144 Threat
Qiu Ling'er was brought out from the banquet by Gong Jingchen, and Qiu Ling'er had no chance of escaping.

Qiu Ling'er walked over from the bathroom and tried to escape, but was stopped by Gong Jingchen.

"Are you worried about your father? I have arranged for Xuehu and Axia to rescue your father. Don't worry, Xuehu and Axia's security skills and computer skills are among the best in the world. They will definitely be able to save your father."

Gong Jingchen put his chin on her soft shoulder and hugged her from behind.He would not sit idly by and ignore her father and his future father-in-law being detained by He Bingtian and threatening Qiu Ling'er.

Of course he knew that Qiu Ling'er's weakness was her father and the "God", but that was all controlled by He Bingtian.

"Is it true?" Her eyes lit up, she turned her head and asked, meeting his deep black pupils.

He is the leader of "Underworld", not an ordinary person, she should believe him, right?
As long as he can help her, she will thank him. It is better for "Tian Shen" and his father to be rescued in his hands than in He Bingtian's hands.

He will definitely not threaten her with "God" and his father. For some reason, she has this confidence.

"Yes, within two days, there will be results."

He smiled confidently and said, "In this way, you can rest assured."

She grabbed the clothes beside him, bit her lips, weighed her heels, kissed him on the lips and said:

"If you save my father, I will forgive what you did to me that night."

She said sincerely that her body is not important, what is important is the person she cherishes the most.

As long as she can relieve her nightmares for so many years, she will give this to him as a reward.

Gong Jingchen's face shook slightly, her black eyes sparkled, and she said with a trace of unbelievable surprise:
"Did you just kiss me?"

She even took the initiative to kiss him. This is the first time she has kissed a man on her own initiative.He believed that she had never kissed He Bingtian before, this feeling surprised and ecstatic him.

He held her in his arms, and his heart beat unreasonably hot, "Then I want your whole life, are you willing too?"

He held his breath, now he is like a young man in his first love, there is no such thing as a flirtatious man.

She raised her head, met his fiery eyes and said: "I don't know." She really didn't know, she didn't want to kill the child, even if she didn't have the child's father, she would raise the child by herself.

This is not the point, she wants to marry someone she really likes, and she also wants to have the happy feeling of being married.

(End of this chapter)

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