Chapter 156 Amnesia
The girl's round body looked at her with surprise and bright eyes.

Qiu Ling'er moved her lips, a little dry, for some reason, as if she had fallen into a deep, deep dream.There was darkness in that dream, as if there were endless seas surrounding her.

"Ye Qu, what's wrong with you? Don't you recognize me? I'm Xinxin, Li Xinxin!"

Li Xinxin stared at her, seeing the strange light in Qiu Linger's eyes, she burst into tears:
"What are you doing? You suddenly asked for leave and said that something happened at home, but you didn't come back for a month. I asked the teacher to find out your home phone number, but no one answered when I called, and your home address. Moved away. I can't find you anywhere. I thought you left me alone to study in this strange city and wouldn't accompany me anymore. "

"Xin, Xin..."

Qiu Ling'er read it blankly, as if she was really familiar with this name, and her demeanor and eyes were sincere.

Qiu Ling'er put her arms around the sobbing Li Xinxin and said, "Don't cry, Xinxin, we knew each other before, right?"

"Of course! Why don't you remember me? You used to have a name named Qiu Ling'er! But, you told me not to tell others. I never said it. Anyway, no matter what name it is, you It's my good friend!"

Li Xinxin wiped away tears, looked at her seriously and said.Fortunately, that day, she went swimming at the beach with a few classmates, and found a petite figure lying there on the shore.

They hurried over and saw that it was Qiu Ling'er.

They rushed her to the local hospital, slept for three days, and finally rescued her.

"Qiu Ling'er?"

Qiu Ling'er was stunned, the name was more familiar, but she had a headache and couldn't think of anything.

"Ye Qu, what's wrong with you? How come you don't remember me, by the way, how did you fall into the sea?"

Li Xinxin asked anxiously again, seeing Qiu Linger's bewildered face, a thought flashed through the two of them.

Could it be... amnesia? !

Qiu Linger's head hurts just thinking about it.

"Forget it, don't think about it if you don't remember, let's talk about it after you take care of yourself, as long as you are fine."

After a while, the doctor came to give Qiu Ling'er a detailed physical examination, and then said,
"The patient may have suffered from temporary amnesia, perhaps from hitting his head with a stone in the sea."

Li Xinxin's eyes were wide open, she only left for a month, fell into the sea again, and lost her memory, what happened when she left?
(End of this chapter)

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