Chapter 145 Falling asleep in the bathtub

He smiled lightly and hugged her tighter.She is still young, at least, she doesn't hate him now, as time goes by, she will definitely like him and love him.

It's great to have a child. She can be tied up. After that matter is resolved, she will be abducted into the auditorium. At that time, she will not agree.

The two boarded the helicopter on the way back, and the two elders of the Gong family were furious, especially Shao Xinxin, who wanted to kick his son.He didn't bring his daughter-in-law home to take good care of her, what if she ran away? !

And the grandson of the Gong family~~, she wants to hug her! ——

After so many years of anticipation, it finally came to fruition. She and her wife are old-eyed. . .

Huh?After they finished sighing, they got on the helicopter and flew into the air.

No matter what, they secretly vowed that it won't be long before they will get their future daughter-in-law and grandson back.

After going back and forth, it was already evening when we returned to the headquarters of "Mingying".

Qiu Ling'er looked around, and found that the impregnable security, as she believed, could not be lifted.

It must be the handwriting of Baoquan genius Xuehu!

Zenith has a missile tester, and there are countless hidden surface-to-air missiles. DNA verification is required to enter any door, which is 100% accurate.

There is also the area of ​​Fangyuan Baili, which seems to be an ordinary industry, but it is all "shadow" industries, involving all kinds of industries.

The security facilities in the private villa involving "Mingying" are also very strict.

Gong Jingchen walked out of the helicopter holding the sleepy Qiu Ling'er, and the servants had already prepared dinner.

The two ate a little, and the maid put Qiu Ling'er in the bath water.

Qiu Ling'er was washing and washing, and fell asleep in the bathtub.

Gong Jingchen looked at the time, frowned and didn't see her come out for so long, so he could only barge in.

The lively and fragrant scene made his blood boil all of a sudden.

He was not Liu Xiahui or the like, he stepped forward to pick her up from the water without even hesitating.

A big bath towel wrapped her graceful body, she was only more than a month pregnant, her abdomen was flat, she was still a slender girl at all.

Huh?Qiu Ling'er opened her misty eyes, only to see that she was carried out of the bathroom by Gong Jingchen.

"You let me down, I can walk by myself."

She blushed in embarrassment and said, what a shame, I can fall asleep after taking a bath.Recently, I seem to be lethargic. I heard that pregnant women have this problem. It seems that I should pay attention to it in the future and not fall asleep in the bathroom.

(End of this chapter)

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