di' organization he founded so far. He went to 'Tian Shen' four years ago and gave in to a small killer position because of you. I don't know how he knew about your existence, but I will not give you up to him."

He held her tightly in his arms, and a sharp light flashed in his black pupils: "Even if I don't hesitate to fight 'Hei Di' to the death! I think it's worth it."

His black eyes stared deeply at her, and when his warm lips pressed against her soft cherry lips, what she felt was a delicate and gentle kiss.

That gentleness contained seriousness, and there was a kind of intoxicating meaning revealed.

Miraculously, she didn't push him away, she let him kiss her, and she didn't know when to put her arms around his broad waist.

"Black Emperor" and "Mingying" seem to be in conflict, just like black and white, one of them is bound to lose.But, does she really want to see this scene?
She looked at Gong Jingchen's bright pupils after kissing her passionately, almost the same as when the officer stared at her. She couldn't predict the future, so let her be a turtle and hide in this warm embrace.

(End of this chapter)

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